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File: 1543228827230.jpg (1.34 MB, 1000x1414, 71679837_p0.jpg)


Do you watch Vtubers?


File: 1543238741795.jpg (42.3 KB, 1018x757, 20 million yen.jpg)

Just the one.
I hope some day the blurry VHS and polaroids become available.


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I used to but then everyone except the four heavenly kings and Eilene's crew stopped getting subs, and the /jp/ threads went to shit because idiots couldn't ignore Moemihater's shitposting. I still watch Eilene and Luna sometimes but that's about it.
Did anyone ever upload Eve's voice drama?


>everyone except the four heavenly kings and Eilene's crew stopped getting subs
But HimeHina and Gamebu are some of the fastest growing channels in the scene.
>Did anyone ever upload Eve's voice drama?


File: 1543289113307.jpg (99.15 KB, 919x608, moe white stuff.jpg)

I meant the kind of subs EOPs like, anon.
Thanks for the link.


do reps

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