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 No.21544[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Just read the first volume of this. One of those occurrences where after fapping I felt the urge to go hide in a dark corner and try to forget. Makes me question if I have grown soft while reading borderline vanilla stuff like mindbreak NTR or what? Hold me ふふふ.


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This was a cute story.


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Oneeloli is the best, and violent oneeloli is the best of that.


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This was one of the best Lovecraft tributes I've read.


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I wish we got more out from this author, I've fapped to this series one hundred billion times and never left empty-handed.

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fucking Kumeta
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But best girl is obviously pic related


I'm not convinced Shaft would have adapted it any differently. It's not an off-the-wall social commentary / comedy like SZS or Joshiraku, after all. It'd've gotten treatment somewhat like 3-gatsu.


Episode one already depresses.


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I didn't expect quite that


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Kumeta's taste is impeccable, as always.

I learned the salt and pepper phrase today, but I couldn't figure out the jokes with Senda Naru and Jouro Kumi.

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So is this the non-unique, boring kind of ecchi shit or rough around the edges, full of personality ecchi shit?
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There are two things I learned from this episode: Kani would a panda, and that this anime is perfect for Sunday.


Well, this episode had the most Kani x MC progress since the start of the anime. Nice.


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So generic, yet so good.
Not any more.


>yet so good.
I attribute that to the party games. It's very fun to watch them play.


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Pic related: the cover of the 14th volume… also, the personification of happiness.

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This is your new adventure party!
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Why is she such a perv?


She's been a virgin for some 30-35 years, that's why.


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This was great. Mile will eventually get raped by her harem, however, considering how dense she is. Season 2 when?

I'm not convinced what to think of the backstory. Is it the same world? Maybe, but it smells of a red herring to me. Though my first theory got disproved by the flashback with the god.


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Season 2 never, it seems, as they more or less skirted through or outright removed ALL of the plot hooks that were present in the novels.

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Why isn't it the panda in the ring?


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I will miss Maple.


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I watched the final episode of the 2018 GeGeGe no Kitarou adaption. I really enjoyed some of the episodes and their subject matter, but I always wanted the story to become more drastic. The arcs for the major plots never lasted long enough and thus felt disjointed and jarring. However, knowing it's a kid's show compensated for longing. Also enjoyed the power metal.
Did anybody else watch it for a while or to completion?


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As it happens, I'm currently watching the 1968 GeGeGe no Kitarou series. I'm enjoying it more than the 1969 Dororo and the 1968 Cyborg 009. Kitarou seems to be more willing to do double episodes. Plus, youkai are cooler than samurai and robots.


Sadly I watched only 3 episodes before I stopped. It wasn't about the meme 3 episode rule, it just so happened that I didn't watch the few next and then gave up at some point.

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Is anybody watching this shite? I have nobody to discuss it. Certainly don't want to go on reddit to do it.

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【Collaboration】International Wrestling Festival 2018 - Aniki’s Legacy


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The best time of the year is upon us


Guys, it is here.
There is a wonderful One♂More♂Gay♂Time segment

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This is a happily married couple that lives near the Caspian sea!
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Read the latest translated chapter and prepare for the best feel!


Wait did he really? I was saying that almost as a joke.


I'd spoil it for you because I'm also very excited about it, but I don't want to spoil anyone else.


i have just been informed that the next chapter is currently being translated


It's a shame about Duralumin.

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Ask him who is he quoting and then deport him.


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I am so glad for that High Guardian Spice shit having been completely buried. I haven't even thought about it since it was introduced.


Got delayed by a whole year. So incompetent that they can't even shit it out yet.


I'd love to hear their excuses for continuing to drain subscription money which is meant to go to supporting Japanese publishers.

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Murder-Suicide soon.
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Look at this psychopathic dyke.


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Goodbye ramen dyke.
I thought this episode was one of the weaker ones, featuring neither any fun side characters or interesting ramen. It tried to hard to play it straight, like am I really supposed to feel moved seeing Koizumi crying over having ramen for the first time in a few weeks? Regardless, I found this show generally quite fun and at the very least it never failed to amaze me with the wide range of bizzare flavours that are apparently on offer.


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This dyke really made the show. Weak last episode per what >>24020 said, but the rest was quite great.

I need a list of all the places Misa visited, though. For research purposes. I'm sure there's a list somewhere.


I discovered some restaurants in Nashville serve hot chicken ramen. I hope it's good.

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