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Momokuri is about a cute second-year high school girl that adores very much her cute kohai boyfriend. It is very cute and you should watch it!

It was originally a web series, but it now got a TV broadcast in higher resolution and CR is translating it. They air 2 episodes together as a normal length episode for a total of 13 normal length episodes.

The first season of 12-sai.: Chicchana Mune no Tokimeki ended and it was translated by Doremi. The next cour should start in Fall. It is again about cute couples, but in elementary school. For some reason it seems to have more drama than Momokuri, but that shouldn't scare you.
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I just got around to watching the first episode of this. Shit nigger, it's cute as fuck.

Yuki is going to grow up into a massive pervert though.


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I'm quite liking this. But Sakaki can fuck off. When has anyone ever liked the drama of some jealous tomboy third wheel interfering with an otherwise pleasant, goofy relationship?


She never caused any drama, so I don't mind her. In fact she was often a nice tsukomi to Kuri's boke.


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Well, at the point I made that post it sure seemed like Sakaki was going to be part of a love triangle drama, but then it just fell off and got replaced by Momotsuki's stupid drama over Yuki not getting jealous.

It was okay, but I liked the first half a lot more. And the secondary cast could've used some more development, but any time devoted to them would've taken away time from the main pair, so whatever.

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I actually like everyone a lot more after this episode. The princess shows her competence and Ikta shows some compassion. The pretty boy is incompetent and the group gets promoted for the sake of political gain more than for a reward. This is a pretty solid setting.
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Excuse me for saying this, but this was one hell of a meme ending. This anime was literally Reddit.


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While the first half of the episode showed me what bullet points had been missed in the aforementioned checklist, I didn't expect the Princess' plan to be this. Practically the only positive surprise in the whole series, I guess. This season was basically an introduction. However, I doubt the author has enough talent to make the main part of the plot more interesting than this, so it will probably just fall flat. Still, I wouldn't be too unhappy if it gets a second season, after all, which is the best I can say for this anime.

Anyway, these two are fucking cute. I wouldn't say they have exceptionally good chemistry, but it's a strong relationship of equals. Which is more than one could want from most Japanese fiction, I guess.


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I just realized where I've seen this couple before.


So where's the part where Ikta gets executed following a war council investigation into his abuse of wartime negotiations?

Yatori doesn't want Ikta's dick that badly.

Go away.


"He just misunderstood me".
Also a war council investigation would shine light on the sacrilegious tactics of the hardworking whitey, so he wouldn't want it either.

Besides, what you're suggesting is more in the vein of modern-time ICC. It's such a new shmancyness that it didn't even exist before the current century. Ikta will get trialed only if the invading army wins and captures him.

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There's nothing to smile about.
What the fuck man.
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Yeah, this was probably my favourite show of the season. It's a shame about the completely fucked production because it could've been genuinely great but the QUALITY really held it back. Poor animation is one thing, but cutting out sections of fight scenes because you can't even animate them in time is another.

>And yes, even without animation, this series did some amazing characterization and interpersonal relationships, while balancing the "screen"time.
This was the main draw. The main 6 characters all had a good amount of focus and depth to them, even Hotaru, and I normally hate her type. But I think it could've used another episode to focus on Aoi, Gotoku, and Airi, and the latter two's motivations, since they seemed to be wavering between supporting the Unknown and rebelling.
I'd like to see the world get fleshed out more in the future too, since these locations were just the outskirts, and we've learnt practically nothing about the headquarters the kids were being sent to. In a way, this is only the first step in the war.


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>But I think it could've used another episode to focus on Aoi, Gotoku, and Airi
I actually think the main sequel hook hints at an entire second season about Aoi, and by proxy Gotoku and Airi too.


That definitely won't be, even if it did hint. The project was a disaster.
The thing that many people are missing is that the anime has several prequel LNs that spend even more time with the characters. The anime was pretty much suppose to be the end of it. If it was successful they could have done another SoLish novel sequel, but nothing more.


Oh, of course we're never getting a second season. But the sequel hook is indeed there in my opinion.

By the way, Hotaru x Hime is the purest. The more I think about it, the more I like this pairing.


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> the last episode felt like one of the cheapest

All of the budget went into the particle effects.

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Why shouldn't they be able to bitch at the NUNS for crossing the line first and opening the floodgates? What's the point of nuclear deterrence if there is no response? Windermere just needed 7 years to acquire a response. Var has not been as destructive to people and absolutely not destructive to nature compared to a dimensional weapon. The primal function of Var is not even to kill. The majority of people that have died were probably military personal that had to be shot dead. It is for the same reason you don't hear people mentioning the fire bombings of Tokyo as much as the nukes. In the last episode Var did the biggest damage it has done so far. And how did it do it? By making people self-destruct with 3 dimensional weapons that were going to bomb Windermere.


In the best case scenario, it's "only" robbing people of their free will on a galactic scale, in other cases, we get stuff like episode 1, which shows var-infected soldiers in mech walkers stomping around shooting down civilians, or civilians killing each other.

And again, the issue is not that they are responding in kind to the dimensional weapons, it's that they haven't even addressed the var. They haven't said "the var is inhumane, but we have to use it in response to the dimensional bombings," or "the var is less inhumane than the dimensional weapon for such-and-such reason," it just doesn't seem to be on their radar of things that might be kind of fucked up.
This is just working off my memory though, so if they did actually talk about it and I forgot, do tell me.


The apples plus water thing is the best example for a critique of what they were doing. Freyja wasn't happy about the apples being used like that. The apple-family man wasn't happy about it either. No one was really happy about it, because it was using the nature their race loves so much to do bad things.
The actions of Windermere were never seen as just to begin with. Don't forget it was a while before they even revealed to the world the truth about the dimensional weapon accident. They begun as the villains and became more nuanced only later.


Windermere is still standing, the NUNS is still standing, Walkyrie is still standing. They had to unite for an episode and that was it. I am not sure how much of the start cluster is even under Windermere's control. At best we are back to episode 1. I am starting to think that they want a sequel, but they could have done everything that there was to be done in this anime. It sold, but it sold very underwhelming compared to Frontier. I am just confused at what the hell are they thinking.


It can't just be justified with the "we originally wanted 1 cour tv + movie" excuse, because I don't even feel like the second cour had a movie's worth of development in it.
If the issue was that they only had plot outlined for the first cour, and thought they could figure out the movie plot afterwards, that's still just as bad.

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It is time.
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Very little activity. I guess it is normal with not much of the season being left. Mob Psycho 100 ended now. I think it went too far with some things, but it is overall okay. I would say it is a different experience from the manga, so I can't say it is a good adaptation, but it is a descent anime anyway.


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It seems very much like they want a third season, but I don't see who is going to give them one. Or maybe they just wanted to make that last minute twist for the sake of making it? Who knows. But there was definitely no resolution to most of the plot points in this anime. For 24 episodes they did a lot of nothing. It was nicely made and they probably had fun doing it, but there was no impact of any sort to any of it. It is anime just a weird mess.


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Ange Vierge was exactly the kind of stupid thing to "watch" while cooking. Half an eye dedicated to it, half an eye to the knife in my hands. No complicated dialogue. Occasional 10/10 moments (pic related, I completely understand her feelings). Breaks every now and then so that you watch the training skits in their full glory (it's like a 10/10 short wedged inside a 4/10 full-episode series). Nice-ish chara designs and okay personali… cardboard cutouts. Repetitive as fuck episode frame that means you don't really cut your fingers from suddenly seeing something new and interesting.

Only problem is after my last afternoon spent in cooking there's too much food, so I can't finish the last two episodes. I tried watching ep10 without cooking, but it took me a whole day to suffer through it.


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Oh well, time to cut out the training skits, then upload them as a separate torrent to nyaa. Any suggestions for a torrent name?


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The general condition of each person formed from the set factors, among which health. Types well-being presented difficult system, on which not only common well-being depend, but also ability to work of the organism.

No chance understand and explore state of health, types well-being, and also others components of the healthy strong organism, if in detail not go into the next position. Thus, the health of a person, to date, is called standard and durable psychosomatic state of the individual.
<a href=http://aboutdiseases.50r.in/magical-matcha>non fasting blood sugar levels</a>

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With them having been fighting only a single Efidolg ship so far I think they would like to make a second season in space. With the help of Netflix it might just happen too.
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I think I heard somewhere netflix are going to release it three months late. I guess well get their subs sometime soon if that's true.


If I am not mistaken the first cour is already on Netflix with the second one being released next month.


The humans sure were fast to become scumbags after their temporary win. The episode is going to be a shitshow. The second season seems inevitable.
I was a little disappointed with their explanation of what happened 450 years ago. It didn't have twists as I expected, but it didn't properly explain everything either.


Humans have the Efidolg mothership now. A single pilot doesn't mean much anymore.
Which, of course, is going to bite them in the ass next ep when the mothership gets hijacked.


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Do you think his daughter got bullied because he kept warning everyone about an alien invasion?

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How to make the audience die from hunger: season 2

They even gave the ingredients for the hamburger steak, I guess I will try this recipe out these days.
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This is so annoying. 10 minutes of building up a drama and then suddenly cooking during which they have to find two minutes to squeeze in a happy ending. The episodic formula of this anime has gone too far. They didn't even try something different for the last episode, other than introducing Kotori's mother. If I didn't check before watching I was going to be confused it this was the last episode or not.


I'm barely managing to finish episode 10 at the moment. You're not helping.

But dropping a show two episodes before the end is kind of stupid. I guess I can manage it while cooking or something like that. Just… never again watching it by itself.


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Can I at least ship these two, or is the ending with the jailbait fixed in stone already?


He is probably a decade older than the daughter and a decade younger than the mother. Why wouldn't he go for the fresh one?


Males are usually older than their spouses. The mean age for first childbirth for mothers in Japan is around 30. The statistically likely differences then would be 6-7 years with the mother and 23-24 years with the daughter. But it's acceptable to think the teacher is on the young side, far from the average for Japan. I'd still give him at least 30, as going into education probably requires a degree, and probably Tsumugi popped up after he finished it.

Statistics, personal preferences and thoughts about how acceptable age difference scales with the ages in question aside, I probably am annoyed with the anime and want to ship a couple the narrative doesn't seem to be pushing.

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I hope it doesn't turn out she and her boss are the bad guys.
She's too cute to be a bad guy.
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While trying to find if I can download the PS2 version from somewhere (it might have a higher resolution) I found out this https://torrentz2.eu/ I didn't know there is a clone already.


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After this episode it's really starting to look like I was stupid to get attached to any female character but the MC in an otome show though.
Here's hoping Okazaki's plan is actually stellar and will save the day without anyone getting hurt.


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When will anime characters learn to kill when they have their enemy on the ground instead of running away?

It seems like the translators finally decided to use Scar-red. In the VN the battle costumes of all the riders are red, which makes more sense. Other than the Silver Surfer guy, he is silver.

They didn't really give a reason why she couldn't go. If anything it looks like she just wanted to stay and die together with the bitch, considering she didn't kill her earlier. Maybe she didn't want to "lose her humanity" in front of Akira. It doesn't change how awkwardly written that scene was.

Because the little they told us about the world and the battle between the two worlds they are done with, but the battle itself is clearly not over.

Granbach seemed too scared of dying to was just pretending and nothing happened for a while after the attack. Here is some speculation based on pictures from the fanbook: there are pictures with darkish forms of the riders, so it is possible that someone will turn bad after losing control of his fusion with his alien. Possible Yosuke or Takuto if still alive.


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An extra conservative animation this episode. It was okay, I liked it.


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The ending didn't make much sense, but it was okay. I would love to one day read the VN and learn more about the world and the characters.

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Everything I know about a woman's body I know from anime.
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I'm pretty sure normal people can see them since they had the girl wear a plaster over the one on her forehead, but after flicking through the first few episodes I didn't see anything about him making any real effort to hide it.
Probably best not too think about it too much, we'd be here all day if we really started picking apart all the little details.


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Well, all up to date. They really shoulda spent way more time building up the relationship between BB and the MC. They knew each other for what, a day before this shit happened?
Princess is right as usual though, at this point a full on edgy revenge story could be pretty fun. Chances of that are already looking quite low though with the doctor already showing up to save the day.


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Very American.


I am actually angry that just as I expected Seigi decided to also save the princess even though she killed someone he loved dearly. His blind rage was stupid, especially after all the training, but doing a 180 feels just as silly.

The non-ending and the trailer for the next arc of the manga was even worse than I expected.


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Forgot my pic.

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I bet you never had such a fun time with another human being.
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That Japanese passive aggressiveness.


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Why is her head so massive?
How did this win first place when the way better girl from last time only got second?
Why is Usami so perverted?


That girl in the leftmost poster is close to perfection.


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Is this how anime eyes work?


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