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I know this episode was probably played for jokes, but after the recent events in the show, are these guys useful for anything other than potentially fucking things up for their class?


No, that's the whole reason they exist. Otherwise the class would largely be free of problems.
What was up with all the character introduction bits this episode, though? Did they think people who dropped it at episode 1 were going to come back for the pool episode?


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Not much happened this episode. Next one looks like it'll be interesting though, but probably not full Battle Royale style.


Interesting if you have considered anything until now interesting. And most of it, especially the god damn fight thing, I found very stupid and uninteresting. Can't say there are any characters I like either, but there are definitely annoying ones. The person writing this certainly doesn't seem to be very smart himself considering all of the smart characters in the series are smart by name and not by action.


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I'm hoping by the next episode something will happen that'll actually move the plot forward… Though I suppose you're probably right, and it'll just be more adventures of retard squad shenanigans. Shame not even any character development seeing as red haired dude is still getting easily provoked.

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You will never be so Aryan you will become a Russian Jewish magical loli fighting to defend the invaded Fatherland in air trench warfare.
That said, what is with the repeating themes.
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Civilians? What civilians?


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I remember someone somewhere complaining there was no an equal character to Tanya that is opposing her. He must be happy now.


He'd probably be happier if there was going to be a second season.
This was pretty entertaining, but only getting what feels like a third of the story sucks.


It sold well enough that I imagine it'll get a second season.


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So much fun cut out of the anime.
Also the mental corruption problem of the 95 type was never mentioned.

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Damn. Last episode's ending was nice, but this episode was entertaining on several levels.
Can't say how exactly it will progress when they eventually all get together, if they do that is, but I certainly recommend it at this point.

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It's all just a joke guys.


Me dropping this anime is also a joke. A very long one at that.


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Alright, time to wait for the BD's. Or more likely just forget about it.

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So what do you think the chances are that Jean is involved with the coup?
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God damn it, I was joking.


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Left myself a few months for the last three episodes. Turns out they were doing exactly the thing I was wondering until the last episode why they aren't doing.

>I don't see why they let the prince be.
1) You dissuade further coup d'etats. One successful coup may encourage others to try too.
2) Weak king and strong civil government is preferable to strong king and whatever. No matter how good the person in power is, the very fact that he's in power means his worldview will get warped. He can't retain power without succumbing to this. Thus a weak king is always preferable. Politics 101. Unless you actually like authoritarian governments, of course. It seems most people do, after all.
3) The royal family is always more advantageous as a blemish-free tourist attraction than as anything else. Elizabeth, may she live forever, is a money-printing press practically.
4) Practically everything is a better outcome than the arabs' coup being successful.
5) Usually it's better to have a gradual change than an abrupt one.
6) Baka ouji was a nice guy, don't be so mean towards him.

>nor did they actively do something to decrease his power

But they demonstrated it's within their ability to do so, which is even better.

>Seems like a lot of nothing happened and it made most of what was going on until now meaningless.

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Are you implying the hero of the story would be corruptible? Especially the hero in this story, the one that middle fingering everyone? He could have easily been a great king and abolish the royal family's power eventually.


Yes. I'm implying nobody can hold any power without becoming corruptible. That holds true for Mauve too, however she's subject to much more checks and regulations, in turn depending on a much larger pool of key supporters.
To add further to the list,
7) The royal family can also exert influence, mostly through Qualm. That influence can't really be ignored. And they wanted the baka ouji on the throne. Getting the hero of the story on the throne would mean pointless tensions, when they can achieve their goal more efficiently, and with the support of the royal faction.

P.S. Turns out >>18932 is the best description of this anime. Nice.


As a comparison, the arabs would have ruled by strongarming the economy, using the distribution of oil as a bludgeon, and by controlling in a top-down manner the Crown and ACCA - any dissent in one of these factions can be suppressed by using the other faction. Thus they need relatively few key supporters to keep their rule. Jean, in turn, has to oppose them, so he needs to somehow wrestle the control of their key supporters out of their hands. That means that he has to become corruptible in order for these key supporters to switch to him. That's just the reality of politics.
However, the director-general Mauve in comparison has to answer to ACCA's internal regulations; to Jean's department; to the judicial system we saw not even a hint of - but there is no country without a judicial system, and Mauve doesn't have parliamentary immunity; to each and every of the governments of the thirteen - I mean, twelve countries; to the Crown; and she has to not anger the economy too much. More key supporters means that no individual key supporter is too important, so she can be less corruptible in her circus act of balancing influences. Especially after she dealt with the strongest faction early on: the Crown.

On the flipside, Jean is now in an even better position to direct the progress of the country than if he became a king. He has influence over every key faction in the country (royal faction by blood, ACCA by position, he is friends with some people in the countries' governments, and don't forget he also has deep ties in the economy), and everybody knows he could have taken the throne had he wished for it. So, he at the same time is free to introduce change, and will not suffer any possible negative consequences from that change. Perfection.

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Well, this episode was a whole lot of nothing. Looks like they've left the cube now though so perhaps something interesting will happen next time.
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He just wants some excitement in their relationship.
Also I think Shindo made a big mistake by not giving a proper explanation to the autistic girl or possible even telling her at all. Though there is a chance she won't sperg out and do something detrimental, but actually find a harmless way for human to go to the anisotropic or something of the sort.


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No wonder whatshisname was crying in the last episode, Shindo gave him one heartless request. Though if whatshisname was the only one raising the kid, how did it learn so much about the anisotropic? Why was the kid any different to Saraka in abilities when Saraka had spent millions of years living in the cocoon? I guess Shindo must just have magical power activating sperm. And yet with all of the kid's powers, she couldn't bring Shindo back. Then she just fucks off after Saraka forces her naturalist world views on the entire world when the only negative we ever saw was zaShunina going full assimilation mode.
What a mess this ended up being.


I have no words for that ending. No fucking words.


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I have a few words: I would fuck a 16-year-old highest dimension yet being.


I agree with that one.

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Holy shit this was some high-speed, wide-eyed, multi-track NTR trainwreck drifting.

This is going to be some superb shit show of a trash anime.
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Just a friend, bro.


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Despite the drama being stupid it worked as a fuel for the anime's craziness and it had easily some of the best and most entertaining concerts/singing in anime.


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Soundtrack when?


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My suicide bomber can't be this cute.
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What the fuck is with the English titles.


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Scaborough Fair is just not fair

not fair at all

I'm crying like a little bitch
And I didn't even feel like crying half a minute ago. Didn't mind much the edginess and the drama. But this song is simply unfair.


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Oh all the moments this episode had, what hit me hardest somehow was seeing pic related.
This is the first show that's made me cry for quite a while.

That said, these last few episodes were pretty rushed, and a lot of things went unanswered or without much explanation. I don't know where the source material is at in terms of story, but if this had a few more episodes I'm sure it would have been incredible.


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>This is the first show that's made me cry for quite a while.
Yeah, me too.
>Oh all the moments this episode had, what hit me hardest somehow was seeing pic related.
Reminds me how seeing the upward tea stalk in the cup of Shichika at the very end of Katanagatari was what broke me back then. That was probably the last moment before this one that I've cried so much on. Damn, it's been what, six or seven years?

Anyway, back on track.

This show could have used two things:
- starting in media res with the third or fourth episode
- using three or four more episodes to cover more answers and build up the world more
It certainly didn't know exactly how to do the worldbuilding, lacking the finesse to answer questions before they are asked. And it certainly started losing the plot near the end, allowing edge to seep through the slice of life-ish atmosphere up to then. They did go back to it with these awkward smiles at the very last scene, of course. All in all, these gripes are what's stopping it from being a masterpiece in my eyes. Which is unusual, I tend to whine about things that make a series below average, not about things that make a series below outstanding.

But you know what would be great?
A second season ala Diebuster: new characters, who follow the legends around the previous set of characters, exploring the world to much deeper level, with the last episode having the old main characters come back. I'd watch the shit out of something like this. Never gonna actually happen, of course.
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>Reminds me how seeing the upward tea stalk in the cup of Shichika at the very end of Katanagatari was what broke me back then. That was probably the last moment before this one that I've cried so much on. Damn, it's been what, six or seven years?
I dunno man, I watched Katanagatari about two years ago, and the ending just annoyed the hell out of me due to the lack of consequence.

>- starting in media res with the third or fourth episode

Nah, I thought the way it started was pretty good. Setting up the tragedy of the finale made it clear what kind of story it was going to be, and made a lot of the happy moments more meaningful as you knew what was coming. Imagine how butthurt people would be if they just enjoyed the SoL of the early episodes and then had to deal with where it went.

>All in all, these gripes are what's stopping it from being a masterpiece in my eyes. Which is unusual, I tend to whine about things that make a series below average, not about things that make a series below outstanding.

Nah, it's understandable. It was a fine show with some great directing, but it's probably not something I'll ever watch again.

>A second season ala Diebuster: new characters, who follow the legends around the previous set of characters, exploring the world to much deeper level, with the last episode having the old main characters come back. I'd watch the shit out of something like this. Never gonna actually happen, of course.

Definitely not happening, the LNs continue on with the same characters.

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It is the age of cute girls in serious clubs.
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Am I supposed to be able to see their brains?


As you can see in the original >>18010 there are shadows there so the colour is darker.


Fuck, I never realised that anime shading was this weird.


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The translation manages to make me mad even after watching the whole anime raw.
>Why is it you here and not my papa?
or if we want to be more literal
>Teru, why aren't you my papa?

In my opinion,
>How come you aren't my dad, Teru?
implies that she wants Teru to be her dad instead of her actual dad, which is obviously wrong. She wants the exact opposite.

P.S. This was definitely the best Fall series, and in top 3 for 2016.


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I hate people who think 10am is late too.

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Gentlemen, I present you the anime of the season.
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I fucking hate it when I'm right. Even so, I must admit it is nice how 13 thought the Sorcerers of Zero would be the harbingers of change.

Awful translation, though.


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Cute twins.

Now excuse me while I choke myself to death.


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Another late episode, even though there is almost nothing else to translate.


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It was okay.


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It wasn't too good, but I'd gladly watch it again, some day in the future.

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Are you having fun yet?

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My fun theory wasn't just wrong, it turned out to be the worst possible thing. I knew it there is no reason to be hopeful about this season. It just doesn't feel the same.
And then there would be the implication that Kaisei probably helped Soun and she knew about it all along.


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Maybe it is just me and my negativity, but I wasn't able to care much about this season.


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It's definitely weaker than S1 but it's still nice.


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I know what this season missed. Several more episodes, but not from Yasaburo's PoV. We needed at least one or two from Benten's PoV. We needed one from Kaisei's PoV. Probably one with Gyokuran too. And a full episode just with Yajiro. Yasaburo didn't do too much for the plot of S2 anyway, the series should have branched off in the other PoVs too. This would also change the structure the audience perceives, better fitting the somewhat more chaotic and disjointed nature of the second season, and culminating in all the love stories being tied up.

Then again, Benten's airashiisa makes me forgive everything. All the charm is still there, just with weaker season framing and a need for more diversity and fluff.

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