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I keep telling myself that Juri and Gramps decision making process is mostly due to the fact that they're just average people in a completly unexpected situation, but ever since that anon brought it up I can't help feeling it is perhaps all a little contrived. But whatever, Juri snapping on these guys was totally cool.


Made a little more sense when she started fighting with the grandpa, but how is he now able to accurately teleport behind someone and nothing personal him anyway? It made for cool TV, but even if she just has to hit them once, the titty monster(?) winning against 3 thugs "Whoa, she so scary!" doesn't make much sense.
Last episode the bad guys were able to figure out the Herald from just one test and then suddenly all of it is throw away this episode with "obviously, there are probably more than one Heralds" and just basically needs to be accepted as another fact form now on. "Cool TV" I can deal with and even enjoy, but when characters are presented as smart by pulling opinions out of their asses and then the opinions just become in-universe facts upsets me.
I enjoy the atmosphere of the show, but the director is probably the one that would get the credits for that. As far as story-writing goes, it is not quite as smartly written as it probably tries to be.


For whatever reason, I'm getting pseudo-nostalgia from the ED.

>how is he now able to accurately teleport behind someone
Since the teleportation power isn't fully explained, we can probably surmise two things: the accuracy, in part, inversely varies with the distance to the desired destination; his mental and physical state affect the accuracy too. The latter is more tenuous. This might be "Cool TV", and it might be better explained in the manga.

>and just basically needs to be accepted as another fact form now on

Majima and Sagawa probably knew there were more Heralds from the beginning, but they they weren't 100% sure about their composition and "death". I don't think it's "Cool TV" if you consider that.


>how is he now able to accurately teleport
Maybe he's getting practice.


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As they were running away before that scene I just resigned myself to thinking that they're just really stupid. It's the only way to accept their actions as being anything other than author contrivance, when they insist on running and warping straight down streets instead of warping over a fence that's right next to them.

The setting and all the stuff to do with the heralds is a lot more interesting than the characters are.


The entire story is contrived. The bad guys had already gotten into their house and then instead of just taking the stone (and maybe killing the family) they installed a camera and staged a kidnapping in order to force them to activate the stone.


I am pretty sure that at least this one is saved be the fact that they had no way to know how the stone really looks like or if it is really even a stone. And probably had to see how it is activated.


>they had no way to know how the stone really looks
Did I miss something?


Considering that the main bad dudes are talking over something with the dad I'm pretty sure there's something they want from the family.


They might have an easier time making a deal with them if their pistols worked and the grandpa couldn't teleport around.
The spell was not going to change the power balance in their favor at any point. The only advantage they might have gotten from it was that the neighbors wouldn't notice their actions. But considering they kidnapped 2 people in broad daylight that does not seem to be a major concern for them.


They didn't know the old man could warp, though. And they brought way more guys. It should've been easy for them to subdue two old men and a woman, but things went against expectations.


My point was not that they should have foreseen that.
My point was that they had nothing to gain from it. They went to a whole lot of effort to make ranged weaponry useless to kidnap a bunch of people, and part of their preparation was kidnapping 2 of them, and another part was breaking into their house and then leaving again.
It's like breaking into the bank, hiding a note for the cashier and then visiting them the next day to tell them where to find the note and all it says is to please transfer 5 dollars to your grandmother's account.
And then you get charged with breaking and entering. The elaborate scheme has no purpose.


My impressions were that firstly it's not clear if they knew how the stone worked, or even if that rock with the effort message written on it was the stone before they saw it used. Given we didn't see how they used their servant stone, it's possible the process is different for them too. Or hell, it's almost guaranteed to be different, since it's not like they could've had their dozens of people laying their hands on a little rock at the same time.
Secondly, it's clear that they want to get information about the world and the stone from the family, and expected the father to be knowledgeable about it, which he isn't. There's also the matter that kidnapping a woman and child (what they planned for) was a lot easier than kidnapping all five of them.
That said, I've probably put more thought into it than the author with this, and you're probably right.


No, you are definitely right. I don't think the author is that intelligent himself, as he is not doing a good job of portraying the supposedly smart characters, but what you are saying is basically what has been already established.
One of the problems that will probably become even more obvious with each episodes is that this series was probably not very well/detailed planned beforehand, which is very typical for manga. It took 6 years to finish the manga. It is a double-edged sword. For example I remember watching an interview with Araki (JoJo) and he said he spends only one day of the whole month (when he was already publishing monthly) to actually think about the plot and that's mostly the plot of the chapter that he is going to do this month. Even manga series like this Kokkoku, that really need it, are just not properly planned. And even worse, because they can take so long to finish the author might start adding things that don't make much sense with something that happened months or years ago in real life. tl;dr: it is normal for manga to be a mess plot-wise, because it is done by amateurs that rarely understand the importance of story structure or even have the time to care.


Published manga artists are by definition professionals, and there's no shortage of novels and scripts that have writing problems.


By definition sure, but come on, you must know what I mean. They have no experience doing it. Especially in Jump manga it is very common. Even look at the big names, their big series is pretty much the first thing they have ever done (other than a few one-shots) or the second or third at best. This is also why manga artists often are bad at art, especially in the beginning, because they haven't really studied, trained or even thought productively how to do it. Many, especially women, never even seem to learn how to draw properly. The same is with story construction. Sure, they will get better at it, especially at the week/monthly regime of it, but they won't actually sit down and constructively think about how they should plan their stories more than a volume ahead at best. In manga writing it is the norm to think on the moment and not plan ahead.


They're storytellers. Their professional experience consists of telling stories. Novel and script writers aren't necessarily thinking ahead either. And I don't know where you get the idea that manga artists, and particularly women, can't draw.


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I didn't expect that guy to go so quickly, I figured he'd be one of the major antagonists.
But god damn, nothing happened this episode.


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Juri better not have the common sense to find a change of clothes at some point.
Though now the bad dudes don't have a hostage anymore and all the good guys are together, I don't have a clue what we're gonna spend the next six episodes doing. Hell, couldn't they just end the spell now and leave the bad guys in statis?


>couldn't they just end the spell now and leave the bad guys in statis?
Does that actually work or was it just grandpa's ignorance speaking?


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Is this Street Fight now?


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Dad can just fuck off. I really hope he doesn't end up accidently saving the day.


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Surely this is not his end? I will be really mad if he tells us his sob story and that's his end.


But he's the comic relief.


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There's plenty enough comedy for me without him thanks. I could see him growing as a character once he learns Juri might get left behind (he doesn't know that yet, right?) but I can see him just as easily remaining a boring one note character.

Looks that way to me. Maybe he'll be the one who causes that big star that looks like it's fucking stasis up, but I doubt he'll be directly involved in the climax.


>There's plenty enough comedy for me without him thanks. I could see him growing as a character once he learns Juri might get left behind (he doesn't know that yet, right?) but I can see him just as easily remaining a boring one note character.
He's pathetic, but he also cares a lot about his family. Hell, he protected Makoto by jumping in front of him; so calling him a one note character isn't entirely accurate. Also the comedic value he brings is different than what's provided by the other cast. With that said, I do agree that there's room for some good development in the remaining episodes, and I'm looking forward to that.


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If she just had left her hair grow like this she would have gotten a boyfriend/husband by now. Now with a child it might be hard.
It was a nice enough episode with an extra deusx ex machina to end it all with a satisfying happy ending. But the OP especially made me expect a lot more to happen in the anime than in really did.
In the end you could say she came around to appreciate the feeling of satisfaction of living for a child, which probably lead to her to not be as business oriented as she was trying to be and was failing at. Was this another procreation propaganda anime in disguise?


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Well wasn't that convenient. I might actually be mad about this if it hadn't become clear after the first few episodes this show was a massive waste of potential.


I'm glad the ending wasn't tragic because I don't think I would've cared enough to feel anything. Nice ending sequence too.

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