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Gentlemen, I present you the anime of the season.
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I fucking hate it when I'm right. Even so, I must admit it is nice how 13 thought the Sorcerers of Zero would be the harbingers of change.

Awful translation, though.


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Cute twins.

Now excuse me while I choke myself to death.


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Another late episode, even though there is almost nothing else to translate.


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It was okay.


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It wasn't too good, but I'd gladly watch it again, some day in the future.

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Are you having fun yet?

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My fun theory wasn't just wrong, it turned out to be the worst possible thing. I knew it there is no reason to be hopeful about this season. It just doesn't feel the same.
And then there would be the implication that Kaisei probably helped Soun and she knew about it all along.


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Maybe it is just me and my negativity, but I wasn't able to care much about this season.


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It's definitely weaker than S1 but it's still nice.


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I know what this season missed. Several more episodes, but not from Yasaburo's PoV. We needed at least one or two from Benten's PoV. We needed one from Kaisei's PoV. Probably one with Gyokuran too. And a full episode just with Yajiro. Yasaburo didn't do too much for the plot of S2 anyway, the series should have branched off in the other PoVs too. This would also change the structure the audience perceives, better fitting the somewhat more chaotic and disjointed nature of the second season, and culminating in all the love stories being tied up.

Then again, Benten's airashiisa makes me forgive everything. All the charm is still there, just with weaker season framing and a need for more diversity and fluff.

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That was much better than the first episode. And Sanae is like a brown Yukari.
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Well, the obvious: stopping bank robberies and shit like this.


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That was a very enjoyable episode, though it went further with the consequences than I expected or wanted. The best thing about this episode was probably the lack of Zouroku, so instead of him telling Sana what to think she was thinking and struggling herself trying to figure out what evil is in simplistic and believable for a child way.


I actually wanted to see about that much consequences. And I like how it was quite the small thing that sparked the whole problem. But yeah, the lack of Zouroku made for quite the great episode.


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I really didn't enjoy the beginning episodes much, but god damn it, I love it now.


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I was satisfied by the first few episodes, mostly because I like such stories, but certainly after the first arc it became a 9/10 or even 10/10 anime. It's definitely my most favourite new series for the year up to now. I've never ever enjoyed the communication between little kids so much. This needs a second season with even more slice of life.

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 No.19064[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Are you ready for Rinne S3 and Uchouten S2?
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Well it is not really a romance anime, even if it with the idea of girls liking the boys in it. Most of the interactions are on the level of bromance with (female) Hikaru feeling embarrassed on her own.

But while we are talking about shoujo series with male casts I should name a few.
Kimi to Boku is pretty good, though the characters are not nearly as manly as in Kenka Banchou, but probably not too far form the regular faggish Japanese boys either. It is a little slow in the beginning, but it gets to some very interesting stories and interactions (with girls). It has a very shoujo slow atmospheric animation and a great OST with it.
Then there is the Nijiiro Days. It has even more interactions between boys and girls with some very legit couples going on. It has a more comedic nature and the characters are more energetic than Kimi to Boku, so it is not as "comfy" perhaps.
And then there is Shounen Hollywood. Despite being about a male idol group and written by a woman it probably has the most realistic portrayal of teenage boys I have ever seen. It is a little slow with the character introduction episodes, but even they have their moments. It is very philosophic, in the sense it lets the characters question what they are doing a lot, without it coming as annoying drama, but proper character growth. In other words, young man finding their place in society. It is very unique in that sense. It also has some very nice and somewhat unique idol elements including some episodes where the whole episode is talk show, or a play or something without dealing with behind the scene events, but just letting us see them in action.


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Season over, here's the updated version with all recipes.


By the way, I ended up dropping that project.


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All things considered it was very fine. It was great we got to see a full play in the last episode. It was a little too open ended for an original with probably no chance of another season. I will miss the characters. ;_:


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This actually got to me. I thought they'd drop like Guri's mom or something just to make even more of a mess out of the last episode, but no.

Anyway, the girls' dedication towards each other is admirable, but this anime really misses on more sexual tension between them. We should have at least gotten some innocent playing around between Guri and Yuzu. If that issue was fixed, I'd have held this series in quite the high regard. Everything else was pretty nice, after all.


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That's fucking stupid. The correct answer is "as long as the guy who hired him knows about his criminal history, everything is okay". All in all, a really cringey last episode.

But the funniest part was how Heine actually introduced the princes to socialism. And the princes thought that by demonstrating how socialistic they became, they'd convince the nobles to keep Heine. In real life the nobles would just make sure to see Heine's cold body by the time the clock strikes midnight.

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This automata joints anime has been getting surprisingly entertaining.
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Clockwork Planet has severe issues with just poor production values and design choices.
Frame Arm Girls is a better CG-intensive anime.


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Kuso gaki!

>CG-intensive anime.
Not sure what you are talking about.


Clockwork Planet isn't even in the same league as FAG when it comes to the amount of CG used and how obvious the usage is. I like FAG but CP shouldn't be compared to it by that metric.


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Didn't enjoy the spiral power clock repairing in the last two episodes and they had no budget for AnchoR's battle against the magnet machine, but otherwise it was pretty entertaining.


So did he fuck the robot?

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Thank god they got rid of that broom at the end, I don't know if I could have stomached Akko going full Mary Sue and getting a super special broom just for her on top of the plot convenience wand.
It was pretty stupid that she didn't get disqualified for leaving the course, though.
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The last reveal was quite nice, added a lot more greyness to what would have otherwise been a generic "defeat the big bad" ending.


I'm still watching it
The tone whiplash is real though, jebus.


Of course I'm watching. I rather liked the new reveal, since it explains the thing about Diana's lost magic.

I also really like Akko's relationship with Andrew. This isn't a romance anime so I don't expect a grand kiss or confession, but they're really easy to ship because their relationship feels very natural. I appreciate that.


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I want to protect this smile.


I'd rather cum inside it.

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The second episode was fairly enjoyable, certainly better than the first one. Hopefully the plot won't drag it down.
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I had really low expectations for this show but it's somehow one of the best this season.


More Selica when?


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Zombies and some edgy villain from the past that I don't like at all. Very unsatisfying last episode in my opinion.


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Eh, I liked it, even if obviously they ran out of budget and time for it. Minimal animation, lots of closeups, the in-betweens suffered. The script was rushed, with no fleshing out, which was compounded by the lack of fleshing out by the animation. The design of the dress and the hairdo were fucking awful. A man got punched so hard that he broke a wall and got crucified on the wooden planks behind it. And yet I somewhat liked this episode. Like, I loved this keyframe, even if it had nothing to do with the in-between animation exactly after it.

Also, somebody please tell me an eventual never happening second season would be 12 episodes of adventure-style race for these Akashik records.


I didn't really like it either it seemed honestly out of place compared to the rest of the story.

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Carrying around a comfort blanket at his age? What a fucking dweeb.
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Second anime to end this season. The episodic parts were often not that good, but it has its moments. Will definitely check out the manga at later date for more lewd.


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>Will definitely check out the manga at later date for more lewd.

It's pretty gud anon.


The manga's considered to be much better than the anime so definitely go for it if you enjoyed the anime.


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And now that it's over, my opinion didn't change at all. Thankfully it seems that the manga is a lot lewder, so that'll probably be more enjoyable.

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I only now got around to watching past episode 2. I'm not a fan of the constant switches to chibi styles, particularly the halfway one with the coloured eyes, but it's entertaining enough.
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This show feels like it doesn't know if it wants to be an SoL, ecchi, or some sort of LL / Shirobako type.


In my opinion, it's neither of these three things. The only category that it manages to pass the entry barrier to is the "garbage" one.


Stop being so negative and rude!


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This is getting out of hand.

All the ecchi comes from Mayuki, she lewds Hinako every other episode.


Lewd girls are the best.

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Some of us are a little dirty, though.


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Just some of us?


A few days ago an anon mentioned hat this show (assuming it's KonoSuba and I'm not being retarded) reminded them of Slayers, one of my favorite anime of all time. That, along these screencaps make me want to check it out.

I hope it's fun.


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It's fun indeed.

But I'm not sure how well you'd be served if you expect Slayers. It's a good enough anime to be essentially different, and to require a different mindset in order to get the maximum possible enjoyment out of it. So, let's get one more bug in your mind: it also reminds me of the Milkys.


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Well, now I'm convinced.

I'll download it now but wait until this season is over to watch it. I'm watching too much shit right now, I think.

Thank you, Anon. May you have a wonderful day.

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