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Nigel hacked on some subs on a low-quality video of Episode 1, so enjoy for now.

Who else is looking forward to seeing the Lizards getting blown sky fucking high?
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I heard about a 3rd season and this cutie will be there.
I hope Nabe makes it in too.


Evileye is unlikely to be in Season 3 unless they change the plot significantly. Nabe shows up once or twice but never does anything important, which will continue if they go into Season 4. The way Overlord works is that a lot of characters in Nazarick get their time to shine and then fade into the background where we get a few glimpses of what they're doing but not much else, with exception.


By the way, Season 3 in summer.

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Well that was made by shaft alright.

Interesting cast, hell even the cats.
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The fact she is younger than me killed me a little inside.


You and me both senpai.


holy shit this thread is comfier than in halfchan /a/


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A double episode. And oh god, we are not getting season 3 next year, if ever, are we? God damn it. That was such a "it is over" ending, even though it is obviously not over.


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I liked this season even more than the first one. I guess lack of Rei being edgy is the main reason. But also Hinata gained quite the few points. I fucking love characters like her.

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It is happening! They are setting off for Antarctica and it is only episode 5! It is not going to be some last episode montage of them being there! High school girls on the South Pole!
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No. But didn't they show it in another shoot? And I think they showed a lot of European-looking people. Was going to Singapore and then to West Australia really that optimal?


Allow me to share your shame. For most of that episode I thought they were supposed to be in Australia too. It kept puzzling me that they showed some landmarks I'd never seen while avoiding the obvious ones.

Maybe I simply forgot, but I don't remember them explicitly saying they'd stop by at Singapore. I suppose the particularities of a Japan <-> Australia trip, not to mention Singapore's most prominent sights, are well-known enough in Japan that they didn't need to be explicit about it.


I don't think they ever mentioned beforehand that they were going to be stopping in Singapore, or where they were at the time; they only clarified it later on when they mentioned being there before. So I wasn't sure where they were at first (aside from definitely not being Australia) but I recognised the hotel so as soon as they showed that I figured it out.


Being a seppo must be tough.


But I am European.

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 No.22594[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Can someone clarify: so Dr. Heath, his demihumans, and his compound were separate from the government and that's why Market Makers stormed it.


Shit, it has been a few weeks since I watched it so I could be talking out of my ass here, but wasn't Gilbert already in charge by the time of the raid? The compound could well have been a goverment funded problem but Market Makers didn't seem like the type of orginization to give a fuck about that, especially when it'd allow him to both off Keith's dad as well as gather all the demihumans under his power.


I guess I'm confused because Market Makers was created to collaborate with the king and the government to further the project investigating the recreation of the "gods." So if the Dr. heath's compound was under government control, there would be no reason to commit a raid.


Disregard this post. I'm retarded. I'm awful at following any story.


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I left this until very late but it was great, with consistently good art, great music, and lots of nice stories that came together with a really good ending. Episode 11 threw me off though, it was odd suddenly seeing them have trains when up until then all we'd seen was technology on the level of hand tools and some magic.
I was surprised to see it was done by Lerche too, which I only noticed in the credits of the last episode. I think that's the first thing they've made that hasn't been awful.

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I didn't think that the brute is going to be the new Garo. Also they sure got some budget this time around. But I have my doubts about them being able to keep on going for 2-cours like that, though it might not even be a 2-cour Garo.
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It was very satisfying to see Sophie's balls. Seems like Martin was actually still human, because he had no darkness in his heart and so the horror couldn't posses him. But it was Sophie that basically flipped the switch and made him descent into madness. If this really becomes a thing, it will be even more satisfying.


>Seems like Martin was actually still human
I wonder what would've happened if Sophie tried to take the ring off of him.


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It was a little weird that so much ended in a single episode, but still…
That Gina vs Queen fight.
That Luke vs Knight fight.
That Sword vs King fight.
And holy shit, that last scene.
So much good animation, cinematography and music.


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The electronic music was pretty cool.


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The last fight wasn't much to last episode's fight and even to the cliffhanger that hyped it up. Too much CGI, the armour were all edgy and shinning and you couldn't see shit from them anyway.
The rest of the episode was generic and fine. Still not as good as HnK.

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I enjoyed the second episode.
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Textboards shut down in 2014, that was a huge drop in quality.


He left after his Canvas project failed and he was getting extreme online press flak for 4chan's involvement in the celebrity nudes leak and then gamergate. AKA 2014.


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There is something heart-warming about watching a simple harem anime in year of our god 2018.


COuldn't agree more. Just watched ep.12. It's basically left hanging. Anyone know if a continuation is planned?


I am sure there will never be. You will have to pick up the novel or the manga if you want more.

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>There's plenty enough comedy for me without him thanks. I could see him growing as a character once he learns Juri might get left behind (he doesn't know that yet, right?) but I can see him just as easily remaining a boring one note character.
He's pathetic, but he also cares a lot about his family. Hell, he protected Makoto by jumping in front of him; so calling him a one note character isn't entirely accurate. Also the comedic value he brings is different than what's provided by the other cast. With that said, I do agree that there's room for some good development in the remaining episodes, and I'm looking forward to that.


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If she just had left her hair grow like this she would have gotten a boyfriend/husband by now. Now with a child it might be hard.
It was a nice enough episode with an extra deusx ex machina to end it all with a satisfying happy ending. But the OP especially made me expect a lot more to happen in the anime than in really did.
In the end you could say she came around to appreciate the feeling of satisfaction of living for a child, which probably lead to her to not be as business oriented as she was trying to be and was failing at. Was this another procreation propaganda anime in disguise?


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Well wasn't that convenient. I might actually be mad about this if it hadn't become clear after the first few episodes this show was a massive waste of potential.


I'm glad the ending wasn't tragic because I don't think I would've cared enough to feel anything. Nice ending sequence too.

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Buying your yome is the new hotness.
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How does this happen?


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It is winter so she becomes small.


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The setting was great and the characters weren't even bad, but it was a constant 24/7 drama and I didn't enjoy almost any of it. Can't say I was left with a positive opinion about this anime.


The Manga was much better


In what way? Isn't it a faithful adaptation?

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check the booty on this otter
hot damn
does she have any hentai?


None, I checked.

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Shogi is so interesting!
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Powerlevels in this anime confuse me. First it seemed like Ginko and the lolicon dude, being pupils of the same master and having played each other for years, were of a roughly equal level, but then it turned out all females suck and play at an amateur level. Individually, each of the main characters rides an endless skill rollercoaster: one minute they're super geniuses or multiple-title-holding dominant players, the next they're struggling against some gimmick character. Only Charlotte and the christmas cake are constant.


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Imagine boxing or wrestling or something. There are many titles and they need to be defended in the tournaments related to them. Ryuu is one of the bigger annual championships and titles, but the meijin is the real top dog. Even if the MC defends his title he won't be getting the titles the meijin holds as they are were not playing under the proper tournaments and rules of the titles and such. He is only the defender right now.
As far as I understand Ginko is the current female top champion - the queen. As you would notice it is pronounced in English, probably because it is a new title as a whole as women got allowed to even have a professional female league only in recent history.
People can meme equality all they want, but shogi, chess or even e-sports - men dominate them too easily, women just can't compare.


Last time I checked, /pol/ was elsewhere. Try there.


You asked how can they both be professional players and have the same master, yet be so different in shogi skills that even the current female champion would be considered very week in the man league. That's your answer. Deal with it. Throwing /pol/'s name in a hissy fit won't change that.


That's the point, thank you. I didn't, you see, ask that. I was commenting on how the anime depicts their skills in wildly varying ways, not on what the skills of living, non-anime people are and how they relate to biological and social factors.

Bringing up a tangentially related real-life topic and politically charging it in such a stealthy way as to make it look like whoever replies is the one who's bringing up politics is what your post seemed to me like it was doing, and such a post, you'll agree with me, would have /pol/ written all over it.

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Has someone thought about replacing tinyboard by writing an imageboard software in something a little less PHP and doing things a little more modern?

Suggestions? Thoughts? Volunteers?

Having auto-refresh on threads work out of the box, and an "inline extension" would make things a lot less cancer, maybe even convince some people to stick around more.
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My first thought is that when people say 'modern website' they usually mean 'website that won't even display a line of text unless you download and run javascript (most of which is hosted at google btw)'. We'll all be well advised not to accidentally use such vague words in lieu of specific criticism and suggestions.

Fancy user-facing features are just fine as long as they don't impact usability. One can question the usefulness of auto-refresh on threads that are lucky to get three posts a day, but an imageboard should be developed with both big and small sites in mind, so that's a moot point.

Personally, the more features an imageboard has, the more obvious it becomes to me that being a website is holding it down. For this reason I think the moment devs choose to go the features route they should include a public API so people can write dedicated clients. A browser can't compete with showing native desktop notifications or triggering events. No, let me rephrase that: it shouldn't try to.


This is another failing of tinyboard, it is very tied in to HTTP requiring headers and JS and other bullshit. Being compatible with telnet connections or lighter web browsers or dedicated client connections to the backend would be a great impetus for it.


That's why having a proper API would be great, both for lolweb3.5garbage and actual desktop clients.


get that russian browser add on. Dollchan or something.

Dollchan will fix up all the issues of the dated imageboard software that every site uses


Easier use with javascript is fine but it should always work without any javascript.

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