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 No.37421[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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I firmly believe Haru-kun manifested that typhoon too.
This anime had its ups and downs, and a lot of QUALITY was shown too, but it was an okay watch overall.


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I shed a tear too


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That being said, they really laid it thick with the sequel hooks, didn't they? I really should check the manga… mostly to see how brazen they get with the RedxChaika relationship.


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My hero!
The best thing about this anime is the central cast: they're a likable and amusing bunch. Lowji especially grew on me.

You weren't kidding about the sequel-baiting, my Lord.


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c p n e w2025

.s *i .t *e.


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I honestly didn't think Kowloon should ever get an anime but I might watch it for Sugita. I never knew I needed Sugita in that role.


Idea: an anime where Sugita voices every character, including the women.


yes please, finally a proper anime in the vein of traditional Japanese theater


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Yup, this had exactly as much angst as one would expect from this author.

To be honest, overall it felt way too much as rethreading old ground - I expected more from him. But let's see where this series goes first. At worst, it's gonna be hella enjoyable. At best, he's gonna marry Kanami's rebirth.


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I guess in a world with no Lasdan s2, this is a pretty okay alternative. I expected to hate it when I saw the start but it was overall pretty enjoyable.

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 No.20449[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

For stuff not part of the current season.

It is not compulsory, you can make your own thread if you want to.
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Unfortunately, I don't think I have saved it anywhere and the website I upload it to, well, it still exists, but it is not the same, so the video has been removed from there too. It was with the Heaven's Not Enough song from the anime itself. There are quite a few AMVs with it as it is.


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Kinda randomly started watching this. I thought it is going to be just generic, average as hell anime, and in many ways it is, but at the same time it is just so fucking good. Biggest surprise I have had in the past few years. Then again, I have barely been watching anime lately, maybe I was just starving for some cool anime action. Then this showed up out of nowhere and it once it picked up some speed it just turned into a no breaks ride of cool.
This man is so cool, he should replace the Chad meme.
The only negative of this anime is how oblivious he remained the whole time. By the time he beat the Calamity Dragon he surely should have realized his abilities.
For whoever is considering watching this, it is better go blind. That said, the episode titles do a good job of showcasing how much of ride this is:
I Parry a Cow (Minotaur)
I Parry Rewards
I Parry Taking On a Page
I Parry a Goblin (a very, very big one)
I Parry a Frog (actually a dragon subspecies)
I Parry Deadly Poison
I Parry the Deadman
I Parry a Dragon
I Parry an Army
I Parry the Emperor`s Authority
I Parry Divine Wrath
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


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I finally finished the gayest show this decade. I couldn't stop laughing at some points, I loved these homosexuals.

Lulu however was the peak of the series.


This was shockingly popular in Japan.


I approve, it deserved popularity.

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 No.15000[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I love you ふふふ.
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明けましておめでとう! Happy New Year!


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Happy new year 3fu.


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Happy New Year, fufufu!


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It is time for a powerlines thread.
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 No.37023[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


The anon who usually does this is MIA, so I will do my best!
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I loved the anime of Tanya's evil twin. The adaptation really struck a chord in me. It's all in the details, like how they did a short recap of the anime at the beginning of the last episode… by flashing scenes overlaid with the title of the respective episode. Also Tanya's evil twin was fucking great, the cast was not bad, and the story was pretty interesting. All in all a great package, further elevated by the creative way it was adapted.


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Guys, I fucking love Sengoku Youko. Haven't cried this much at a fictional work for more than a decade.


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Finally finished Mecha-ude, and I'm left with mixed feelings. The reveals were underwhelming, and the quick pacing, which I liked, started to hamper the final arc by making some awkward cuts. And I found the motivations of the antagonist very boring; the whole, "Humans must be subjugated or extinguished because they're illogical, petty, foolish, etc.," is lame. Further, I would have preferred more of a development between the MC and Aki, but again, they elected to adhere to the battle shounen line.

That said, it's well made for what it is, and it's nice to an action focused anime that doesn't look like ass. So congrats to director and studio for accomplishing that. The credits were a mishmash of several things, most events that occurred after the final battle. So if it did well enough and there's interest, there seems to be material there for another season or entry into the series. I wouldn't say no!


I must admit, the black loli is tempting me to give it another try.


She's wife-material but gets very little attention after her debut. I would genocide populations to see a spin-off where she's a protagonist.

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Wait, what do you even like about Healing or Delicious Party? I will not go into the amazing lack of taste if you do not love Tropical Rouge, but I just can't even imagine liking anything at all about these two.

I am midway with Hero Girl, the overarching plot is weak but the episodic stories are pretty nice. And none of the girls have high heels, which is a first since Cure White and Cure Black. Hope they have finally learned their lesson and Wonderful is the same.


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The cures ran out of monsters-of-the-week ahead of schedule, so they figured they'd spend the day playing chase with one of the baddies. This is some next-level storytelling.

I'm not even being ironic. By this simple device, they finally dislodged a piece of plot that'd been blocked for weeks, and it was a perfectly in-character thing for all the parties involved to do. Moreover, it built upon the previous episode's theme for some additional character growth. This season's coming to an excellent climax. I stand by my previous claim, that Wonderful has found its own set of solutions to the same age-old problems, and it plays them consistently and effectively.


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Cure Pumpkin is the best


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It's settled: this next year I'll pick up a series from my Precure backlog and watch it weekly alongside the new idol one. But I haven't decided which one yet. I'm doubting between picking Heartcatch, telling myself I'll start with Futari Wa but switching to Heartcatch, or tossing a coin and declaring that Heartcatch wins. Or maybe I'll do as >>31737 says and go with Heartcatch.

Hero Girl had good baddies and the grasshopper was easily the best.


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>Hero Girl had good baddies and the grasshopper was easily the best.

However the end really was the best part. Especially SEKAI PANCHI.

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 No.15001[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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>refresh ふふふ
>no new posts
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I want to tear off her puffy eyebrows and eat them.


How did the move go?


Not the guy you were asking, but so far, so good.


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Tonight I dreamt that I met Syaro at work. She was wearing her red tracksuit, and blushing furiously at some embarrassing mistake she'd made. At lunch time, a real bro of a coworker (dream-original character) helped me break the ice with her, and she poured me a drink with a smile that was worth a solar system.

Surely it was a masayume. What else could it be? I can't wait for Monday. C'mon weekend get off the way already be Monday be Monday be Monday.


I won't even ask if it went well. Just make sure to invite us to the wedding.

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 No.36089[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


It's eight of clock

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It's eight of clock



The 3rd of October can’t come soon enough.


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It's eight of clock



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It's eight of clock



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It's eight of clock


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