[ a / ロリ ] [ sama / bun ]

/a/ - anime/random

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Post something anime/random with emphasis on the random, you quacks.


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I haven't saved anything in my anime/random even back in my last few months in 4chan.


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anything in the past year*


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Me either. I save only useful stuff, it seems.


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I've got lots of random anime stuff. Should I deploy all of it here?


File: 1478625956833.webm (2.38 MB, 480x360, Why the hell not.webm)

Ideally you'd want to spread it out instead of all at once, but do what you will.


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Well, I'm not going to just upload a whole pack or something if you expected that. I'll take my pace pic by pic.


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Like this, yes.


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Today or tomorrow the main server will be getting some more extra RAM for no particular reason, so expect a hopefully short downtime.


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>hopefully a short downtime
See you guys in three weeks.


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On the plus side the nuclear winter will make it cheaper to cool the server.


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I wish there was more artwork.


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It is done. It was quick and clean.


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Today is a strange day.


There may still be a bee around here somewhere.


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Just seen it, almost shat my pants.


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Felt bad for the fox even if she was cursing everyone


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curious about the sauce on this one, I feel like I knew once but can't seem to pin it down


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Why is this a thing?


Yeah, they should have stopped like ten season back.
I really don't get what your point is


It doesn't just have a line about him watching Naruto on CrunchyRoll, but he did a google search for Yuuri on Ice!!!


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Fox literally did nothing wrong.


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Ranko in an incredibly elaborate outfit!


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