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File: 1457299951612.png (274.1 KB, 518x569, 18y2ipita8u4jpng.png)


S2 when?


Never fucking ever. Stop asking that.


File: 1457301934319.png (424.61 KB, 591x588, yukari20.png)

I'll never stop asking! If I give up hope, then there definitely won't be a second season!


Oh never knew or meet someone soo maso before i read your post oh dear anon



File: 1459048254311.png (220.1 KB, 398x366, sadyukari.png)

Why would you do that?



File: 1459058181821.png (169.55 KB, 335x300, yukari33.png)



Oh my! Now THIS is good news!


You have to include the number at the end of the URL, anon.


Of course I'm glad to get another episode, but it's gonna make the lack of a season 2 hurt that much more because now there's another straw to grasp at.


As long as they're making content there's still hope, testing the waters for a S2.


I'd be fine with it if we just got 20 OVAs like SYD.


>20 OVAs

Ha. Ha ha.

That's a cruel joke, anon.


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20 OVAs
Better than nothing i think, and maybe gonna teach those oranges about market like the cute cat creator.


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File: 1488581273739.png (1.09 MB, 1280x720, [Doremi].Yuyushiki.OAV.[12….png)

it's seriously better to watch it raw. Had to rewind the whole komaraseru sequence and disable the subs to get what's going on.

That being said, I want 19 more of this.


File: 1488943846288.jpg (327.02 KB, 1920x1080, yuyushikicp.jpg)

Yuyushiki considered child porn, ban on sight.


>[GJM] Yuyushiki OVA (BD 720p)
the time has come


and so have I


I'm curious to see how many of you guys post in /yys/ on 4chan


Not me. I like the show and all, but not enough to want to spend a day every single week for years talking about it (or more realistically, not talking about it). The place is a circlejerk and I'm not sure why the mods even allow it.




Actually, a few months ago, a mod tried moving it to /c/ but that didn't last long at all.


Mods going ballistic again?


It was just one new mod on a power trip. Many threads were deleted/moved that day

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