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File: 1484864256258.png (1.47 MB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Masamune-ku….png)


How do you like your full-blown QUALITY /fit/ the anime?

Yoshino did nothing wrong.
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Really? I mostly find it funny.


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Fat people should be gassed.


rude as hell dude


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This was the scene that convinced me Neko isn't quite useless as a character, and the whole series isn't quite harem. But it shows the studio adapting it isn't Shaft. The animation was fucking boring, like two-three different camera angles and nothing more interesting.


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So I decided to check out the manga. Turns out that they changed the karaoke part and obviously the ending scene was original, though they are really going to Paris. But they also skipped the final chapter of the festival arc in which we learn that false fatty is also a false guy (actually a girl). How more generic could it get?

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With the third episode KyoAni dropped the posturing and it feels 100% like Cool Kyoushinsha. Also, she works in Jigokumeguri System Engineering. Ojojojo adaptation when?
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Never sees anything cuter than her. Good job KyoAni

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I will start by uploading some webms from S1.
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Here are some more gay webms. The show is over now.


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Post something anime/random with emphasis on the random, you quacks.
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Fox literally did nothing wrong.


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Ranko in an incredibly elaborate outfit!


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Miyano certainly made this episode a lot more entertaining than the first was.
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Are comedy and slice of life opposing categories in any way though? I always looked at it as comedy describing the tone of the show and SoL describing the format of the show.


Of course everything can be in any combination, but anime already has a problem with every second series being tagged as a SoL. So at some point you have to ask yourself if the focus of the anime is more towards telling you about the everyday life of the characters or trying to get a laugh out of you. Especially in the current state of the industry where SoL SoL pretty much implies some heavy level of relaxation having a strong comedy element is not only disturbing that relaxation element, but in the case of Tanaka-kun it is disturbing even the reality of the show, meaning what is happening is determined mostly by if it is considered funny (from the author's view point) instead of really telling us that much about the life of Tanaka, and if it is not trying to make a joke it is not important enough to show it us. It is not a clean difference, but generally I think it is not hard to get the feeling of what the author is really going for.

Just because the setting is high school and they are not fighting ancient evil it doesn't mean it is a SoL, right? I consider a good example of what an SoL focused SoL really is right now would be series like Amanchu! and Flying Witch. There was for example Sansha Sanyou not long ago and people were talking about how it was one of the original SoL series of the manga magazine even before K-ON!, but is it really? Just think about how hard it was trying to make the viewer laugh. The reality of the show was completely disturbed with things often not making any sense and being okay with even breaking the laws of physics on a regular basis for the sake of a joke attempt.


Ahh, I see where you're coming from. I misunderstood what you were saying.


The Yona bot is Tanaka bot now?


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Stop it, Tanaka bot.

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I wish it was just like episode 2 all the time. The battle in 3 was definitely better than the one in 1, not that it made much more sense with their lackluster powers.

Did they completely forget who was buying K?


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I don't think they needed God to let the big sister and her shota brother to fuck.
Also what the fuck was with this ending. This is the adoption papers for the little brother. What fucking bullshit.

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Hey, fufufu, can it be helped?


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>no S2 ever
>S1.5 was endless
It can't be helped.


I only found out the other week that the LNs ended back in 2011. I wonder if there's no S2 because the ending sucked?


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They didn't end. The fucker just isn't writing what seems to be the last third of the story.

Also I'd rate the Dissociation/Surprise story arc as the second best thing in the novels after the Disappearance.

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Why did they think it would be a good idea to add sparkles to absolutely everything?
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File: 1476265688411.jpg (83.61 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Nanbaka - 0….jpg)

Hey man, there's been like, a whole 20 seconds between the two episodes where there weren't any sparkles.


So… a… tournament arc next episode. Huh. The sparkles are already starting to get old, I'm not sure whether I want to continue it.


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Yeah, it's basically just the same jokes over and over. I'm already tired of it.


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What a great episode, Rakugo positively suprised me again, I love it.


You could have posted this in the thread, you know. It would also have made it a little more understandable what you are talking about. That black screen with a default filename had me wondering there for a few seconds.


I'm sorry, I won't do such a dumb mistake next time


It is okay. As a principle I am not a fan of generals, but considering the board is small it is preferable to keep the discussions of something close. Here is the thread, by the way >>18202 I do encourage you to post more, though.

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I am starting to like the brat being all tsuntsun cute.


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So the bad guy now suddenly has a flying fortress somewhere above Japan that is probably not detectable by radars and satellites. What the fuck.


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I have to agree with that question. Why is this guy so relevant now?
That said I am the only person here that is watching this, so you guys do indeed have no idea who is who.

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