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sure is lewd in here…


Another useless thread, just great.


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Compared to what? Is there some baseline of lewdness that we have surpassed? Perhaps you are simply partial to a puritanical society and cannot judge lewdness as an uninvolved observer; a prisoner to your dogma and culture's views on lewdness.


You had 3 years to make a thread that wasn't useless. Now it's too late. The horror.

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Shinmai girls are top tier.

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Whatcha doing in your room Anon? Having fun?
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Yup, having fun. I'm celebrating my birthday by playing Yuki, Muon, Madobe nite on loop.


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No fun now, only satiation.


good choice


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Sitting here, hoping for a miraculous breakthrough in something, but that will probably never happen.


Spending what little money I have on merchandise. I want to die knowing that whoever finds me will have an army of cute figures and statues staring at them as they enter my room.

>Sitting here, hoping for a miraculous breakthrough in something, but that will probably never happen.
I think a lot of people are doing that.

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Why are flat chests so delicious?


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All the better to eat sashimi off of and then naizuri.


I want to use LLENN's vulva as a pillow!

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Animation aside (that scene with Rossweisse drinking was especially bad) I'm having fun. Minimal Issei angsting over his relationship with the girls and plenty of ecchi scenes. Aika getting plenty of screen time also makes me very happy.


They air this censored, don't they?


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AT-X saves the day.


Oh nice, I thought even ATX was airing censored broadcast these days


Oh shit, I remember watching BoRn.
Is it any good?

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Ciron that's not a 9 nor a 5.


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Happy Cirno de Mayo.

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So, there was an interesting report about the anime industry

Some notable points
-The graph above is in billions of yen
-The Japanese market has stagnated, only rising 3.8% since 2013
-The remainder of the growth since 2013 is because of China, Korea, and the West
-More anime are being produced each year since 2011, with 356 shows in 2016
-The industry itself has seen little to no benefit from the growth, because almost all of the overseas money goes to licensers, publishers, and (obviously) overseas companies

What do you guys think of this? I think that the trends have basically gone hand in hand with the Western mainstreamization of anime and the continued degradation of the fandom since Shingeki aired.
But regardless of what you think about the West, it's definitely a bad thing that the market in Japan is stagnating and that the studios are still not getting any money.
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It seems kind of backwards for TV Tokyo to leave, but Otter Media/AT&T/Chernin are definitely trying to capitalize on CR as much as possible. They've been the majority stakeholders since 2013 anyway so this was a natural next step for them.


Everyone seems too focused on the western demographic, but nobody talks about the chinks or the koreans, who seem to be the the ones actually pumping profit margins up.

I wonder how they are going to influence things in the long run.


The Chinese like mecha, right?


Probably not very much, besides sapping all sorts of revenue. Maybe it's because their cultures are not all too different, but the Chinese-Japanese co-productions recently have pretty much just been regular anime, and a couple them have even been pretty enjoyable.
Americans are more likely to disrupt things, as they are known to do.


They honestly seem to like the same sort of stuff the Japanese liked five years ago. They even have their own SAO and by some accounts it's objectively better, although I wouldn't know.

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Dumb battle scenes don't really annoy me. Dad waiting till when he did to say how to beat it really pissed me off though.


Maybe he forgot. He doesn't have much of a brain.


This series seems to be trying to use the dated terminology and stylistic of the original with modern setting, and isn't managing it well. I mean, it might be okay if you find this stuff nostalgic, but I don't. Also the plot is squarely the motw with overarching enemy cliche. But, minor problems aside, it's not doing much for the characters, and is doing even less as worldbuilding. I can wave off that the dad waited for ages to tell Mana the way to beat the monster, but I can't handle not knowing why this actually worked. Should I continue watching? Just did the third ep, and I doubt it'll ever get better.


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I encourage you to watch episode 4, just because I dont feel I shouldn't be the only one who had to suffer through it. It's about the kid who told Mana about Kitarou in the first place and he's obnoxious as hell.
5 was a bit better, but I think you're pretty much on point with everything you said there so if you're not feeling it by now I doubt there'll be much for you.


>I encourage you to watch episode 4, just because I dont feel I shouldn't be the only one who had to suffer through it.
Well, did this a couple of weeks later. Be satisfied. It was shit.

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To continue my whenever Black Clover-related posts from the previous season's thread.


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The last two acrs have been enjoyable, despite the forced slow pacing and non-existent budget. Even Asta is actually a likeable guy.


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This show is far too good to not have a thread.


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I can sincerely say this anime is trash. It would have been the most mediocre shit there is, but when people are this much up their ass it doesn't deserver even that much.
This anime was made in 720p, downscaled and them upscaled back. The director is making a decade old bad meme into reality and thinks that makes it more artsy. Meanwhile the animation is barely existing and the fight choreography is a joke. Those two should have been the most important aspects of the show, but it are amateurish, cheap garbage instead. The 50-year anniversary anime of an emblematic manga/anime couldn't get even that much right. The story is as generic as you would expect, as are the characters, the setting and the general message. There is absolutely nothing remarkable about this. The people that are making it are not even trying to make something worthwhile.
Only a fucking gaijin can look at this trainwreck and praise it.


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All I can really say is it does it for me. The entire tone I find extremly appealing and enough to elevate what is, like you said, a standard boxing story into something really enjoyable.
What about the music at least? If I was to point to one element that stands out on it's own it'd probably be that.


I watched Machine-Doll I can deal with an upscale. There have been a few QUALITY moments that have made me not too happy though. Even with a bland story some of the dynamic scenes and music definitely make it enjoyable.

I have probably misguided faith that the show will take a nice turn, and become it's own. But for now it's good enough for casual watch.


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At least this doesn't have the fuck ton of filters they added to that.

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