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Traps make better girls than girls.


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That's right.


Burn it.

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Hey, now. It is just good manners. Like sage.


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Sage is good manners when posting something off topic or without content, spoilers are good manners if you're posting something that would be a spoiler for the content.
Peeing goburins are something that would be fine to see anywhere in all their glory as long as they're not off topic.


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 No.32329[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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File: 1640958342039.png (1.34 MB, 1280x720, [SubsPlease] Gyakuten Seka….png)

The last episode was absolutely marvelous. Not just the twist, everything. Looking forward to the doujinshi.


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I said it before, but I love anime, and I love this one. God damn.


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Imagine her smell if she's literally sparkling from the amount of sweat on her.


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She's 100% ready to mine cum.


There will never be doujin depicting her ass' ravaging by ojii-san.

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 No.31786[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


It's eight of clock!

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File: 1641042031462.jpg (105.65 KB, 1280x720, Koume1541.jpg)


It's eight of clock!



The 3rd of October can’t come soon enough.


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It's eight of clock



The 3rd of October can’t come soon enough.


new thread

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Merry Christmas 3fu! (see you in hell)

By the way typing 'iamnotabot' in the password field lets you create a thread.


>see you in hell
So that's why 3fu is 500'ing.

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File: 1635537374694.png (949.48 KB, 1280x720, [SubsPlease] Heion Sedai n….png)

TL;DR of Idaten: What did Miku see?

also, S2 when?


File: 1635606152036.webm (4.85 MB, 1280x720, Genjitsu Shugi Yuusha no ….webm)

Here you go. It's a shit cover, a good match for your shit manners.


Shit cover from a shit character, so it's fitting.


Oh shit furry garbage, time to wash my eyes.


Indeed, one of the main characters is a low IQ dark-skinned knife-ear.

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Last night I was wondering "What really are the best OPs of the decade?"
And so because I have no life, I pulled an all-nighter and reviewed/re-reviewed every anime season since 2010 in an attempt to gather the best of the best.
And here is what I came up with: http://puu.sh/nwXnv/f630cb09b8.txt

This is obviously very opinion-based, so I'm interested in what other people think of my listing. What do you think is missing? Is there anything there that you think shouldn't be? Any and all feedback/discussion is welcome.
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I can't say there is something super amazing, but Mob Psycho's OP is good, Binan's OP is fun. The best one might be JoJo's new OP. Some people like Amanchu!'s OP, but I think it is lacking. I would want to add Macross' OP too, but the video took too many scenes from the anime itself.


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>Macross' OP too, but the video took too many scenes from the anime itself.
Macross is low level, check out THIS. TWO count them TWO seconds of original footage for this OP and it still manages to be an OP that I love.

Of the 4 I have seen this season I like the new JoJo one and Amanchu.


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I want someone to justify me this scene. I dare you.


>Maaya Sakamoto
Do you even care what's going on on the screen with such a song?


does anyone still have the list?

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S3 confirmed!
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Great news! I hope we get full-length episodes this time.


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Kokona Nendo too


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 No.15168[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Time to revive one more thread.
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File: 1607006952315.jpg (1.25 MB, 2069x2048, Cover.jpg)

Surprisingly, after a month of no seeds, the MIXED-07 album torrent actually downloaded. The songs that were not on youtube are pretty good too. Especially "To lose in amber".


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Most of this album is pretty good.


Still waiting for djent to go on the back burner in the metal world.


Good shit, m8.


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Been a while, but Cinderella Search's first album (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdfGeWItT_g) is pleasant, synth-laden prog rock with beautiful violin work. If it weren't for the singer's enunciation issues, I wouldn't think this were a Japanese band. There's even a bluegrass-country interlude in the second track–odd but enjoyable. Worst thing I can say is that they're best when they don't rock too much, and unfortunately, the longest track, "Voice From The Universe/Dulce Warning", does just that (but it's still decent track), and that maybe the lyrics should have been sung in Japanese.
Regardless, absolutely worth a listen if you enjoy pastoral neo-progressive rock and/or violin in your rock music.

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In the distant future, breasts have gone extinct.
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i'll watch it, what's it called?


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Assassins Pride


>breasts have gone extinct.
So it's every flat chest lovers paradise?
Where the hell is Truck-kun when you need him, his service is wanted right now.


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cosplay is amazing


Hi, yes, one ticket to this paradise please.

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 No.31720[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Too short


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I'll take another season, please, or at least some shorts concerning my new favorite duo.


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I want this show to get a second season just so I can get more of that delicious flat chest.

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