[ a / ロリ ] [ sama / bun ]

/a/ - anime/random

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File: 1516689290122.gif (71.84 KB, 342x1120, matarou.gif)


Are refugees welcome here? Chinese bootleg moot is destroying the site again.


File: 1516691139135.jpg (220.53 KB, 1280x720, [qcc] Zan Sayonara Zetsubo….jpg)


I haven't been there since December. What did he do this time?


Image replies are broken.


File: 1516694462112.gif (261.74 KB, 200x200, 1331555812724.gif)

It's a text board now. You can post one image per thread and that is the OP.


Just use the damn site, you idiot. You don't have to point to the fact that you are new and a "refugee." No point to being an attention whore. Just go talk about anime or something.


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Boards like this no longer have any sort of identity, and exist only to talk about 4chan meta whenever it alienates a certain group


>no longer exist
We never existed to begin with, so we have all the other such places beat.


File: 1517022153736.gif (151.39 KB, 720x405, 1505247370289.gif)

What are you talking about? I've always existed, same with the loli standing over my monitor as I'm typing this right now.


I got permabanned on 4chan for "pedoshit."

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