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S2 when?
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Not me. I like the show and all, but not enough to want to spend a day every single week for years talking about it (or more realistically, not talking about it). The place is a circlejerk and I'm not sure why the mods even allow it.




Actually, a few months ago, a mod tried moving it to /c/ but that didn't last long at all.


Mods going ballistic again?


It was just one new mod on a power trip. Many threads were deleted/moved that day

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I actually kinda like this when it's just Gab/Vignette or Gab/Vignette/Satanichia. Though so far any other combination of characters has began to wear on me pretty quickly. The new coffe shop owner character I find especially annoying in how he puts up with Gab's shit.
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Overall it only got better and it was better than I expected it to be at first, but it certainly had its dull moments where it went too far with some "this is fun, laugh here" moments.


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So this whole special was healing. I'm actually a little pissed off. It was right in the feels. I blame it on the girl, she's just too moe.


There's a new OVA out? Since when?


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A week or so? I was quite surprised to suddenly see a second OVA, to be honest, I hadn't noticed the first one.


I knew there was a first one but I didn't even know we were getting a second one, huh.

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Fufufu please be my friend tonight.
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And now I'm dead.


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What's going on here?




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Have a friend.

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Your weekly dose of countryside and reaction faces.

I think the anime is pretty good.

To anyone who is following the manga, how was it for you?
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That was educational as fuck. I didn't actually know what the fuck were the japs' hamburgers. Anime has this habit of just drawing it badly and commenting how delicious it is, without elaborating at all. Interesting part is, I made something quite similar yesterday, it just includes bread in the dough and I prefer to grill instead of fry the meatballs. They become too greasy otherwise. Fuck if I know the exact names for these recipes in English.


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I ran out of things to say about this show, but in the end I liked it.

I wonder why big flying whales with ruins on their backs are a somewhat common device in fantasy, though. Is there a mythology that they feature in?


I think this is connected with the moving islands. It's a common thing in mythologies to have giant whales mistaken for islands, and this is combined with the other recurring trope about floating islands to produce the logical result of air whales.

A more scifi take on this would be that whales are actually a rather good design for a floating ship, because of the aerodynamics and the lack of need of wings because of the anti-gravity device or whatever.

However, it'd be really interesting if there is indeed something more to it. I wish I had friends interested in specifically the mythological aspect of cultural studies.


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I rather liked this show. Didn't expect to. And, thinking back to it, I'm not sure if there was anything special… but I still enjoyed it thoroughly.

Some more words… while it was mostly dominated by the educational aspect - marked by how good a wife would the brother be - the later episodes started sidelining him in favor of the rest of the cast. The older sister was a pleasant drunk, and the furry was cute as fuck. The magical aspects were kept simple, and simple is good in this case. However, the worldbuilding, specifically the magical places - they were great. Both the cafe and the whale are going to stay with me as experiences.



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Now that episode 2 is out, let's talk about how everyone in this show is an unlikeable asshole.
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What an odd show.
I'm glad there was a group that actually stayed, I would have been pissed if the show ended with everyone just going back to their old lives.


Honestly the ending felt out of place to the rest of the anime.


And so, I was right. He only even got two lines, even Piitan got more. Although I don't think the fat fuck spoke at all.

Hayato blatantly contradicted himself with saying that he didn't just want to control Mitsumune, given his earlier episode of demanding Mitsumune just shut up and do what he says.



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Goodnight sweet prince.
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Losing the main site is whatever, there are enough places to get anything it had. Losing Sukebei is a huge fucking blow, though.


I think everyone agrees


The last anime on pantsu's archive is not only Shingeki no Kyojin, it is the fucking dub version. I think the gods are tell us it is all for the better. Or that we can't be saved and we are going to burn in hell.


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The animebytes tracker is down as well.


>We're currently experiencing a DDoS attack, you may have noticed torrents timing out.
>We're working on a solution to fix this and prevent further attacks, we hope to have service restored soon.
Damn Russian hackers.

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There's only one mecha show this season and no one's talking about it? For CGI it's not half bad. Great OP too.
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Of course not.


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Thanks for the thread I guess, would have completly passed me by otherwise. Think it's watchable at least. Not a fan of this studios style though, this and Bubuki look far worse to me than say Kado or the stuff that Polygon put out.


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Nothing at all to learn about the magical space loli this episode, and instead we just get the military girl as a new crew member. Seems a bit redundant since our MC already came to understand the pirates.

I don't remember hearing a single thing about Bubuki Buranki S2. Did they axe Reoko or something?


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Wow, they only jump one pod with them and it just happens to be the right one, what are the chances?


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>my ID… was 0.
Kill me.

They provided a very slight explanation, at least.

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How'd you like this diabolic paradise fufufu?
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I feel tricked. The only reason I ignored this is because I thought it was some spin-off of Nanatsu no Taizai, but it seems like it has nothing to do with it.


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What a heartwarming message. Levi's song was pretty cute, just a shame her being jealous annoyed the shit out of me. Maria being a wet blanket ticked me off a little too, hopefully there'll be some corruption with her. Feelings on this show so far is that the ecchi is good, but all round the characters could be much better.


This is one of those "wait for the BDs" anime isn't it?


The RH release is uncensored. But it's not worth watching as anything other than fap material in the first place.


>fap material
That's a pretty good reason.

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If you've always dreamed of being a little girl, this is the anime to be watching. It's aimed at kids, the stories are simple, the characters are standard, but for some reason it's just so damn fun and cute.
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I'm going through it and Wixoss right now for next season.
Hanabi is almost as cute as Tama.


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I should point out that the first episode of the second cour/season is out.


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Bump from hell.
I finally watched the second season.
Yes, it has some drama, but it is a 6-grade level drama, so it is actually mostly just cute instead of annoying. It is a must see if you are posting on fufufu! And I guess if you are a Mexican, because for some reason it is very popular in Mexico.
Also reminder that Momokuri exists too >>16178 The character are in high-school, but there is no drama at all and it is probably more relaxing than 12-sai, while probably not as cute as 12-sai.

PS. The boy on the right is the girl's college-age brother.


I am not sure if I am going to remember today as the day I melted my gaming mouse, the day I finished watching 12-sai, or the fact that both happened is what is really going to make me remember this day with both actions together.


Do you sweat acid anon?

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Rest in rip. You won't be missed.


I do have an account, but why would I care now? It would be more worthwhile to keep my AB account going.


And now it's just plain down.

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So in the second season now they are officially the local space mafia and even do shakedowns.
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I started thinking about it, and I guess it really is just
>Still, likable enough in the sense that he wasn't Iok or Orga
The main characters in this show are all so unlikeable that the flat minor side characters seem so much better by comparison. Akihiro, Shino, and the other Tekkadan high up guy whose name I can never remember are pretty much the only main characters I still like.


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Alright, >>19200 aside, everything went pretty much as I was expecting. Don't dislike the idea behind this ending but par for the course this series, pretty awful execution.


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This was basically just a full season of Orga getting strung along by everyone else, making bad decisions, and getting Tekkadan destroyed, while everyone mindlessly follows him. I guess the point here is meant to be that teenagers are fucking stupid and can't plan ahead?
What a shitshow. Rustal becoming president of the world ended up being satisfying after all this bullshit.
The ending also offered nothing about Almiria's fate.

It's a shame this ended up being so bad because the mecha designs are some of my favourites from Gundam.


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Ha! He got what he deserved! Too bad that the blonde girl that was sucking Rastal's cock survived. Now she is getting fat for blue-haired guy.
And we did get the confirmation that Mika fucked Atra.
I don't think they would really do much to Almiria. She is like 10 and from a noble family. Her brother would have gone batshit crazy too, if they did.

Overall it was garbage. This "shadows of the history" thing is really out of nowhere and majorly pointless. Them being the needed sacrifices is a blatant dramatic lie. Even McGillis' people were able to leave just fine. And everything just somehow worked out by itself. Basically Tekkadan and McGillis sacrificed themselves by killing a few people so Rastal can be the new "democratic" "leader of the free world" or something.

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