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what do you guys do here?


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This kind of thing.


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Abandon all hope, all ye who enter here.


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sounds like my kinda place


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Scat clubs, mostly.

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 No.22897[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Get comfy.
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I guess it's time for me to read the manga.


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 No.30745[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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File: 1609376248638.jpg (102.03 KB, 1280x720, [SubsPlease] Magatsu Wahrh….jpg)

Girls and the OST are good, at least. Another season, maybe?


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Plenty of paper to evoke that feeling this season.
Yes, I am very late.


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Here's some OC I'd been procrastinating on. It's my personal homage to Maesetsu, I hope its fans enjoy it - all two of them!


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Sore na!


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Pic related: fufufu.

Truly the best episode to have ever aired on TV in the history of mankind. S2 when?

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 No.31262[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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File: 1616666172616.png (637.35 KB, 1280x720, [Erai-raws] Tatoeba Last D….png)

>It bothered me that the girls decided to watch Lloyd's fight for a while instead of combating the insects or doing anything of worth, really. Wish we had one more episode so the ending could be fleshed out more. Oh well.
Really? For me it was pretty on-brand, both for the characters and for the anime as a whole. No other arc ending was fleshed out any more than this.


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pic related: the tl;dr of Kakushi Dungeon


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I guess I never wanted it to end.


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Did they skip the third year or were they third years the whole time?


I am pretty sure they were second years. The 13th episode had no reason for existing at all. The 12th episode was already a superb way to end the season.

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May as well make a thread.

The show is doing well. It's not that there is much depth to the characters, but we still learn new things about them every now and then. And the comedy works. And Dogakobo fell into their comfort zone pretty quickly, after trying and failing to make the first episode "beautiful". And I don't mind whatever drama there is; actually, there is almost none lately. I quite despised this guy's previous anime, but even there he had managed to do a decent comedic start before plunging into drama and killing everything worthwhile. Guess he's playing to his strengths with Sansha Sanyou. I only wish orz didn't release one week later.
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File: 1467071648579.png (1.78 MB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Sansha Sany….png)

Last ep was perfect. Also Dogakobo really upped the animation for it. They probably spent more on this one than on the last three together. By the way, I really like how you can actually see that Hayama's glasses are not just for show.


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For a minute I was thinking orz had fucked up and released the same episode twice.


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I miss this anime.


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Me too. I should read the manga. Or at least whatever is translated of it…


Only two translated volumes out of 14. Pain.

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 No.30037[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


It's eight of clock!

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The 3rd of October can’t come soon enough.


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It's eight of clock!



The 3rd of October can’t come soon enough.


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It's eight of clock!




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It's eight of clock!


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Soon to air, the series about hot-blooded delinquents.

The shorts were pretty cool. I'm quite hyped for S2, they just need to continue not taking themselves too seriously.
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That OP dance is the greatest thing I have seen in a long time.


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But, damn, the plot of this season is going to be deliciously cliche, in the best traditions of scifi B-movies. Retoree is already breaking the fourth wall pointing this out. I'm gonna love this shit.

Also, Moa doesn't actually have a fancy sentence ending, she just quips with a word from her home language after every sentence. We've been lied to this whole time.


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This was fucking cute.

In other news, I actually like what they are doing with Shingencrimsonz. And not in the "this is an entertaining b-movie plot" way.


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Pure love.

Also it was really cute how she started liking Rosia the moment Rosia told her she won't try to get in Cyan's pants.


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I… wut? How did we go from one of the best romances of the last decade to this in half a fucking episode? This season is going to be a fucking wild ride.

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Yes it could: furries.


I'm pretty sure there's a Kemono Friends thread.


Handholding thread with lots of love between two people?
Marriage thread?


But that's not furry.


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Not one but THREE new anime announced! I wasn't into Brave Witches but I love the original Witches so this is fantastic news!
In 2019 a comedy spinoff about the 501st.
In 2020 Strike Witches SEASON THREE!
In 2021 a spinoff about Witches who are idorus.
It's been so long, I will be happy to see the 501st again. Shame they never announced an adaptation of Africa Witches though.
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…Spe-chan? No, wait, wrong ears.


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Absolutely fantastic. I love Strike WItches, Brave Witches as well, everything about it really. It seems to carry a bright burning soul or spirit within it that the rot of modern times has almost made extinct. It embraces strength, beauty, force of character and the Will to live and fight for higher nobler causes. Its characters embody this, each in their own way. I particularly love Yoshika and Hikari because of this. It's awe inspiring to me.


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Aurora will finally appear! I know she will!


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Things Strike Witches taught me:

For Yule, Finns make little Ramiels out of straw and thread and hang them as decorations.


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Well, won't you look at that, yet another anime is in the works! A sequel to the short-episode comedy spinoff, this time including the Brave Witches also. Starting real fucking soon - next season no less! Sorry, rope, but it looks like you're going back in the bedside drawer this Christmas too!

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 No.24385[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Not the most popular genre in anime, but this season has a few, so we might make a collective thread about it.
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File: 1604987516587.jpg (132.01 KB, 1280x720, [SubsPlease] Major 2nd S2 ….jpg)

Well, it's over. Hopefully we'll get another season relatively soon. As a parting gift, Chiyo-chan has casted a spell of love on you–a love of baseball~!


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See ya next time, friends.


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This seems like she's stuffing somebody else's vagina with banananas. I mean, bodies don't bend like this.

It also makes more sense character-wise: she probably no longer even notices when she puts a banana in her own vagina (it's so normal for her), but will certainly redden from pleasure if she's putting them in somebody else's vagina.


fuck you and your body


With bananas, I presume? Only if it's Aoi Yuuki doing it or Sugita, alternatively.


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Hmm mommy gimmie the food p0wns

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