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HorribleSubs is dead.
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Good riddance. Maybe we get actual fansubs again.


If traps may be impregnated, then so may deceased loli.


This is good news hopefully. Anybody can do what they did and I've been downloading HEVC encodes exclusively for a couple years now anyway. Still, it's weird to see them die when they've been so consistently active for so long.


Why would you do this? Before the xvid encodes were bitrate starved, now the HEVC encodes are typically the bitrate starved ones. That's definitely a good progression, but I'd still skip all bitrate starved encodes.


HEVC is always inferior to AVC if your bitrate isn't limited. It's just how the codec was designed.

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Which season?




File: 1601195271576.webm (804.15 KB, 1280x720, Dokyuu Hentai HxEros-imag….webm)

Imagine the smell. No really, do it.


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Obviously there was no smell. He didn't even realize anything was in front of him.

P.S. Best Mom.


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What is this, mommy season? There were at least 3 cute moms, maybe more.

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 No.28684[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Now this is why I am watching.


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It was a genuinely amazing performance.


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Damn backgrounds, man.


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So, this finally finished, nearly an year later. The anime really needed these three episodes, it was just hilariously incomplete before. Denpa Onna levels of incomplete. Anyway. It was often kind of cringe, but it also did a lot of things right. And the continuous trainwreck somehow managed to finally stop and settle down into something pretty beautiful. Despite all of my expectations. I kind of wanted him to lose for real, just so that Hose can see how the girls all collectively decide to ignore such childish games. But I guess winning is indeed more in line with the trainwreck up to now.

P.S. Sasanqua Best Girl. She and her friends are clearly superior to the actual main heroines.

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How much?


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Is this the fabled "love" for 300 yen in the local supermarket?


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I guess not, then.

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The first episode of Yuasa's latest anime was very good. Not groundbreaking but overall very strong. I checked out the first chapter of the manga as well, and I can definitely say that the anime is an improvement.
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File: 1595103538881.png (5.55 MB, 1920x1080, [GJM] Eizouken ni wa Te wo….png)

The last plot point with the story change to match the OST was all sorts of stupid, but otherwise it was pretty good. The capitalist is obviously best girl. Rest of the cast was pretty good too. And it was obvious how much fun Yuasa was having while doing this anime.


>The capitalist is obviously best girl
Too ugly. Even the frog is better to look at.


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Personality and money trump looks.


Contrary to what people believe, for women too the most important thing is looks.


Glad that there are only little girls here then, no women.

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I think it would be nice to have a thread about food and the depictions of food in anime.
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Meriken Burger


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Good timing, I started rewatching Koufuku Graffiti a couple days ago and it makes me hungry. Though for some reason I still have the TV version. I wonder if they made the food look tastier in the BDs?


It is Shaft, I am sure they were all over the BDs.


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Baking is a metaphor for pregnancy!

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 No.29570[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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The CG is surprisingly accepting thanks to the world/character design and there might be some interesting story behind it. A lot of flat cute girls as well.
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Is there gonna be more of this? I really hope so.


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Watercolour wouldn’t create such luster. And the animators then wouldn’t animate Padparadscha’s hair or draw those strings in Rutile’s hair. CGI really fits here to create the luster and keeping this half-opaqueness.


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god i miss phos so much

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hi m new here love u guys <3


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Hello, and welcome! Have a loli.


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Come closer, let's be friends


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Is this a good place to go to sleep?

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 No.28618[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


It's eight of clock!

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The 3rd of October can’t come soon enough.


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It's eight of clock!



The 3rd of October can’t come soon enough.


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It's eight of clock!



The 3rd of October can’t come soon enough.

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Do you remember?
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Maybe because the site is buggy I thought it was new, but it wasn't. It was the very first or a top thread on the board. But maybe the board was blocked for a long time? No idea really. I guess I didn't check the date. There were definitely at least a couple of new posts that were saying "please don't go" or whatever, but maybe one of them just bumped that thread. Seriously how does one fuck up so much that they remove the message, have both boards not working, suddenly one of them is working, but eventually the message is back. Just why and how.


well now it's just legitimately dead and even the headers are gone


I've always wanted to use samachan, but the tripfags disturbed me on a cosmic level.


Some people from Samachan are talking about moving to Sushichan:


Looks like that's defacto where they're going insofar as there's even a 'they'

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