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This bad boy has it all.
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The numbers of the armies was stupidly big. The CGI was horrible. Very unfortunate.


That was really atrocious CGI. Even a series of 80's-style still frames getting panned over would've done a better job.


I mean it really wasn't –that– over-the-top. Let's consider for a moment that Hannibal recruited something to the effect of 30-50k native tribesmen just from Italy alone, not including actual Italians or obviously Romans. The Romans lost 70k in Cannae, 30k at Trebia, and something like 100k in assorted other battles but were still ready to keep raising legions. This doesn't take into account the truly massive armies of Persia and China during the same time period.

If we take for granted the fact that the Empire is obviously not!Rome, with the added benefit of D&D style magic that breaks economies in half around the time you get to Fluder' level, the idea of having 120k troops on the field isn't a huge deal, it's Cannae plus the legions they lost at Trebia. Remember too that the Empire has been in a state of "war" for a number of years yet has lost minimal numbers to conflicts simply because their fights aren't real fights.

On the Kingdom side, yes, 300k peasants is pretty ridiculous for a country whose basic premise is based on medieval France crossed with the HRE - but that's just the thing, it's presented as stupid and overblown, ridiculously oversized and not at all intelligent on a government level (though I'm not sure about in the anime).


Ainz: Tanoshii


The Empire has shown no indication it's anything remotely similar to Rome. It doesn't appear based on any real culture or nation. Neither its government nor its military resembles Rome's at all.

And Rome was able to field large armies because it was a massive city state in a federation of other massive city states that were all citizen republics. Meaning that military service was required by all able bodied men, and professional military service was a viable career. In fact in Rome military service was required if you wanted to get into politics.

The Empire that we've seen has a professional military of "knights" but there's no talk of mandatory military service nor is the Empire apparently organized in a series of huge city states that would have huge populations to draw their citizen soldiers from.

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The best anime about badminton you'll watch this season.
I was going to complain about the few moments of QUALITY that I noticed, but the bout with the teacher was way too good to focus on that. Looks like Nagisa is going to stop being a bitch and next week we'll get new characters introduced.
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High impact badminton breathing.


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That was a rather shitty way to end things. Right after we get Ayano apologising to Elena for how she'd been acting we then get this scene where she's pushing Nagisa to fuck up her leg for life. Come on.
Before that, it's rather absurd that Nagisa was able to win even with her knee being in such bad shape. It would've made more sense for the captain to call it off as soon as he saw them reach deuce, Nagisa's objections be damned. Instead they kept playing and Nagisa kept straining her knee but she ended up being fine anyway.

Also, they managed to fuck up the scoreboard. It's Nagisa on the right and Ayano on the left at first, and then halfway through the bout their positions switch.


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Still best girl desu wa.


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The anime leaves a lot of stuff out. That said even in the anime you can't say Nagisa is not also talented. They actually bothered to point out that her strength is closer to a male player and she was obviously from the start on a different level from the rest of the team. I don't remember if they showed what happened when Ayano played that senpai in training. I think they didn't. Would be interesting to see if she was too good for him or he was still doing fine or even better.
About the scoreboard, I don't think it should be changed when the players change sides, but that's what I think they did. Likely still a mistake, but a more excusable one.

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Time for an adaptation of your favorite happy-go-lucky yuri age-gap romance!
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This ended up being quite good. The director deserves a lot of credit for that (https://manga.tokyo/interview/exclusive-interview-with-happy-sugar-life-general-director-keizou-kusakawa/).

Side characters were over-the-top batshit just for the sake of it and the ending was a bit railroaded, but both of those are basically part of the premise. I really liked how they developed the main couple and explained how they ended up like they did. Satou carried the series as a protagonist.


>The director deserves a lot of credit for that
Huh. So it's better than the manga? Then it may be worth it to give it a couple more episodes.

In the end, was it trying to be horror, or was it comedy of the batshit insane developments type?


>So it's better than the manga?
Simply by virtue of being shorter and more condensed than the manga it would be better. Every time something happens in the manga it happens for three or four chapters while the anime does it in a half episode.


>In the end, was it trying to be horror, or was it comedy of the batshit insane developments type?
If it wasn't driven by a conflict storyline, it could've been a yandere slice of life.


Makes sense, I can fit this description to what I saw in the first episode.

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Another great episode.
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Maybe you could write her off as playful until that scene, but she is used goods that sleep around like a common whore. She tried to get on the MC while being sober. Imagine her how much she fucks around while drunk.


Did you even watch the scene? Having some sex life does not equal sleeping around like a common whore. What's with this virginity cult? It takes time and effort to learn how to do sex properly, so somebody who neither refrains from sex, nor is a loose cannon, is the perfect partner. Also notice how the entire cast is quite the well-adjusted drunks, who never do something they'd regret on the next day. You know, unlike Americans who have never touched alcohol until college and then go off the deep end in the freshman year, because they have the same life experience with booze as an average 12 year old European. It's like you ARE a 12 year old who judges everybody else like they are also 12 year olds… which would make perfect sense if we were in 4chan.


>Imagine her how much she fucks around while drunk.
anon please I don't want to have to fap right now


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Goodbye friends, hope we get to meet again some day


I just want to bring your attention to something:
How the fuck did the girls manage to get all of them to wear boxers for the photo? That's quite the achievement.

Also I now want to see Kouhei and Iori in a Cure Black and Cure White cosplay.

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This is Vanderbilt et al's fault, private railroads can't support their own maintenance cost to the point that every one in the US bottlenecks in Chicago. Passenger rail has to rent the tracks they're using from the freighters who own it and even though most of them were built with public money back in the day upgrading or building new lines just doesn't happen now. It would certainly be cheaper and faster than the road system that is crumbling now since we've delayed repairing it for 50 odd years off what it was designed to withstand.
The US infrastructure in general is abysmal on all fronts, but at least it's not China.


It's a shame because there's a lot of money that could be used, but governments choose to allocate it to dubious (at best) stuff. With that said, even if our passenger rail system was ameliorated and expanded, I have doubts that it would be used enough that to justify the costs.
Also the Washington D.C. Metro is an abortion, and I hope to visit a country with a working rail system so I can jack off to that.


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It can easily justify the costs on the two coasts, as the distances there are short enough. However that would require changing many other laws and priorities too, as USA just doesn't want public transport. Ironically, that's part of the legacy of the racists, as not killing the existing public transport during the first half of the last century would have benefited the niggers. So go ahead and speak sensibly about this in the current political climate; you just can't. Either you'd be "race-baiting", or the actual racists would be against a measure that would benefit poor whites too.


I was on Amtrak a while ago when the train was stopped and fell behind schedule because a passenger accused another of trying to steal his phone. The cops arrived and he yelled about how he didn't do anything.

The cops checked their database and found there was an unrelated outstanding arrest warrant for him. They arrested him for the warrant and dropped the phone case while he kept yelling about how he didn't do anything.

When I finally got off at the station, there were beggars arguing with the cops, just like there always are, except when there's no cops around and the beggars harass random passengers instead.

I'm sure you already know all the people I'm complaining about and half the cops were black. Talk about racists all you want, but that won't change the fact that US public transportation is unsafe, the problems often involve blacks, and if all Americans were magically replaced by Japanese people, public transportation would become safe and comfortable overnight.

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How? It was a joke. Diablo had way more trouble fighting the mayor than the actual awakened demon lord.


Are you actually watching the fights in this series for how much trouble Diablo has with them?

Novelfags say this was mostly the introduction/gathering of the cast, and the series becomes more typical adventuring stuff. That would require actually challenging fights. But as far as this anime season is concerned, "challenge" was never part of the equation. It's like thinking that the final fight in OPM needed to be "challenging". Or like thinking Rakudai Kishi needed to have the emotional climax on the fight instead of on the proposal. The whole "well-choreographed and challenging last boss fight" is a cliche of an entirely different genre.

Anyway, the fight, however unchallenging, was well-animated, and did its job of characterizing Diablo, as well as making a well-integrated nod to the usual type of rpg quests about bringing a monster to sanity (lower its hp, then use persuasion of some sort).


Given that they specifically built up to this battle and throughout the show had Diablo go from curbstomping everyone to having increasingly more difficulty with stronger opponents, yeah, it was a dumb way to conclude things. It wasn't an interesting fight either by any stretch, it was just Diablo avoiding attacks while dropping symbols on the ground which then activate a big spell. They bring up how he gave all his healing potions away which they signal is going to be an issue, but then nothing comes of it and he wins anyway. It was both the least interesting fight in the show and the weakest payoff of a fight in the show. And it wasn't very well animated either, compared to previous scenes like the first episode or destroying the fallen at the bridge.
If you want to argue that the fight wasn't important, then they already fucked up by spending half the episode focusing on it in the first place. I don't know how you claim it characterised Diablo either because it didn't do shit for that, he just didn't want to kill Klem and we already knew that before the fight started.
>as well as making a well-integrated nod to the usual type of rpg quests about bringing a monster to sanity (lower its hp, then use persuasion of some sort).
That's a pretty big stretch when it's just as clichéd as the "brainwashed ally battle" gets in any story.


>then they already fucked up by spending half the episode focusing on it in the first place.
Probably. They may have been trying to show off the berserk demon lord's moves and how it could last more than 5 seconds against Diablo. Maybe they should've just let it blow up a big piece of scenery and used the extra time to have the loli version run around naked.


I feel like you're being sarcastic but I agree earnestly.

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Maybe he wants Color Wars. Obviously Green is best.


>Obviously Green is best.
What's your address, anon? I just want to send you some flowers and chocolates–nothing bad or anything like that. I certainly wouldn't drive to your residence and beat the shit out of you for having a supposedly incorrect opinion. Why, I'd never dream of hitting a little girl anyway.


>Why, I'd never dream of hitting a little girl anyway.
This isn't very convincing, considering the existence of >>>ロリ


Bad little girls need to be punished or they become stupidly supercilious.


They were giving out rock CDs and beer, targeted violence can only bring peace and not counterescalation.

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Anyone else noticed the increase in fat cosplayers in the last few comikets?
I started noticing pictures of them showing up last year I think. 2 years ago you never saw pictures of fat girls cosplaying in the events.
I feel like ugly girls are also becoming increasingly more common.
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Me on the right.


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Why am I so cute?


I've never seen the appeal of cosplay. Seeing people try to imitate the imaginary is perturbing; especially because the illusion is very shallow.


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So cute.

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To be fair, a solid half of Okada's work is decent-good.


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I still can't forgive Okada for how much of a mess M3's last third was.


Well I definitely wasn't including M3 in the good half. I actually dropped it 5 episodes in.


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Yep, that's more than enough of this melodramatic bullshit for me.


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She made it!

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Don't believe his lies.

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