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 No.33656[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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For some reason half of the episode was best girl fanservice


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I want to protect this smile


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I'd put a third ring on her


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Anyway, series was great. The random release schedule aside, I really am thankful for the adaptation. S2 when? I guess in a couple of years at least, judging by their current pace.

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Post girls that like it in the pooper.
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Saw this picture and thought of you.

Now I’m back on fufufu.


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Well good thing fufufu is also back after another short vacation.


S2 when?


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Welcome back!


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>I found the weakest aspect of the anime to be the girls' relationship
That's weird to read, because I found that their relationship, while formulaic, was still done well enough to carry the weight of the show (along with Chisato's voice acting and the action fanservice).

But I must admit that, if it was done well, it was only barely so. More time spent showing why Takina chose to open herself could have helped, for example. The director aknowledged this - in an interview, he spoke of how they filled the OP and ED sequences with glimpses of the girls' daily lives together in hopes of making up for the lack of it in the show proper.

Incidentally, there's a light novel coming up that focuses on their relationship and which I'm mildly excited for, even if I shouldn't, because it's going to be cheap yuri pandering written by a no-one who wasn't part of the production staff, after all, isn't it?

At any rate, anon, props to you for moving on without falling for the sunken costs fallacy.


Well, you enjoyed it at least. Our perceptions differ by expectations, I think. And what the director said makes me sad. But hey, maybe the nobody that'll write the LN might have an undiscovered talent.

>moving on without falling for the sunken costs fallacy

It only took many, many years to learn that one has only so much time.


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This is the frame that made me change my score for Engage Kiss from 9/10 to 10/10


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I'm that one anon who watches every idol anime*. By now I've figured out I'm not exactly preaching to the choir around these parts, but I do think Shine Post was good enough to warrant some mention, so bear with me.

The characters were more interesting than the average, while at the same time being less over-the-top than in most idol anime, which was a nice break from the more common trend of huge casts with extreme personalities. I particularly liked how the girls behaved consistently with the growth we had previously seen them undergo, even if superficially so. Admittedly, what I'm trying to say is that Shine Post stands out by how little it sucks in fundamental areas like script, compared to many idol anime.

The gimmick deserves mention too. Other idol anime include supernatural gimmicks, typically involving dead sisters and heart transplants, but this one is handled unconventionally. It's the producer, not one of the girls, who has a supernatural ability, but more importantly, it doesn't give him the power to do anything that he couldn't do nearly as well without it. The truth is that the ability serves mostly as a visual cue to let the audience know what the producer is thinking without him breaking into inner monologue all the time. I don't know if on the whole it helped or detracted, but I must give them points for originality and boldness at least.

It also had some glaring flaws, but it was overall well made and quite a pleasant watch. Okyou was best. That is all.

*Every girl idol anime, that is, of course.


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>every girl idol anime
You're missing out on the true innovators pushing the genre forward.

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 No.32678[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


It's eight of clock

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The 3rd of October can’t come soon enough.


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It's eight of clock



The 3rd of October can’t come soon enough.


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It's eight of clock



The 3rd of October can’t come soon enough.

The front page can't come soon enough either.

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ngl im only here for the yuri thx


wai this actually seems cool is that italy city


Italy City.
Year 30XX.
30 years have passed since the invasion of the alien race known as the Bolonyars that wiped out two thirds of the human race.
16-year-old Fujiwara Puzzo is scavenging for electronic parts for a living when he meets a mysterious girl chased by a group of Bolonyars.
"Please, save my kingdom!"
As he wakes to the power of Arpeggio, will Puzzo be able to rescue the girl and solve the mystery of her identity?


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The animation was a downgrade but the story was perfect so I forgive them.

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 No.32966[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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And that's but one reason why lolibaba are great.


This really was one of the best fantasy series lately. It was also less rushed than Zero's season, which made it even more enjoyable in some ways. The whole world really sparks your imagination. Hope we get translation of the novels and/or S2 soon.


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That's it, gentlemen.


Shit was great. I also don't even now.

Hope S2 is soon but I gotta check out the manga either way.

Season end ranking:
Machikado >>> Otomege >= Reimeiki >= Tsubaki > Kaguya >= Aharen > Kono Healer >>> Yatogame-chan > SpyxFamily >= Shijou Saikyou no Daimaou, Autist ni Tensei suru >= Shachiku >>> Rikei > Yuusha, Yamemasu


>The whole world really sparks your imagination.
Yeah. Things like the Remnants and the Northern lands really intrigued me since there's an air of danger and mystery surrounding them.
The magic is also pretty cool.

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Dark Mistress Yuuko!
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Interesting take on a roofie.


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Machikado's take on drugs really is a far cry away from most other Japanese works.


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The lusting is now out in the open.


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Yep. This season was also a masterpiece, lower animation budget nonwithstanding.

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It is a masterpiece.
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>Watch more anime.
I find it hard to watch more than 100% of what is being released. Can you give me tips how to do it?




I've dropped most of that too.


[spoiler]So you have ignored the previous eras of god tier school romantic comedies. No wonder.


Which ones, faggot, which ones? I've been fishing for specific names for a while already, get the hint. Also close your tags next time.

Anime as a whole is idealized, and ditto for romantic comedies. Singing retarded songs in front of the fire is exactly the sort of retarded non-idealized bullshit retarded non-idealized teens would do. That's why I don't think I've ever seen it before in anime, romcoms or not. Did you misread my post? I am not saying Kaguya is a good romcom. I'm saying the romance is better now than the previous seasons, which certainly isn't a high bar at all. If you need to remind yourself, see this very thread and notice how there wasn't even one positive comment for the romance up to now. Kaguya is a Shaft-style comedy, having a half-decent romance story for once is just a bonus.

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This was so cruel.
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Modern music is ear cancer.


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And finally we are entering the times of unit making. With the schism that happened between what was to be the main three characters we are actually getting some different than usual combinations of people in the units.


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Guys, I have found our new mascot! He is going to finally make us popular!


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Why this place cant remember sage? I tried in Brave and Palemoon and they both won't remember putting it in form


It works for me.

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 No.32679[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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So yeah, if we don't count second seasons, this has a good chance of being AOTY. Sugita was a great choice too.


It just all happened way too quickly. But yeah, he was great in that role.


Somehow the complexity of the plots got lower and lower with each arc. The last arc specifically was the simplest out of all of them. Kinda disappointing series.

However the empire princess, and the crazy old hag in the Church were the worst characters, in terms of how they were used. The little sister fit the best with the spirit of the show but even her arc got a quick and bullshit end with almost no scheming. Either way, it was fun throughout, I just expected more.


They had cut a few characters from the already short first volume, so I expect the aforementioned story arcs are better in the source material, or at least I hope. But I nonetheless agree, especially with the last arc. Quite disappointing.
Still, fun is fun.


So the Chaika treatment, huh. Oh well.

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Who's your favorite Magical Girl?
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That is one cute Subaru.


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Speaking of this, the next main will be CURE WHIP.
I can only hope she lives up to this name and is properly dominatrix in her Cure A La Mode.



You've got another year before the middle school sequel airs.
Be sure to watch the movies too.


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What about Magical Boys?

Fufufu still loves pleiades right?

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