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I'm pretty neutral on this show after the first three episodes, but the plot seems to actually be kicking in now so I'll see where it goes for at least while longer.


It is struggling between being Tokyo Ghoul and something that actually would have been half-descent. But now with whitey I fear it is going to be gone for good.


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Totally not tokyo ghoul.
Contrary to my expectations though, he seems to be quite the chill dude, or at least for now.

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When will I be able to go on a date with my full AI girlfriend like this?


Only during the time window between the moment when AI becomes intelligent enough to have a romantic relationship and the moment when it grows too intelligent to want to date you. I predict that the second development will take place before the first, and so the time window will be negative. Trust me, I just read a paper by John McCarthy.

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Don't think, feel.


              i∵∴∵∴∵∴ |
            /i、∵ / ○ ヽ.∵ /\
           /∵ ヘ,:〈.三|三 〉:/∴:ヽ You shouldn't have said that.
           _/∵∴. \ヽ.― / /∵∴:l
           |/∵∴/ ̄ ̄~~~~ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|
         /∵∴/              |
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woah spooky


Hot body. Horrendous character.


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I want to feel inside Cirno.

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Just got done watching Yuru Yuri san hai, the third season of Yuru Yuri, and it was alright. I was left with only one question at the end of it.

How do Yuru Yuri's reproduce if there are no men? Are they all futanari?
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I am the only god and I enjoy eating cute lolis and JCs very much.


The only god uses sage on a thread that's already at the top?


Someone else might post at the same time.
At even if no one it doesn't it still represent that you think of your own post as not important enough to bump a thread or even as off-topic.


How do you feel about being eaten by cute lolis and JCs?


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I have no objections.

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 No.20607[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


It's eight of clock!

507 posts and 228 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


That was always the case, never as bad as 2014, but still bad before and since. The difference now is that the good threads that regular users would participate in are drying up, being banned, or otherwise just lacking in content. There are not now proportionally more bad posters, there are just fewer good posters and good places to post.
I have long disassociated myself with the wellbeing of 4chan and would suggest most do the same; it is simply not worth the stress to battle the mongol horde.


Of course there were always awful posters. What makes this different is that now everyone is a bad poster, and the board reflects that. There was a time when posters who were clearly not of /a/ were told to fuck off. Not anymore. All the /a/nons are gone. Rest in peace, my friends.


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It's eight of clock!



The 3rd of October can’t come soon enough.


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Different anon but I can understand you, I stopped active browsing and posting around 2015 after so many years of activity and haven't even opened the site for a year or two now.

When people with bad grammar were insulted, mainstream shounen threads got trashed or straight deleted and anime streamers were a minority that was openly looked down was the time I had fun the most

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Good thread.


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Skirts are superior.

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What is the population density of fufufu?
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That was just Juju, ignore her.


I always watch every first episode each season and usually make sure to post about it here but I've been so behind on everything that I haven't been doing that this time. Stay away from gacha games kids, don't end up like me.


It's been a good while since I watched a season regularly. The void is calling a little too strongly lately.


>Stay away from gacha games kids, don't end up like me.
I spent approx. $20 on one. The desire to hang myself was/is overwhelming.


There is an ebb and flow to it.

The time grinding rolls at a fair wage for me is probably worth more than I've ever spent on games.

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Hey, fufufu, do you like cyberpunk?
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#include <stdio.h>
void fib(int a, int b){
int c = a;
printf("%d\n", a);
a +=b;
b = c;

void main(){
int a = 0;
int b = 1;



void main()
import std.stdio : writeln;
0.fib(1, 100).writeln;
pure int[] fib(int a, int b, int c)
immutable next = a + b;
int[] arr = [next];
if (next >= c)
return arr;
return arr ~ b.fib(next, c);


a = [0, 1]
for n in range(100):
a.append(a[n] + a[n + 1])


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Funniest show of the season.

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Tribute to the Chinese Communist Party.
63 posts and 56 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Not much of anything really. Overall it is worse than the previous season. Way less Houhou and a lot of battles. And the battles are just stupid-ass talking. Last season's basics of how outsider powers work are useless, because we now get all sorts of out of the ass abilities that we will never see again anyway. It just goes to show how badly developed storytelling is in China.


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you're waifu got fat as heck man


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Dumbledore and Snape just fucking arrived to watch the Chinese kung-fu tournament. What the fuck are the chinks thinking?
And if you are thinking they don't look that much like them, well they are magician from England. So now magic exists too. Not-Snape fucking used his magic wand.

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