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Are refugees welcome here? Chinese bootleg moot is destroying the site again.
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          .|イ .|::ハ:ゝ、 .イ⌒ヽ/ヾ'  `` Nothing is welcome, take only what you can carve for yourself.
             "    |ヽー イ
             ィー—–!   !-ーー ' ̄`ヽ
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Boards like this no longer have any sort of identity, and exist only to talk about 4chan meta whenever it alienates a certain group


>no longer exist
We never existed to begin with, so we have all the other such places beat.


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What are you talking about? I've always existed, same with the loli standing over my monitor as I'm typing this right now.


I got permabanned on 4chan for "pedoshit."

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I am sure there is some VN with Hatsukoi in the name, but this is anime based on a manga made by the mangaka of Ichigo 100%. But a lot shorter. Also its first episode/chapter is basically Ore Monogatari!!.


I see, thanks, I'll be reading it later then.


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>Tsurezure Children has no drama, but it has some misunderstandings, but not the worst kind.
The anime sucked, but the manga is great.
>Nijiiro Days as far as I remember was dramaless.
There was a little bit of drama, but it was mostly free. The main couple wasn't the good part of it anyway. Unfortunately it didn't have much of an ending at all.
>I am not complete sure, but I think Ore Monogatari!! was pretty much positive.
There was a little bit of drama at the end, but it was otherwise nice. But like Nijiiro Days, pretty much no ending.

Lovely Complex comes to mind, but that probably has more drama than I remember. I do recall that the last arc was pretty stupid, at least.


Lovely Complex is full of drama and the manga has even more of it.
As for Nijiiro and Ore Monogatari, it is normal that they had no endings, because their manga series are still going on.


12-sai's first season was so fast-paced that there was no place for drama. They practically went through entire story arcs in each episode, which made it quite the enjoyable anime. I've heard claims that RAAAAAAAAAA the shonen manga does a similar thing, using the respective genre cliches to establish a breath-takingly fast pace, but I don't wanna bother verifying them.

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batoto is closing down
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What do you guys think will happen to the small scanlators? I mean, most of them just hosted everything on batoto.


Whatever new website becomes popular I guess.


Replacement sites

Anyway the admin never said he wouldn't hand over the manga data, just not user data and batoto itself


Is there anything that was on batoto not on our deity?


Non-English, BL that no one else cared about.

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fish(User was patted on the head for this post.)
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This is a ballsack.


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Owing to his keen observation of detail and unfiltered representation of society, Balzac is regarded as one of the founders of realism in European literature.[3] He is renowned for his multi-faceted characters; even his lesser characters are complex, morally ambiguous and fully human. Inanimate objects are imbued with character as well; the city of Paris, a backdrop for much of his writing, takes on many human qualities. His writing influenced many famous writers, including the novelists Émile Zola, Charles Dickens, Gustave Flaubert, Jack Kerouac, and Henry James, filmmakers Akira Kurosawa and Eric Rohmer as well as important philosophers such as Friedrich Engels. Many of Balzac's works have been made into films, and they continue to inspire other writers.


I did not expect to get a history lesson on the background of that character's name. Thanks, this was interesting.


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Charles-Joseph Natoire, Adam et Ève chassés du Paradis terrestre/The Expulsion from Paradise, 1740

"This picture must have been intended by Natoire as a tribute to Le Moyne. It was a pendant to a painting by Le Moyne, depicting Adam receiving the forbidden fruit from Eve in the Garden of Eden (private collection). Natoire shared with Le Moyne a predilection for the nude, here depicting with care the rosy and sensual body of the disappointed Eve, a tear glistening on her cheek."

Pierre Charles de Villette, marquis de Villette (by 1755–65; his estate sale, Paris, April 8, 1765, no. 32, for 332 livres); [Pierre Joseph Lafontaine, until 1798; his sale, Paillet, Paris, February 22, 1798, no. 132, for 200 frs to Renard]; [Miville-Krug, Basel, until 1846; sold to Balzac]; Honoré de Balzac, Paris (1846–d. 1850; inv., 1848); his widow, Eve Hanska de Balzac, Paris (1850–d. 1882; anonymous sale, Hotel des Ventes, Brussels, April 25, 1882, no. 13); [Eugène Fischhof, Paris, until 1913; sale, Galerie Georges Petit, Paris, June 14, 1913, no. 33, for Fr 1,900]; Lizé, Rouen; sale, Hôtel Drouot, Paris, November 20, 1985, no. 38, for Fr 820,000; [Stair Sainty Matthiesen, New York, until 1987; sold to MMA]


"Throughout the Comédie humaine, begun long before he first saw Natoire’s The Expulsion from Paradise, Balzac frequently alluded to religious works of art. Yves Gagneux found that, of the one hundred masterpieces mentioned by Balzac in his novels, forty are biblical paintings created by such artists as Raphael, Titian, and Murillo.15 Addressing a fascination with the liminal realm between mortality and immortality, Balzac conjured up works of art that illuminate the human spirit as it undergoes a transformation. He described, for example, the apotheosis of the eponymous figure in Domenichino’s Communion of Saint Jerome (Vatican Museums), the mystical glow surrounding Christ as he ascends into the paradisiacal realm of Raphael’s Transfiguration (Vatican Museums),16 and the youthful splendor of the Virgin Mary as she receives the gift of eternal life in Titian’s Assumption of the Virgin (Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari, Venice).17 The story of Adam and Eve’s spiritual transformations played a role in at least two of Balzac’s works.

Therefore, it is not surprising that Balzac and Hanska were charmed by Natoire’s rendering of Adam and Eve. When the writer returned to Paris in late May 1846 after traveling with Hanska, he immediately commenced negotiations to buy The Expulsion from Paradise from MivilleKrug. In a letter to Hanska dated May 30, he voiced his intentions: “You will have [the] Adam and Eve; it will not be said that my desires alone will be fulfilled.”28 By June 10, he had settled on a price, and five days later the painting was delivered.29"

Carol Santoleri, "Honoré de Balzac and Natoire’s The Expulsion from Paradise," Metropolitan Museum Journal 49 (2014): 193-199.


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This is a Balzac.

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My last hope is that turning display colour temperature to 1300 K will dispatch me to sleep.


That second link stops the stream after a minute. Direct url to mp3 works, though.


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Get yourself some wallpaper engine, and sleep with Megumi.


> electronics in bed


fufufu is part of my bed.

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Izumi and Komiya had the most screentime, development and chemistry, while there was hardly anything going on with him and Natsume. The characters change their minds about various things during the story, but Main Girl Syndrome is as sure as death and taxes.


Wait a minute, now I understand why the series is called Just Because.


Good posts, especially the first. The whole baseball match felt weird. I think I know what they were going for, but it just didn't pan out well; the symbolism did not feel salient or congruent enough I suppose. Combine that with the Main Girl Syndrome and you have an unsatisfying ending that only the japs would like (maybe?).

At least Morikawa and Haruto ended nicely. I wouldn't mind a SoL sequel focusing on those two; it'd be cute, heart-warming, and be open to a good story about a young man and woman trying to cope with their daily lives and the commitment they made with each other.


>Just What the Fuck!
I giggled.
I mean yeah, >>22652; if you ask "why the fuck is this allowed" the answer may as well be, "Just Because".


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Mordred is great and all, but Altolfo is looking like a strong best girl contender right now. Shame all the other girls are trash.
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There's like four 'good' episodes in the entire series, and all of them are carried by the fight scenes. If you're expecting quality prepare to be disappointed, and by the end to be physically upset like I was.


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I'm actually pretty sad that Alstolfo is so bland. Sure 90% of the cast is bland but I was actually a little invested in Alstolfo from reading all his doujins. I was looking forward to finding out about his character so finding out he's just so boringly nice was a big let down. Not that this will stop me sexualizeing him though.
Oh well, 9 more episodes to go. Though I'm going to seriously consider dropping it for good if yet another mindless monstrosity like Spartacus or the golem shows up.


How're you doing so far? And Astolf isn't actually all that bland, there's technically a lore reason why he acts like a fucking idiot right now and I'll tell you if you want to know since I don't remember if the anime covers it
Sieg is far worse than Astolf when it comes to blandness

Also, what did you think about Adam / Keter? I got really pissed off at Chiron's whole weird justice shtick. In fact, the same goes for the entire Ygg / Jeanne faction - you'll see in time, but it's basically just hypocrisy of the highest order plus huge amounts of plot armor.


I think it would be fair to say I'm finding it a bit of a struggle. For the most part I've found myself just giving it half my attention while doing other stuff. Nothings really happened to change my opinion from when I first dropped it that Kairi and Mordred are the only fun things about this show.

>Sieg is far worse than Astolf when it comes to blandness

Oh for sure, I can't deny that. Actually I'm just going to give Astolfo the benefit of the doubt and say I find him so boring since he's surrounded by boring characters.

>what did you think about Adam / Keter

I dunno, It was just another thing that happened. Mordred+Kairi, Jeanne and Ygg would have all come together regardless since they all have beef with Shirou so I wouldn't say it was a necessary for the plot to move forwards. None of the characters really grew from it either. I suppose I didn't expect such a big threat to show up at this point in the series, but it's not like there was any tension to it. With it's powers it's the sort of thing I'd expect to show up as a final boss, but when something like that appears at this point in the show I just expect it to be very anti-climatic.


Golem Keter Malkuth actually doubles in size every fifteen minutes or something, so the anime didn't really showcase why they were in such a hurry to deal with it
At any rate Karna's fight is fairly good and Semiramis is an eternal cutie, but that's all there is to it
At least now you know why everyone shits on Apocrypha, and can join them in doing so.

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New Episode is out, my dudes!!
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Fugg, I wanted a Bebsi.


This seems kinda bad, I liked the first season but this kind of got rid of the gimmick that made it fun.


I didn't like the first season at all. Umaru was insufferable. What makes this one "worse" in your opinion? If Umaru isn't here anymore then I might actually pick it up.


shut the fuck up(You first.)


The gimmick was the worst part of the show. Shifting the focus to the characters and their relationships was a good move.

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>Hiro broke 4chan again
please move over on the bench a little, I need to squeeze myself onto this board
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It's even worse than before. Magic.


/a/ is fine, honestly.




I hope the bans fufumin gives for quotation misuse are permanent and ISP based.


Those people tend to just leave without even the need for that.

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For once main girl is actually best girl.
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I have really been enjoying this show. I'm on EP 7 and it has been pretty great. I think it has one of the cutest traps in a long while.


>Also I'm quite surprised. They actually managed to pull off some minimal characterization by the end of the season. I don't even mind the fact my worry from >>21801 actually kind of came true.
As long as it's fun, it's all good.

Best thing about the trap is that he, as another anon said, actually has a personality outside of the fetish he exudes. I'd really rather have more time spent on him than Dino and Maika's trite interactions.


Remind me again, why do "we" call him Dino? Is this a 4chan meme?


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It's because we keep forgetting whether it's meant to be Dino or Gino.


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So we did get a confession, but it was played for laughs. A shame this ended up being so thoroughly mediocre because I liked the first few episodes.

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