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I'm rewatching this now and I'm really happy that my favourite show is as good as I remember.

What shows did and didn't hold up for you on a rewatch?
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I haven't gone 6 months since I first finished the show without rewatching at least a few episodes of this. It still impresses me how weird and artsy the first season can get while still being super enjoyable.

Is that show actually good though? I watched it when I was 10 and enjoyed it but I can't imagine enjoying it now especially with how much bullshit they pull because the game didn't even have actual set in stone rules for a decent amount of time.


It is great. Yes, the first season (first 50 episodes of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters) lacks proper rules, but when the Battle City starts (from episode 55) it pretty much follows the rules with very few exceptions. Even so it is more than worth it to go through the first season too.

GX (the next generation) is fun too, but DM is easily superior. GX is based on a heavy use of fusions. Then it comes to 5D's and actually many people think it is better than DM. It is with the new synchro monsters in a dystopian future Domino City (the city where Yugi and friends were in). The next one is Zexal and they tried to go for a little lower demography (borderline teenagers). It is disliked by many, but also most people think it got a lot better in the second half. The newest one is ARC-V. ARC-V actually features easily the most complex story so far with a lot of intrigues and mysteries going around. It is very enjoyable and many people put on the top, but I personally still like DM the most, with 5D's close behind, then closely behind ARC-V, then GX and at the very bottom Zexal.

I think it is overall a very enjoyable franchise with Zexal being the only questionable one.


I forgot to mention that Zexal introduces XYZ monsters and ARC-V pendulum monsters.


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I was surprised how bad was Ixion Saga DT on a rewatch. Somehow in my mind it had managed to compress down to like 10 episodes of goodness, while cutting out all the unfunny parts. From the whole first half I remembered max 2-3 episodes. Only when they went to that castle where they staged their deaths did I start remembering more of the anime.

But eh, who cares. Mariandale is still fucking great, and Princess is still a miracle of the universe.


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Recently re-watched as well. Gags are kind of hit and miss, OP and ED still hold up at least.

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Do you want us to try to play together some strategy game as Japan? The idea is for me to be the one in control while following what people here are proposing to do.

The games I recommend are: Darkest Hour, Hearts of Iron 3, Nobunaga's Ambition (SNES), Sengoku and maybe even Total War: Shogun 2.

Darkest Hour with some mod like New World Order (1914-1991) is the game with the most political choices, but without requiring a lot of micromanaging of the army (like HoI3 does) which should work the best for this. Nobunaga's Ambition is a great choice if we want to go for something retro and probably more simplistic.


Well, I only know Shogun 2 to any extent of those, but I'm up for it. it'll be like the shogunates council or some shit.


Darkest Hour is a grand strategy, like Europa Universalis for example, except more complex and a different time period. Shogun 2 would be the hardest to work with, because it would be hard to navigate the battles together. In Darkest Hour I can for example post on events (usually there is some political decision to take), you can tell me what you want to research and who do you want to invade or not, to be come more authoritarian, more free, stuff like that. We don't have to conquer the world, just do whatever we want, even if it is for shit and giggles.

To anyone, even if you don't know the games or don't care which one, as long as you have any interest and would like to post in the threads, just say you are interested.


Yeah, sounds like it might be fun. I think you're right that Shogun would probably be silly to try, but I don't really have any preference in games beyond that.

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I have no idea what they are even doing with this anime any more.


With how bad S1 was that should have been every indication to stay away from S2.


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As far as I can tell, it's doing whatever seems like a good idea at the time, maybe work in a little commentary about modern technology and society. They're still wonky at OP animation.


A pervert was using 8mm drones to take pictures of women and make figures based on them. Police work sure is tough.

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What is love?
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I hate to admit it but I've never loved a real girl as much as I have loved an anime girl.


Why would you hate to admit that? There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. 3DPD is utter trash.


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No one will know that I have replied to you. Probably not even you yourself.


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i don't know what to say now that someone actually replied

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This show is significantly more interesting whenever it focuses on any group that isn't Arslan's.


8 episode long season. Such genius.


What a fucking joke. We abruptly jump back to the retaking of Ecbatana and they suddenly end the season with that, with no news of any continuation. I am mad.


If I remember correctly they were getting into novel territory last season and maybe they just caught up to the manga now or the manga is still behind, I really have no idea. Basically they are trying to push it very hard and don't care enough to wait. It is weird.


What, they're following the manga adaptation of the novels and not the novels themselves? That doesn't make any sense.


Where do you think they got the character design from? They started with the manga and later used the novels to finish the previous season. But as far as I know the manga and the novel shouldn't be that different at least when it comes to the plot.

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I present you one of the most charming shows that are currently airing. It is an anime about cute girls time travelling and learning about science. 7am children show totally not made by a bunch of otaku.

There are also cute maids.
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I watched the first episode and the only part I liked was the maid being distressed by seeing the MC's shameful thighs.


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Waiting (forever) for non-funi.

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So, the last two episodes of Kuma Miko happened, and nobody is happy with them, the original mangaka least of all. Allegedly they happened because somebody somewhere decided they need to shill the city the idol contest was held in. Also allegedly even the scriptwriter now wants his name off the staff credits.

While I'll be living in my happy place on top of the tummy of a bear where the last arc never happened, this whole farce reminded me of Rinne no Lagrange. How the fuck anybody thinks this kind of shilling could have any positive effect? I will forever remember my hate of Nissan, and especially of Kamogawa, which I'll avoid like cancer.


Get some taste. The last episode was great.


But how much sexual harassment was there? It was the only good thing about the show.


Almost none, it was the good old mindbreak.


Gotta love the bots bumping old threads.

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Damn, the music in this is great.
For how big this ship's cast is though it seems odd that they're already bringing even more characters on board.
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>no one is ever going to die in this show


Who is thy quoting?


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Well this just became retarded as fuck. All the conspiracy theories have been thrown out, it was actually all caused by mind-controlling rats.
What a piece of shit.


Yeah that was dumb as shit.


I have nothing to say other than that I've dropped this now too. What a shame, it had so much promise at the start.

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What are some good episodes or shows to watch while sick? I already love Yuno's fever dream episode.


Planetes. I watched it during one of my worst sick days.


Kuuchuu Buranko to increase you claustrophobia and make you feel like you are high.


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I think all their bickering would give me a headache. I should finish that show someday though.

I'll check it out.


What happened? Are you genki now?


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He's gone forever anon.

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There is going to be a new Shit;Ass anime this October. How does it keep happening? Some of you probably like Steins;Gate, but let's be honest about it. Has the writer done anything else even remotely good? Surely S;G wasn't a one time miracle? I am not saying it is pure garbage, but it is just the most average thing this writer has done. And you can tell that with S;G he was trying harder to go for a wider audience and it just happened to work. To this day I actually prefer C;H. No matter how crazy the anime and the VN became, I found it a thousand time more entraining than anything else he has done. R;N was profoundly boring.


Is S;G0 any good? I assume it's been out in Japan for a while. I feel like another large S;G VN is the best way to see if it's a one hit wonder.


Yes, it has been out in Japan since last year. It should get an official western release by the end of this year.


The first game of this series I played was Chaos;Head and I liked it, though I must admit it was one of my first VNs, and it's been so long I hardly remember it. Steins;Gate I played much later for some reason, and I don't think I would quite describe it as average. Probably 7/10.

I've heard nothing but good things about both Zero and Chaos;Child so far. We'll find out if the former is any good soon, but if you don't know Japanese well enough you're pretty much screwed right now with the latter.

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