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Manga is a bad influence.


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I want to protect Kaoruko from all the evils of the world. This is true moe.


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Senpai is the best


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A gentleman's thread. For the not so revealing clothing fetishes.
No VIPPER allowed.


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Fool! My power is absolute.


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I feel I have a responsibility to post here.

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 No.22311[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

This is a wolf.
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A cute lazy.

And this is the laziness of the season.


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These are your roommates.


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This is an eggy.


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This is a meido.


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Is this the face of desperation?
A shy, but lewd tsundere non-blood related little sister.
An extroverted super-lewd kohai.
And a self-important childish blonde loli with interest in the lewd.
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>Her interest in MC was nothing but a way to set up gags.
You clearly took the story a lot less seriously than the author did. Or did you completely forget about episode 9? >>19827


That episode is the only one where it isn't played off as a joke. And, for that and other reasons, episodes 9 and 10 were the weakest of the whole series.


I'm glad you found most of the serious moments in Eromanga to be comedy. That's the best way to enjoy that show.


The only moments that I appreciated as being serious were when they went more in-depth about their passion for writing because that seems like something that the author himself actually cares about.
Like they said in the series, if you don't have fun writing then your audience won't have fun reading. I think that the author enjoys his craft.


Also, some of the moments where they showed MC being a good onii-chan were cute.

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Use this thread to tell VIPPER how much you love him for his wonder 3-day long house DIY.
9 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


Fine. But we still may as well get rid of the shit spam threads with no meaningful text like >>25086 was saying.



Does any thread have meaningful text? And the spam threads are somehow cool on their own way too, where you can express a tiny bit of yourself without writing an essay. And these spark up some conversations too at certain point.


What is a spam thread anyway? Why do you care so much about them? Chill and have fun.


These ones are pretty bad and unsightly. It's fine to ignore them but probably better that the worst of it just goes.


Why do you care so much about how much I care?

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Oh, is it over?


"It" has been over for me for a long time.
I think the Watamote manga is still running though.


That's the official anthology's ending.

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May as well have a thread. It will be one of the few threads in fufufu with a male in the op picture.
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This scene got some pretty fluid animation. Also whole season has been big on backstories. Nice. Seeing how Hozuki was when he was young makes everything even better.


It was nice, given that animation has definitely gone down in quality between season 1 and 2. I noticed later that they were done by different studios and it definitely shows.


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That was quite the introduction. She sure climbed the best girl ladder fast.

Also for some reason I didn't know before that her seiyuu took almost a decade-long break from voice acting after her role in CCS to concentrate on her musical career. The more you know.


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Wakamoto Norio of course voices the best character in the show.


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I really feel for Miki.

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This is getting very enjoyable and the fast pacing is definitely helping.
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Well another one done. Doubt my final impressions on it will be controversial at all. Thought it was okay, but really could have done with the budget to actually animate the fight scenes.
In regards to the final episode itself I was hoping he'd actually get kicked out with best girl, leading into an arc of them working together to get back in for whatever reason. Really should have seen the bait and switch coming. Not too sure where the story is going to go from here.
Maybe I'll pick up the manga once a few more chapters have been translated.


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This anime was one of the straightest series this season, with even the onee-sama-lovers being into dick. And yet, by atmosphere, it was also certainly one of the most homoerotic ones. If the girls were genderswapped to boys, nothing would seem out of the ordinary. I'm kind of in awe.

That being said, I rather appreciate that they had plenty of budget for the fight in the last episode. The result was quite beautiful.


>If the girls were genderswapped to boys, nothing would seem out of the ordinary.

This is the point I'm supposed to call you a faggot, but you're right. What the fuck.


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Somebody didn't give them any budget for the OVA. It was still fun, tho.

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Can we have a thread about the best of the season, and maybe the year? Every frame is very well made.
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So Amagi > VEG? I guess I must give a chance to that one first.


I actually didn't watch VEG yet but Amagi is good. My main complaint is that nobody except the main characters ever get any meaningful attention, so I think it has a lot of wasted potential, but it's certainly better than the shit KyoAni was coming out with before it.


Wait, what? Did my futa doujinshi become canon or something?


Chapter 37 "Tooru and The Thing"
Technically the arc starts from chapter 36, with Iruru.


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Yep, this is definitely Cool Kyou Shinja.

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Ho ehh hooo hooohoohoo huoo he hooo huooohuooohoooo….
huohuoho huo huo huo, huohuohuooohooohooo….
hohuehh huooo hoooo hoo hooo…
huu hooo hooo huoo huooo…
huooo huooo huooo huoooo….
hooooooo uoooo huooo huoooo hooooo…. huoooo huoooo hoooohoooo hoooo…..
hoehooo humhh…
huo huo huo huoo huoo huoo…
huooo huoo huooo…
huohuohuoho hooo ohhh….

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