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Someone wasn't happy that I stopped the music, so here you go, welcome to heaven and hell.
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You summoned the devil!


Great, thank you very much. For a while I thought I finally went crazy and started hearing the song that is in my head way too vividly.


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I kept looking to see if I had a tab open playing it.


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I didn't recognise this girl when you posted her, but I do now.
I should get around to watching the show one of these days.


That isn't an angel's face, a demon would be more appropriate.

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Kizu Tekketsu Hen BDs
also Koyomimonogatari BDs

in case you didn't know.
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Owarimonogatari is over, the next part in the series is Zoku-owarimonogatari which is a new arc.
But if you thought that Owarimonogatari was supposed to be the end of the series, then you're looking at it the wrong way. It's not the ending story, it's the story of endings. What ended was Araragi Koyomi's adolescence, but there is still plenty more to the story beyond that.


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Ah is that so huh?
I know a few spoilers about the later novels but I thought there was a pretty clean break from the story of his adolescence and where it goes in the future.
At the very least though, Owarimonogatari was the end of the "third season" right?


I think Zoku-owarimonogatari is more like an epilogue of the third season, actually.
I'm not a novelfag but it looks like the novels since Zoku are about Araragi's college years. Can't seem to catch a break, can he?
It seems to me that the primary story is over, but Nisio figured that there is enough material to keep expanding on that there was no reason to just end it altogether.


>It seems to me that the primary story is over, but Nisio figured that there is enough material to milk the series for all its worth and add to his retirement fund.


He'll never have trouble paying his bills, and all the while he gets plenty of chances to work on side projects.
He's a smart businessman for sure.

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This is really nice. I'm warming up to Hana now that she's coming out of her shell, and while Tamate is obviously the best, the others are pretty likeable too. I also like Hana's parents being involved as well, even in SoL you rarely see that.
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The American flag weeps when it thinks of the flat breasts it will never touch because it became a flag and not a swimsuit.


I weep knowing I'll never be a swimsuit that'll touch flat breasts.


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Wow! The staff have found it within their infinite generosity to bestow upon us lower-resolution versions of the end cards without the artists' names on them! Praise be to our graceful masters!


They're not even up to date! Well at least they don't have the "mata mitene!" text on them, that's something good.

Meanwhile here's the broadcast version of Abe Kanari's entry, my personal pet favourite.


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This episode sure was lewd.


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Young Hana was cute. I can't forgive the landlady for ruining this.

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Why do we not have a thread about Best Girl?
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It's comedy.


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I guess it was a very enjoyable season, though I expected the last episode to be a double again, but it wasn't. The last two episodes have some fanservice for the fans of White and Black.


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Damn, Leonardo really manned up.
Even without White I think I enjoyed this season more than the first, I hope it's popular enough to get another season. Between it's large cast and setting I don't see myself getting bored of it anytime soon if they made more of this quality.


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I squee'd like a little bitch when HWAITO showed up. Also not only Leonardo manned up, but also his sister.
But yeah, it was a great season, equal-but-different to the first. Rare are the series that keep up such quality in writing and directing. And the needed focus the secondary cast got made for some truly 10/10 episodes. I'd love a third season with some HWAITO-centric episodes, tho. They obv cut a deal with the author to get Burakku back in the cast, coz he doesn't have cooties, but it won't be the same without Hwaito.

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> curves
Surely a deviant.


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Pluto is a planet in my heart.


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Chubby elves
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This looks super interesting.


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No need to. Whatever he's doing with his hands is enough. The dick would probably kill them.


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Red clam meat bun?


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Remember to do your stretches, Anons!


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>Potato is dead

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Wait what the fuck, this is 24 episodes? Surely they don't mean to keep up this pacing the entire time.
After this episode though I don't particuarly feel like carrying on watching to find out.


It is magic, it doesn't have to make sense.

Oh God, you are right. What in the fuck? Maybe all of this was just some setting set up shit and it is going to turbo slow now?


To be fair the whole concept of an entire army in full plate armor was kind of shockingly retarded.


>Oh God, you are right. What in the fuck? Maybe all of this was just some setting set up shit and it is going to turbo slow now?
Nah this is like 6 tanks in fewer episodes
Maybe they're trying to cover all nine novels in one two-cour show.


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I don't know about you, but these bellies are enough for me to watch it.

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Can you explain Schrödinger's Cat in a way, that even Ryuushika can understand?


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Only if she can stop tripping out.


It explains from the living cat's frame of reference time continues where from the dead cat's frame it stops so in order to satisfy the constant equivalent change in space time delta S there must be an infinite change in space, or dimensional split, using an extra spacial dimension.

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Sakura is cute!

So far this sequel is exactly what I wanted.


I really like how they manage to make it look simultaneously old-school in style but also look like it's a modern anime
Not entirely sure how they pulled it off but they did.

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