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What a great episode, Rakugo positively suprised me again, I love it.


You could have posted this in the thread, you know. It would also have made it a little more understandable what you are talking about. That black screen with a default filename had me wondering there for a few seconds.


I'm sorry, I won't do such a dumb mistake next time


It is okay. As a principle I am not a fan of generals, but considering the board is small it is preferable to keep the discussions of something close. Here is the thread, by the way >>18202 I do encourage you to post more, though.

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I am starting to like the brat being all tsuntsun cute.


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So the bad guy now suddenly has a flying fortress somewhere above Japan that is probably not detectable by radars and satellites. What the fuck.


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I have to agree with that question. Why is this guy so relevant now?
That said I am the only person here that is watching this, so you guys do indeed have no idea who is who.

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Are you here to pay your tribute to Humanity's Strongest?

Or you just want to talk nonsense?
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I hope the remaining novels get translated in a relatively decent time frame.



Nevermind, I thought vertical will do the rest, turns out they will just do the first (already tl'ed) one.


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I didn't even know they'd translated a few more chapters.

Sigh, I guess I'll havta buy it.


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Damn, Zaregoto is as charming as I remembered it to be. Somewhat chuuni and tryhard, but I've long since stopped minding that. And somehow the overtly Shinbo style works perfectly.

Two words about the subs: perfectly adequate translation, bad styling. I recommend restyling them before watching.

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Hey, fufufu, where do you eat with your friends?


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Wagnaria only, if I can find one nearby.

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It's actually getting translated now. Up to episode 18, even. Ergo deserves a thread. If anybody else left off the raws at some point because of laziness like me, this is the moment to go back to watching it.


Oh boy, the translation is up to episode 44, RAWs up to 65. So much catching up to do.


The subtitles are up to 65 now. Only one more episode to go.


I dropped out pretty early.
Are there any cute new cocotamas?

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You caused a 5-hour time skip in the system.


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This might not have been a simple time skip. I think we switched universes.


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Nothing bad ever happened.


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Cheers to this!

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It's a new way of life to me.

Great taste anon.


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I have never seen a single episode of Initial D.


I have it sitting on my hard drive but also have never got around to watching it. Maybe one day.


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Well, it happened. 2016 is a magical year.
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CG was never actually amazing anyway, rewatching it makes it feel like a decent, 8/10 type. The meme of Code Geass has transcended the anime itself.


>Akito was okay, just pretend it's not the same series.
Akito's problems have very little to do with its connection to Geass and everything to do with absurd and nonsensical jumps in the story and characterisation in the last two episodes, such as everyone preventing Akito from killing Ashley who up until that point had been a psychopathic nutjob because this would mean Akito is losing himself or something that makes no sense, and then Ashley decides to join up with them for no reason and turns into a completely different character. The final episode was bad enough that I've already scrubbed most of it from my mind.


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I think you're not far off with 8/10. I'm also rewatching it and from the first six episodes I feel the only really awesome thing about it is the premise of having the Char-like figure as the MC, everything else is just about average.
I'm pretty sure the cat episode has been the best so far. It's way more funny than I remember it being.



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Oh jesus christ, you ain't wrong. This was fucking awful.
>everyone preventing Akito from killing Ashley
I'd have been fine with this at least if they only started trying to stop him at this point. This was pretty far over the line. But yeah, trying to stop him while Ashley was still fighting was just stupid.
I also didn't like that they included Lelouch and Suzaku. On one hand as a Lelouch fanboy I'm always glad to see him, but this really just felt like they were forcing them into the story for fanservice rather then them needing to be there for the story to happen. Should have just used the time to try and make the story make sence instead.
I really liked the Alexanders. Close to becoming my new mechfu's, their little faces and breasts are just too cute.

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The superior mahou shoujo anime this season coming through a week later with yellow subtitles.
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A satisfying ending to an okay show.


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>this show


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I remembered I hadn't finished this series.

The tl;dr of the end:
Being able to rewrite the multiuniverse itself, MC wishes for everything to become normal, for the gates between the dimensions to close, so all the gods go back to their own dimensions and there are no more mahou shoujos…
…except that next day best girl turns up with her two gods and continues the adventure.

That being said, with the exception of the literally garbage-tier episodes 10 and 11, it was a surprisingly nice show.


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Episode 11 had a nice ending


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If by this you mean "only the scene of Shingo-kun crying", I'd agree.

But that reminds me, I liked the pic related twist too.

P.S. This series really made sure you remember Shingo-kun's name, didn't it.

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I'm going to post this every now and then and hopefully some of you might enjoy it.
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It's nice.


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Many Japanese people eat fish.


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What's going on in this thread…


I still don't remember what I said I'd do whenever you post it.
But I can't tell you how glad I am that you did.


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The opening is kind of boring when compared to the previous seasons.


I think they might just rotate through the remaining character songs.

Also is it just me or have the episodes been getting denser since earlier seasons?


This show comes out faster than my sanity can deal with keeping up, I'm still on season 4.


Yet another season?
Jeez, they don't know when to stop.
I couldn't keep up after 6 forgot watching at the start of 7.


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Teekyuu is love, Teekyuu is life.

The second half of the season was fucking great.

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