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I am god.
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Bakemono janai desu.


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Hai, anata wa watashi no kami desu!


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I don't know about God, but we all love you.

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 No.18042[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

This seasons almost done and I just want the next one to start already. Anything you guys are looking forward to?
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Subversive imagery and stuff.


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I knew it. This smug cunt is evil. Except next episode they are going to present her as not that evil, which is really unfortunate. It would have been nice to have a full-blown maniacal bitch that makes Zero go bunkers for being tricked this hard.


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Suddenly aliens.


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I am more than fine with this.

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The most cutest Angel.
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The anime itself proclaimed to me meaningless.


This is what happens when you try to carry a show with romance only.


What romance? This is one of the least romantic dramas I've ever seen.


With that ending especially I would set on a coming-of-age pseudo intellectual drama.


The thinking man's "romance".

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What if some of the posters on here are actually 3D? And they're only pretending to be 2D? Isn't that scary? As a 2D girl, I'm kinda creeped out…


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Surely we are all part of the Wired and have disconnected from the physical world by this point and therefore we are not physically 3D?

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The second season is here, lads.
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I actually didn't like episode 11. Bon's delusions were one thing, and I didn't like them that much to begin with, but what was the point of this whole episode? It was an extra resolution that achieved nothing. Episode 10's ending was more than good enough. We are just getting to see the old cast for no reason than seeing them and having an extra "we are getting separated again" moment.


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Everyone is so old and ugly. My poor Konatsu. Sayonara, rakugo.


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I'm only now catching up after falling off at episode 3. Episode 4's rakugo story was the first one to actually get a laugh out of me.


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I liked it. The point of that episode seemed pretty clear to me; it was to resolve Bon's feelings of blaming himself for what happened, which naturally followed with him being able to move on at the end. While one might consider an afterlife to be a contrived way to find resolution, I thought it was a nice way to end Bon's story on a peaceful note.
That reveal in the final episode I found to be much more bothersome. Why the hell would Bon ever have slept with Konatsu? That's absurd. Though I suppose it makes more sense than Konatsu shacking up with the gang boss for no reason.

I really have to note that the seiyuu for this show did an absolutely incredible job. From the start they had to voice characters who performed a form of storytelling where they had to act as several characters at once, and the seiyuu were able to pull that off while also changing the characters' voices as they aged. Akira Ishida is a man of great talent.



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It is already the last episode.
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That's also true. But what's done's done.


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Show me your battle moves, fufufu!


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Why do you do this to me?


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I never cared much about Akihabara, but the love in this anime has started making me appreciate it and wanting to actually visit, even if it is not going to be as exaggerated as it is in this anime.


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Even though I like comedies usually I am that one prick that will come and say a show is trying too hard and it is not really fun to watch, but this anime was able to charm me. Even if it gets plenty silly at times the general flow and atmosphere just bring it all together nicely and make me all smiles. It was quite the enjoyable show and I am definitely going to check out the game.

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I was for episode behind Sousei no Onmyouji so I had some catching up to do.

Episode 16: After failing to save the newly introduced girlfriend of their weakass senpai the main characters were depressed. The childhood friend of the MC cheered them up. The moment that ended she turned into a kagare out of nowhere and they cried about having to kill her. Instead they united and used a spell no one else could to turn her back into a human.

Episode 17: The saving succeed. The evil childhood friend (aka onii-san) was behind it. They had no power left so MC's and evil childhood friend's teacher fought against the evil childhood friend and almost got killed, but just ended up in a coma.

Episode 18: Bonding between the two main characters, before they met the evil childhood friend to fight him.

Episode 19: They got destroyed by the evil childhood friend, that wants to become the ultimate onmyouji when it comes to power. The evil humanoid kagare that fights for fun and likes fighting strong people, but also doesn't like the evil childhood friend, saves the day by giving magical legs to the female MC, whose parents he killed in the past.

Watching this anime is pain.
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So now they are on a family trip.


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Onmyouji on sticks. I am sure that this what she is thinking about. Poor Lion-san. He didn't deserve that.


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Boys, the Japs are at it again. Get the codes ready. We are going nuclear.


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Yes, genocide the dirty apes.

How did it all come down to flying cities and giant tentacle rapes.


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Well this is finally over. I really think there was a lot of wasted potential with the main couple. There were even some interesting characters among that never got properly explored. But the generic shounen plot just shitted on all of it. Even the ending had potential and the talk with Abe no Seimei wasn't that bad, but they weren't really able to win an argument with him so suddenly friendship and love, so he decided to go sleep for another thousand years.
The manga is still going on. I think it went pretty much original since the time skip and the little girl and sadly some of the better character and relationship progression was done in this filler part, while the beginning had a lot of just stupid things when it came to that. It makes me think the manga wouldn't be any better, if not worse. But maybe the kegare character would actually save it. I will probably never know.
A lot of good OPs and EDs. I will have to make a proper video collection of all of them.

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Last week we had butt imprints, this week we have genital sniffing. What sort of degeneracy can we look forward to in the weeks to come?
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There was a lack of fetishes in this arc. And then the final episode was full of them.


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Kyoko is cute and all, but Moe-nee route when?

And boy, it sure was disappointing to see those two show up again only for them to be different characters with copy pasted designs.


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Still like her now?


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Much better than the last two arcs. Shame it's sold like arse and we probably won't get an S2 because of those last two arcs, though.

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Yuri pandering and cute bellies: the anime.
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First the fucking disgusting episode 5 kind of ruined the yuri pandering. Then episode 6 and 7 had none of the sickening stuff from episode 5, had practically no fanservice or yuri pandering, and had actual focus on the comedy and establishing the characters of the girls. This anime is inconsistent as fuck. But I did enjoy the fuck out of Plum's backstory. Witches are the best. Next episode I guess we're back to fanservice.


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It had everything, from practically canon lesbian couples to slightly mindfuckish worldbuilding. Oh, but the execution was still really bad. The part on the roof had awful scene cuts without any logic to them and so on. And I'm sure the canonity of the couple will be forgotten by the next episode.


I wish this show sold better, it gave me a warm fuzzy feeling. Is warm fuzzy feeling that unpopular these days? Stella, Flip Flappers, Anne Happy, and now Urara…


I enjoyed it too. I thought it was going to be 100% yuri pandering and fan service, but it was actually backed up with interesting visuals and a decent set of stories. I just wish there was a little more closure at the end because I doubt there'll be a second season.


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>because I doubt there'll be a second season
D-dont give up hope! ;_;

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Another fucking bike anime and with Bakuon!!'s MC seiyuu playing the MC again to boost. Long Raider's sure hurt her voice with that seiyuu that was as if trying to sound like her, but was fucking awful.
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Gaijin assets.


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Gaijin butt.
Also パンク is a pretty great word.


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Cycling is super interesting.


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God I hate these sort of final episode misunderstandings. It wasn't even that big a deal but just it's inclusion annoyed me no end.


I have to wonder what is even happening in the manga after this point. Just bicycling to random places? And technically Sandy still has to go back home in a year, though they can of course easily dodge that with extra time. It seems like there might be some more amateur racing with that one scene from the OP and the fact they talk about being faster than before. The only plot there is left is about the ojousama and her sister.

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Imagine if your existence as an author was one big internet joke.
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Think this episode was around on par with the first one for being the shittest one so far. All the stuff between Idol and MC was boring as fuck and then the second half of the episode was plagued by my greatest enemies, steam and beams of light. On the plus side, Truck-kun made his first appearance and the Idol girl's VA did a really good job of making the first scene totally painfull to listen too.


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Love triangles and shit.


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