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Tits or ass?




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You heard the lady.


I want to hug this adorable butt.

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Do you watch Vtubers?


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Just the one.
I hope some day the blurry VHS and polaroids become available.


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I used to but then everyone except the four heavenly kings and Eilene's crew stopped getting subs, and the /jp/ threads went to shit because idiots couldn't ignore Moemihater's shitposting. I still watch Eilene and Luna sometimes but that's about it.
Did anyone ever upload Eve's voice drama?


>everyone except the four heavenly kings and Eilene's crew stopped getting subs
But HimeHina and Gamebu are some of the fastest growing channels in the scene.
>Did anyone ever upload Eve's voice drama?


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I meant the kind of subs EOPs like, anon.
Thanks for the link.


do reps

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Go away. You bad nip.

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Anyone else still enjoying some wholesome family entertainment?


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Inaba? More like InaBest.


I decided I'll say this now before this thread slowly falls off the front page again: she looks like her mouth is being violated by a really hard shit. Moreover, I really it. I want an OVA series about girls and their poops. It doesn't necessarily have to be graphic; in fact, a tasteful dose of lewd would be optimal.


>she looks like her mouth is being violated by a really hard shit.
I see I wasn't the only one who saw that.


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God dammit, anon, I'm serious! My hypothetical show would have comedy, but it wouldn't be the point of it.

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 No.25123[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Wait a fucking second. Kaze ga Tsuyoku Fuiteiru is by the same author as Fune wo Amu (story only in both). The artist of Fune wo Amu was the artist and author of Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu.

That's samachan.


I just realized I was posting in the wrong seasonal thread.


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This is going to stay as one of my favourite moments in romance anime. Simple, yet effective. It was quite the good series, overall. Didn't waste its time, while keeping a mostly episodic format and lighthearted tone. Not anything special, but a polished experience.


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So this is what an IQ of 200 looks like.


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Could have posted in the autumn thread, but yes. You are correct.
Episode 16 was probably easily the best. There were so many funny faces and quirky situations. The anime should have been more like this.

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Wow, this was just awesome. The style is extremely compelling, and the animation looks like Kinema Citrus's best ever.
The director of this contributed a lot to Penguindrum and was assistant director on Yuri Kuma Arashi, and the Ikuhara influence is clear. If he doesn't fuck up, this could be on of the best anime of the year.
Unfortunately, the official subs are completely awful especially for a show like this that deserves so much more. Will be waiting for quality fansubs from now on.
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>All this thread gave him was an excuse not to watch a show he wasn't going to give a fair chance to anyway.
I'm not sure you know what "fair chance" means. If I need to change what I find worth it in fiction in order to give the show a "fair chance", that's probably not happening.
See, >>25830 has the right idea how to react. "This thread is biased, it doesn't present everything there is in the show, feel free to give it a chance." is exactly the response I was fishing for. Well, either that, or "Yeah, you've more or less figured it out."
While I'm at it, >>25831 says he doesn't care for symbolism, then goes on to point out how the main thing is certain symbolism.


I've told that the symbolism is only here for decoration and given you a certain example while telling you "but it's not very important".
Please, try to read between lines. If you're here, that must mean you're part of the elite, right?


You just seemed to imply that the giraffe allegory is a required part of the viewing experience. That being said, I do appreciate that you said the show has actual sense of progression, for example.
As for subversive themes and so on, just go read the thread about Isekai Maou. People there have managed to find more than one way to enjoy it, which makes it better than a hypothetical anime that is 100% about symbolism. The bar is really really low.


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For some reason I like the show a lot more when Karen is not on the screen.


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I finished watching this and liked it a lot. Slowed down after the first couple episodes and toward the middle, but the second half was pretty exciting. Really loved all of the choreography, great animation, and the way the characters developed.
Not the most ambitious story, and there were a few confusing parts, but all the way through I found it to be very compelling.
I think that the director is very talented, I will be keeping my eye on him going forward and hope that he gets to work on more high-budget projects like this one.

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The adaptation of that one overrated manga is finally here.
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Hmmm… Nono probably? Haven't thought about it up to now. I actually finished the last two volumes of Spirit Circle quite recently.
Is there a more up-to-date guide?


Okay, time for best guesses. May include (more) Sengoku Youko later on.

Okeya = Souya = Owl (= Senya)
Kouko = police woman? = Anima?
Rei = who? = Samidare?
Rune = Ginko = Tortoise?
East = who? = Lizard?
Tetsuma = Nezuya = Crow
Daiki = iunno = Cat
Nono = Secretary = Snake
Umi = Harumi or Nozomi? = Mantis
Bro = fuck, maybe Torai?
what about Animus / the Dragon?
But then I think Miu and Harumi are Tortoise and Hen, so maybe Rune is not Tortoise.


Hoshi no Samidare fans are the worst.


I'm not sure what part of what I said makes me a Hoshi no Samidare fan. I mean, I won't deny it, but we're talking facts, not subjective opinions. So back up your statement.


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tl;dr: this was Mizukami-lite, the anime. Everything Mizukami-ish was more or less present, but only as a nod, rather than the fully realized implementation that happens in his manga series. They should have given him 26 episodes to play with.

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Isekai Maou might have the better budget and boobs this season, but this definitely has the best butts. Sadly, it's going totally ignored by Pixiv, despite Narumi having the perfect body.
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The match didn't interest me at all, can they just get back to yuribaiting already?


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It definitely didn't have the animation quality of Hanebado or the dramatic personal stakes involved, but I feel like Harukana did a better job of having an emotional climax. The final match was entirely about the conflicting emotions of good friends fighting each other, which was a lot more relatable. The music was one area it easily matched Hanebado too. It'd be nice if it got a second season.

I misplaced the screenshots I took of the last two episodes so have this instead.

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I forgot about this /ss/ anime since it doesn't have official subs.
I hope this show gets lots and lots of doujinshi for every girl in it.
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The gyaru is within acceptable dating range for MC, so even if it counts as /ss/, it also counts as vanilla. 3 years gap is generally acceptable for teens. Now, the gyaru's friends are another question, as they seem to count MC as on the older side of their spectrum.


Wow, the dream sequence was so awful that it was actually really funny. Loli kaichou in the bed was cute however. Average stuff overall, that actively refuses to have anything deeper than surface level in it. I'm not interested in the story the least, but will probably watch a second season if it comes out. Tho that'd be at earliest in 2020 I think?


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I fell behind on this.
These two girls are thoroughly criminal and it's incredibly erotic.


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The next episode preview showed this scene but whatshername on the right was further to the side and so her armpit was off-screen. Thank god someone fixed it before it aired.

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This bad boy has it all.
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The numbers of the armies was stupidly big. The CGI was horrible. Very unfortunate.


That was really atrocious CGI. Even a series of 80's-style still frames getting panned over would've done a better job.


I mean it really wasn't –that– over-the-top. Let's consider for a moment that Hannibal recruited something to the effect of 30-50k native tribesmen just from Italy alone, not including actual Italians or obviously Romans. The Romans lost 70k in Cannae, 30k at Trebia, and something like 100k in assorted other battles but were still ready to keep raising legions. This doesn't take into account the truly massive armies of Persia and China during the same time period.

If we take for granted the fact that the Empire is obviously not!Rome, with the added benefit of D&D style magic that breaks economies in half around the time you get to Fluder' level, the idea of having 120k troops on the field isn't a huge deal, it's Cannae plus the legions they lost at Trebia. Remember too that the Empire has been in a state of "war" for a number of years yet has lost minimal numbers to conflicts simply because their fights aren't real fights.

On the Kingdom side, yes, 300k peasants is pretty ridiculous for a country whose basic premise is based on medieval France crossed with the HRE - but that's just the thing, it's presented as stupid and overblown, ridiculously oversized and not at all intelligent on a government level (though I'm not sure about in the anime).


Ainz: Tanoshii


The Empire has shown no indication it's anything remotely similar to Rome. It doesn't appear based on any real culture or nation. Neither its government nor its military resembles Rome's at all.

And Rome was able to field large armies because it was a massive city state in a federation of other massive city states that were all citizen republics. Meaning that military service was required by all able bodied men, and professional military service was a viable career. In fact in Rome military service was required if you wanted to get into politics.

The Empire that we've seen has a professional military of "knights" but there's no talk of mandatory military service nor is the Empire apparently organized in a series of huge city states that would have huge populations to draw their citizen soldiers from.

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The best anime about badminton you'll watch this season.
I was going to complain about the few moments of QUALITY that I noticed, but the bout with the teacher was way too good to focus on that. Looks like Nagisa is going to stop being a bitch and next week we'll get new characters introduced.
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High impact badminton breathing.


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That was a rather shitty way to end things. Right after we get Ayano apologising to Elena for how she'd been acting we then get this scene where she's pushing Nagisa to fuck up her leg for life. Come on.
Before that, it's rather absurd that Nagisa was able to win even with her knee being in such bad shape. It would've made more sense for the captain to call it off as soon as he saw them reach deuce, Nagisa's objections be damned. Instead they kept playing and Nagisa kept straining her knee but she ended up being fine anyway.

Also, they managed to fuck up the scoreboard. It's Nagisa on the right and Ayano on the left at first, and then halfway through the bout their positions switch.


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Still best girl desu wa.


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The anime leaves a lot of stuff out. That said even in the anime you can't say Nagisa is not also talented. They actually bothered to point out that her strength is closer to a male player and she was obviously from the start on a different level from the rest of the team. I don't remember if they showed what happened when Ayano played that senpai in training. I think they didn't. Would be interesting to see if she was too good for him or he was still doing fine or even better.
About the scoreboard, I don't think it should be changed when the players change sides, but that's what I think they did. Likely still a mistake, but a more excusable one.

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