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It is nip time.


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How many times much I teach you this lesson old man.


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I swear I'll stick with it. The other times don't count.

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Anyone else watching Rifle is Beautiful?
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But, you know, compare the wide shot of her room


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with the details


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This could have been a 9001/10 scene if they bothered to design the whole room and keep it fully animated.


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Either way, I like her.


This show is tricking me into liking a tournament.

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Please laugh at my joke


Well, I don't think it was in Tokyo.


I guess I was wrong. It was the Kanto region that was being bombarded.


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Happy Birthday, Miya!


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Half-off Aqua is fine too.


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Shit got real fast.


Thirsty blonde Aqua is a pure delight. The hero is pretty good too. I'm looking forward to fuyukomi.

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 No.27914[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Makes a bit more sense as an elite warrior.
That said, surely it required more than just art changes? Was she not described anywhere in the novels? Was the bimbo acting just the same way anime loli Exedilica acts? What is this historical revisionism. They just put a loli on the covers and it started selling?


>They just put a loli on the covers and it started selling?
Sounds like Japan, doesn't it?

Dunno, it was scarce in descriptions from the start I guess. And that was just the first two novels? So probably the cat chapter for example was already originally with loli Tilarna.


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Did anybody watch Granbelm all the way through? The first half is a slog but it turned out to be a pretty nice story in the second half.
Biggest problem are the characters, I don't think they were developed very well and the red haired girl that most of the first half focuses on is just a shitty character.


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Didn't even die. Apparently the knight was at more danger.
The translation at pic related was wrong. At the question of "Are you really a human?" what he answered was "Actually, I have my own doubts about it." or you can shorten it up a bit, but the official translation is not even a translation. There was another jarring mistake, but it wasn't really important.

About the episode itself. It is true that the party was missing a healer, but I think the rest of the scrubs needed a healer more than Hajime. But perhaps he is getting low on magic water supplies, though can't he just re-supply it somehow?
The harem is probably at least complete now, but god damn it, it is too big. Would have liked it more if it was just Hajime and Yue. At most the bunny too, she had a good enough dynamic going on with them.


>But perhaps he is getting low on magic water supplies, though can't he just re-supply it somehow?
He still has the stone, so no worries there, he can resupply at any point.
>but I think the rest of the scrubs needed a healer more than Hajime.
Oh, definitely, but harem begets.
>The harem is probably at least complete now, but god damn it, it is too big. Would have liked it more if it was just Hajime and Yue.
I'd say the problem is that Yue is not Eu levels of harem-making matriarch. Both in the Korean zombie desk-car and here the main girls are the ones who essentially build the harems around their loved ones, but Eu just by existing exudes an aura of domination. Yue should do more smug smiles and less jealousy, and the harem won't feel too big. So the author tried to make a harem but didn't write it well enough. Also, the samurai woman will also become a harem member, I've heard.
But yeah, alternatively he could have just kept it to Hajime and Yue only. And, like, the bunny.

All in all, it was quite the good series (even the awful cgi just served to make it less edgy). I'm glad we're getting an S2. Hajime alone makes it worth it.

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 No.20866[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Potatoe on potatoe violence.
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Seems like an older Samsung Note laptop.


I finally read the manga.
Why is life so pointless?


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SS is good.


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And /ss/ even better.

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Opening of the season, already.
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It was okay. Didn't care too much about Baka drama. Honestly with the last scene of last episode I thought there was going to be the possibility of a boyfriend wanna be appearing. It was just test shit. The final scene was pretty good, though.


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I'm sorry, but the Baka drama on the background of the seiyuus doing pig noises for their respective pigs was pure 10/10. This attention to detail really made the scene work; I couldn't stop laughing. And, honestly, I didn't expect anything serious when it comes to Baka anyway. This anime is in the Excel school of thought; you can't have two serious episodes in a row.


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But, because I expected this scene to be funny, it's another scene that made me laugh the hardest. This girl going out of the locker in the end was what finished me off.


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Robo's smile makes any day a good one.


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When did signs ever stop idiots?

It's my favorite of the season. Waseda a best.

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I wasn't expecting another MMO isekai show to be this entertaining.
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The slut likes bad boys.


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Honestly, this was a pretty manly episode.


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Looking forward to the next season. This was some of the best fun I've had for the last few years.


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I miss them already.


I didn't know this was going to continue. What a nice surprise.

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Fat gaijin are not human.
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Christmas party with free cake.


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Aren't background machos supposed to be chemo patients?


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A beautiful ending.


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It really was.

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I couldn't find the live action thread.
Anyone watching Build? It's no Gaim, but I'm enjoying it. The designs are great this time too.
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Build ended up becoming trash by the time it ended, so so much for that.

I didn't realise that the first three titles to follow S1 of Garo were specials and not seasons, so I hadn't gotten around to them until now. Beast of the White Night was great, it had good effects, good new characters, good music, good choreography, and in general was a solid continuation of the story. Red Requiem on the other hand had high budget special effects that looked too clean and fake, bad choreography, awful acting from everyone except Kouga, and was all around an awful continuation. It's hard to imagine that both of them were directed by the same person, but Wikipedia tells me they were.
Hopefully Kiba Gaiden and then Makai Senki are good.


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Bumping a dead thread. Watched Kamera o tomeru na! (One Cut of the Dead) today. Was pretty cool.


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I kept watching more stuff and basically everything after Beast of the White Night was awful, which is really disappointing. I gave up a few episodes into Yami o Terasu Mono.
I started watching Wizard recently and that's been great so far, I just hope it doesn't completely shit itself like Build or go nowhere like Fourze.


Did you try Zero: Black Blood and then Zero: Dragon Blood?


No. After how fucking retarded Makai Senki was it's hard to imagine anything else being good.

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