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Opening of the Season edition
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10/10 death, see you in the sequel as a deformed mutant, dear doctor.


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This was the best new title for the season, definitely. Nothing too extraordinary, but solid entertainment with solid characters and solid plot through and through. Animation continued to have mostly static faces as the strong point till the end - but they were indeed pretty strong, so w/e.
Also OP of the year.


This is the only spring anime I ended up following and I thought it was pretty good. The last episode was kinda weird, because it kind of felt like it came out of nowhere and also unnecessary.
I enjoyed it as a whole but overall I probably wouldn't recommend it to anybody.


Yeah. Though there is one specific category where I'd recommend it: not-rapey shoujo.

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Surprisingly it is actually fun.
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I guess in the new episode they realized their mistake for not making a Kamen Rider parody instead.


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Sure is nightmare fuel in here.


Caught up at last.
The kaizou ningen episode was probably the best one, but it's overall a really strong comedy. I did not expect this. Even the mom is a well-developed character, adding another line of parody to the series. Also the end cards are 10/10.


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My enjoyment of this was definitely solid. I expected nothing, but I was pleasantly surprised. It was fresh and fun enough. Though it could have definitely had the main two interact more with the side cast. Their plot lines should have been properly brought together through the series and it might have been even great then.


More anime should remember why SZS was so good and follow Mahou Shoujo Ore's example. I don't remember anybody using low quality low budget animation as a point in an anime lately. It's what I miss the most of mid-2000s Shaft.
Anyway, it was a really strong comedy. I'm quite happy with it.

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 No.24043[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Caligula had one big problem: series composition. Machida Touko, while far from good, usually doesn't do such a bad job, so I wonder why this fail, especially around the middle episodes.
Rest of the anime was more or less okay. Nothing too special. For being "philosophical" it certainly regurgitated the same material every other teen series does. But it was nice, and the characters were diverse enough to actually be endearing. Single mom, hikkie in his 30s, a programmer mimicking his boss, I certainly didn't expect such character archetypes… or even any character to hit close to home. They were again nothing special when considered one-by-one, of course. But the anime did manage to ground them and not present them as "chosen ones" or something, so this "nothing special" can again be seen as serving the same purpose. This includes the villains too, which I also appreciate. Except Thorn; did I miss something? Did they never explain who Thorn, I mean, "Asuka" is?
Overall, I don't regret the time I wasted with this shit, and I even feel like rewatching it one day. That can only be positive, right? I'd even watch a second slice of life season with the same characters.


Well it is based on a jRPG and in the anime they get their fighting powers only half-way in. 2/3 of the rest they spend in the club room, which is suppose to be their base of operation probably. I haven't played the game, but I can imagined the cut out content.


The problem is not that they cut content, but how the rest of the content was pieced together.
Well, okay, I guess the Asuka thing is a problem of cut content. Unless I missed something.


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It was a nice series. I feel like the author was still quite inexperienced when he was writing the source material, but as far as intentions go, he had the right ones. It's always good to see someone take a stab at this sort of fantasy (Vlad Taltos like, focused on relatively unimportant problem solvers that fall into the storm around the VIPs of the world). Of course, it's not like I can praise too much the execution, but it wasn't something to rob me of my enjoyment of this exact subgenre.
I just pray MC and his girlfriend don't divorce over communism this time. They are a cute couple, they don't need to get mad at each other's idea how to react to the inherent racism in the setting.

P.S. Are we supposed to know who is pic related?


Ah, and.
P.P.S. I hope they adapt more from this author. More seasons of this series, or adapting some other series of his… either should be able to showcase improvement in his writing. Though, frankly, with 20+ volumes of this series, the anime would never catch up this 15 years gap. So it'd be better if some English publisher picks them up and translates them.

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What a splendid OVA. The carriage in the opening was particularly well-animated, and the character designs are memorable and aesthetically pleasing.

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We didn't have a thread about this one?

For some reason I ended up taking a bunch of pictures, so I will post some.
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It wouldn't feel like an Amano work without the supernatural. And this time we have actual worldbuilding around the supernatural elements, which is .. something.
Though, this arc wasn't quite as good as the first episode with the dreamspace and Teko.

Anyway. Whose relationship became bullshit? Nee-san's first love wasn't much of a love and was more of a spur of the moment, and, fittingly, she got over it real fast. Mato-chan-sensei and Peter … well, it's clear Peter was designed as part of Mato-chan-sensei's story, and not as a separate character who just happens to be in that story. But. I think it's fitting. After all, the story has that Genji Monogatari thread in it.


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Wanted in 50 States for raging lesbianism.


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This season needed more HAZUKASHII SEIFU KINSHI in it. Looking forward to the next season. Maybe we'll get an arc about the brother this time. That should be fun, Amano writing a boy-centric story.

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 No.15972[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I hope you are watching the anime of the season.
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It must be hard being such a raging homosexual at that age.


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I am sad too.


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Everyone is happy!


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I really want to touch a 2D girl.


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I want to be a 2D girl. And be touched by other 2D girls.


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2D girls should touch each other.


Woah now let's not get crazy okay let's not go overboard.


Anon if we were both 2D girls I know that your body wouldn't lie to me.

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Manga is a bad influence.


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I want to protect Kaoruko from all the evils of the world. This is true moe.


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Senpai is the best


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A gentleman's thread. For the not so revealing clothing fetishes.
No VIPPER allowed.


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Fool! My power is absolute.


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I feel I have a responsibility to post here.

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 No.22311[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

This is a wolf.
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A cute lazy.

And this is the laziness of the season.


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These are your roommates.


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This is an eggy.


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This is a meido.


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Is this the face of desperation?
A shy, but lewd tsundere non-blood related little sister.
An extroverted super-lewd kohai.
And a self-important childish blonde loli with interest in the lewd.
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>Her interest in MC was nothing but a way to set up gags.
You clearly took the story a lot less seriously than the author did. Or did you completely forget about episode 9? >>19827


That episode is the only one where it isn't played off as a joke. And, for that and other reasons, episodes 9 and 10 were the weakest of the whole series.


I'm glad you found most of the serious moments in Eromanga to be comedy. That's the best way to enjoy that show.


The only moments that I appreciated as being serious were when they went more in-depth about their passion for writing because that seems like something that the author himself actually cares about.
Like they said in the series, if you don't have fun writing then your audience won't have fun reading. I think that the author enjoys his craft.


Also, some of the moments where they showed MC being a good onii-chan were cute.

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