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This man is a threat to gobbulolis everywhere and must be stopped.


Ah, Sugita at last. This anime sure took its time to get good.


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One of my favourite scenes is coming up, I can't wait. I hope they do it justice.


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This anime sure upped its quality from the first episodes. First Bilbo's riddle, then a Beholder, and finally a dust explosion. Every series with a dust explosion is 10/10. That much I've learned from Best Girl Rahzel, at least.


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You can just feel how the DM thinks he's written a cool story, with PTSD and politics and shit, while at the same time the players care only for the kill count.


>the DM thinks he's written a cool story, with PTSD and politics and shit
The DM also happens to be incredibly wrong so I can't blame the players for going full murderhobo on his ass.


>The DM also happens to be incredibly wrong so I can't blame the players for going full murderhobo on his ass.


Does any character in this have a name?


Of course not. It's pretty much a tradition. Look at MaoYuu for example.


Second to last episode is a fucking recap. What in the fuck.


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So, the anime was a really streamlined experience that made me want more Log Horizon and more Retarded Dragon Girls. It's time to read the manga.


After seeing how the anime handled things like the newbies fighting bugs in the sewer and the horde's meat shields, I'm glad I read the manga.

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