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File: 1463088609149.png (1.16 MB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Kyoukai no ….png)


Been enjoying this season of poor boy x stoner girl too. The opening is kind of sub-par, but if I want to sing along the ending, it must be doing something correctly, right?
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Is this official art or just somebody who likes to draw like this?


Pretty sure it is not official art.


God bless the Mamiya Sakura tits. They cut the one scene in the manga where Rinne walks/floats in on her undressing and we see her glorious rack and lacy brassiere. I get why, but it was still a shame. All Rumiko Takahashi stories contain some amount of titties, after all.


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Mamiya Sakura is a perfect wife.

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This reminds me more of the original iM@S than Cinderella Girls, which I didn't even finish watching. So far it seems to be fun, but 17 boys might be just a few too many.
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This dude makes me so happy.

The whole episode did, really. Seeing the Lawyer and the prince getting pumped together,, the stupid suits the ossan idols worse, their cheerful song. All of that was a joy to watch.

These out-of-shape, middle-aged idols are wonderful.


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These twins are so sexy. Their energetic and playful personalities are suggestive of how they would fare in bed. Their sidetails subtly ask to be pulled in doggy style. Their slim bodies are naturally fit for maximized performance. Their age of 13 is fairly young - not loli young, but the youngest a sexually fertile female can be -. And as if yuri, threesomes and incest were not good enough by themselves, the picture of fucking the tokachis automatically fullfills these three sexual fetishes, all at the same time. For all of these reasons, I feel really attracted to them. Too bad their songs and VAs are not equally amazing.


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Twincest is the greatest thing ever.


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This was a boy.

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I am Jack the Ripper, I have killed before and I will kill again.


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Where is the stardust.


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File: 1510058403681.jpg (55.21 KB, 400x287, Miyuki Waidoban[1].jpg)


so i am looking for RAW Manga Miyuki Waidoban Volume 01-05 or normal one… if anyone know irc channel plz tell me



Here you go, but please don't write like a retard next time. You could have also just asked in the manga thread.

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Is your body ready?
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File: 1509798540832.jpg (808.07 KB, 1902x3028, 1509708967694.jpg)


I can't believe it


By episode 3 I don't feel like watching more.
The first two were fine, they skipped on a lot in terms of pacing and hardly had any fun fights, but they were fine in terms of directing.
Then episode 3 hit.

Not only did the animation take a huge nosedive with those CG monsters, the musical score would play at the most inopportune moments (epic music playing as characters are exchanging mundane quips about sake), and the fights would be terribly choreographed.
Mostly about shouting attacks and close up shots of angry faces, although not as bad as other shows, it still takes away from actually clever ways of using cool superpowers.


With the new episode not being out yet it is probably a good time to drop it and then pick up Negima during the Christmas holidays.


I'm sorry, Anon. It sucks when a manga you're so clearly fond of as you are of this gets a shitty adaptation. No one deserves that.

I hope something nice happens to you today.


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The fourth episode was way worse than the third, don't worry.

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If you see any bugs or other antrhopods please do post about them.

Everything seems to be fixed now.
5 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


Only the chosen ones have seen this page.


File: 1509578463466.jpg (48.58 KB, 418x473, 1339738683624.jpg)

Posted without my webm. What about this pic?


Would it have made sense to do all this work before killing the old server? And then transfer once the new server is ready, with only a small amount of downtime.


It's the same machine.


File: 1509583360965.png (985.5 KB, 756x910, 1436527832975.png)

Just a quick test post, don't worry about me.

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Hypothetically, how would this place react to refugees from 4chan's /a/?
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4chan X 2.0 branch specifically, 3.0 looks almost as shit as vacbob's inline eye cancer.


No idea which one I would be using, but I believe it has most of the same visuals that it used to have before the big schisms. Never followed the people doing them and their dramas, if any, to know or care more detailed.


File: 1509007067241.png (190.4 KB, 720x480, Arigatou.Hare Guu.24.[x264….png)

The previous sentence started with a capital 'I' too, I couldn't resist the temptation.


File: 1509038058934.png (1.55 KB, 519x74, 582410581004101.png)

>directly contradicting what Hiro said
I bet you this was just a shitty mod that didn't want to deal with /a/ and /v/ complaints.
They really don't care or respect Hiro words.


You could use dollchan extension, it works here. I'm using it right now.

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What a distracting bee.


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You could say the entire board is beehind the bee.


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Unstoppable bee.


Its hip is very nice


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For me, it's Mamaragi.

File: 1507054087165.png (1.24 MB, 1279x1014, [HorribleSubs] Osake wa Fu….png)


The Abe propaganda is unstoppable!
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File: 1508421671363.jpg (76.4 KB, 512x512, 1308345321149.jpg)

This is now also a sip thread.


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Is cawfree on the menu?


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Were is your drink?

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Totty's and Ichi's faces kill me every time in that scene, OP.

Also seeing their tiny, blurred dongs. God how I missed this show.


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How many fingers can she fit inside her butthole?


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All of them.


Chocolate fingers? All of them.


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