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This style kinda reminds me of a certain precure doujin. hmmmm…
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File: 1535900298954.jpg (168.41 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Asobi Asoba….jpg)

Bumping a dead thread.


Nope. It's a Kumeta homage, through-and-through. The larger the cast gets, the easier to see it is. Thus the ending, the style switching, and so on. It's actually nostalgic as fuck to watch. All that it's missing is random references written in the backgrounds.


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I can't deal with this shit anymore, I'm in a public place, I am troubling the other people in the cafe. Forget the Spanish Inquisition, the new girl was so fucking hilarious. Also the trap is so totally turning into a "let's convert lesbians into enjoying dick" character.


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My reaction exactly.


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We actually got a special AND an OVA for Christmas. I hadn't realized. The OVA was nothing to write home about, I guess. More references than usual. Sensei and her friends were cute back in their teen years. The special was however right smack at the middle of what this series does the best.

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Of course not. It's pretty much a tradition. Look at MaoYuu for example.


Second to last episode is a fucking recap. What in the fuck.


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So, the anime was a really streamlined experience that made me want more Log Horizon and more Retarded Dragon Girls. It's time to read the manga.


After seeing how the anime handled things like the newbies fighting bugs in the sewer and the horde's meat shields, I'm glad I read the manga.

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Post whatever, have fun.

Forgot to make a thread earlier.
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Happy new years fags.


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Happy New Year


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Happy New Year!


Happy New Year!


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Have a rapetastic fucking New Year, anons!

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Hello /a/. I have a problem that has been haunting me for years and I came to humbly seek your help. I remember this one scene where a character is talking about a relay team member or something similar, who was training hard every day to become regular but never succeeded. The scene ended with the team captain interview after a race where captain was saying something along the lines of "There was nothing special about that".

If someone remembers the show and episode, please give me your assistance in helping me remember it.


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Anon the description you gave is quite vague. Do you remember anything else that could help? For example, could you tell me when you watched the show and whether it was a recent?



The show is older than 2014 at least. It might have been a show made by Shaft, dialogue pace and animation were like that of Shaft if I remember correctly.


No idea, so I am just wild guessing, Prince of Stride?



Not Prince of Stride. I am not completely sure but I think it was not even a sports show.


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>asks for a show prior 2014
>gives a show from 2016

Slow deliver.

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Is it autism or is it sociopathy?
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Two episodes now of nothing happening between the main pair and instead just focusing on the other senpai being jealous but not doing anything about it. I'm losing hope that the anime is going to tell a complete story.


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I guess the show is going to end with the play then. I like the dynamic between Yuu and Nanami but this progression is just glacial.
I don't know what the point of Maki was when he hasn't done anything at all since episode 4.


A mangafag told me at some point he realized there isn't any actual progression and the author just rehashes the same stuff over and over again.


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And here I thought the answer would be "become someone that you can love".

That's how it felt until this play arc started, which so far feels pretty good, along with Nanami realising that her sister isn't who she thought she was. But who knows where the manga goes after this. I just hope the anime concludes satisfactorily.


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So much for that, the last episode was fucking filler where nothing happened. I haven't been this annoyed by an anime having a non-ending since Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun.

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You know the drill, we will be streaming Disappearance plus bamboo leaf rhapsody and episodes 1,2 & 8 of EE before the movie.
Hoping to see you there this year again


Sorry for the really (really) late thread, I actually forgot to make it a week ago.


We're still on Endless Eight. Come.


Thanks for the reminder, I got in like 5 minutes before the movie started. Good stuff, always a pleasure to watch it.


If you missed out but still have time there's a stream right now at cytu.be/r/25_days_of_autism


I crashed just before the film. But it's quite nice that I managed to watch Endless Eight again. Well, 5 out of 15532 Endless Eight loops, but it was something. The shitposting in the chat was important for them and not for the film, anyway. I'll see if I can make time for the full film these days. Maybe for Christmas.

Goddamn, I missed Yuki. The whole cast. But mainly Yuki. Seeing this old friend suffer again was heartbreaking.

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It's the october of months!

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I want to fuck this boy.


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I want to see this boy fuck all the other zombies in the doujinshi.


Yeah, no, that's boring. I can't wait for the futanari doujinshi. The plot writes itself: Lily demands to get a vagina, then the rest of the girls decide to get cocks to match her. And then they just have to try out their new body parts.

By the way, did you notice how Lily's death was practically the same as Kuzuma's death?


That would naturally be better which is exactly why I don't expect it to happen. I've only seen one sexual image of Tae, for god's sake.
>By the way, did you notice how Lily's death was practically the same as Kuzuma's death?
Lily isn't quite that pathetic.


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- is cute as hell
- is eternally in grade school
- has penis
Lily is pretty much the perfect girl.

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 No.24482[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


It's eight of clock!

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The 3rd of October can’t come soon enough.


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It's eight of clock!



The 3rd of October can’t come soon enough.


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It's eight of clock!



The 3rd of October can’t come soon enough.

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Tits or ass?




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You heard the lady.


I want to hug this adorable butt.

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Do you watch Vtubers?


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Just the one.
I hope some day the blurry VHS and polaroids become available.


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I used to but then everyone except the four heavenly kings and Eilene's crew stopped getting subs, and the /jp/ threads went to shit because idiots couldn't ignore Moemihater's shitposting. I still watch Eilene and Luna sometimes but that's about it.
Did anyone ever upload Eve's voice drama?


>everyone except the four heavenly kings and Eilene's crew stopped getting subs
But HimeHina and Gamebu are some of the fastest growing channels in the scene.
>Did anyone ever upload Eve's voice drama?


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I meant the kind of subs EOPs like, anon.
Thanks for the link.


do reps

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