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Surprised at how decent it was.
I thought it would be kind of rubbish honestly, and the weird half-potatoe artstyle put me off in the preview, but it legitimately grew on me, the artstyle got to the point where I actually prefer how it looks now, I got plenty used to the new voice, and all in all the pacing, the adaption, just about all of it was on point. If I have any complaints it was that the adaption was too short and that Hermes' voice really put me off and I can't put the finger on it.
It's surprising how little discussion of it there was anywhere. Maybe many people didn't like it as much as I did? Or maybe because half the episodes were re-dos, so there wasn't much to discuss?
How many new fans do you reckon this hooked in, I think further adaptions will depend on that.


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Now this was some stupid ass shit. And the ugly CG made it just that much worse. It could have been a descent episode if it wasn't this badly made.


>Or maybe because half the episodes were re-dos, so there wasn't much to discuss?
Actually I believe only two episodes were remade. The Colosseum one and the Kino one. And in the original Colosseum the dog didn't even speak, but the ex-prince wasn't used as a character with his own travels.
About discussion, what is there to really to talk about? The philosophy is basic and it doesn't even have the artsy presentation of the old. It is basically fairytales that have no lessons and are not even fairy any more.


So I take it you didn't like the new adaption?


As far as Kino no Tabi goes, you can say I didn't like it much. As far as Generic Anime 10452 goes, it is okay. So my opinion hasn't changed too much since my post here >>20786 Maybe I feel a little more positive about it, but that's all.

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Four episodes are out, and this is one of my favourite shows this season. The animation is great and so is the fight choreography, and the characters are all pretty entertaining and play off of each other well. And of course, it's calling back to good old fashioned justice.
What will it take to get you lot to pick it up?
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Is this only going to be 11 episodes?


12, so two episodes final battle.
And damn it. The RSS filter didn't pick it up again and I forgot to watch it until now.
It was only a big waste of an episode. How many more episodes did we need to learn she has changed her view of life?


Seems like there is actually no episode this week.


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The last episode final battle was quite nice, but this episode was a bit of a mess, with the time jumping around and the sequel hook ending. Not that I'd mind a sequel, since I still loved the action scenes, the justice, and basically everything that wasn't the main plot with Emi and Kaido. The soundtrack was great too. Shame it probably won't get released.


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After all the Arabs have nothing on the superior Nippon truck technology.

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 No.20584[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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No matter how banal, my eyes got a little watery.


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This garbage show isn't a good example of anything, really. Imma watch it all, but so far, the biggest reveal has been the cute heart-shaped highlights in their hair.

And the fact that they maybe can control the chibi-ness?


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So much for that. What the absolute fuck is this?


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>I'm all for that type of cuteness + twintails
If this episode proved anything is that you should definitely be watching this, anon. They even show us the gap between what she says and what she thinks.
Also already 4 people died in this series, so it is nice to know that people can indeed be killed in this one.


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I really enjoyed this show. This was easily my favorite SoL of 2017.

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Saw an ad for this place so I guess I just wandered in. What's the story?
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Hello and welcome! Fufufu is an anime discussion message board. Typically, anime discussion here is slightly better than what you'll find in most places, but this influx of new posters has brought to the site the exact people fufufu users created it to avoid. Please feel free to destroy our previously slow and decent quality imageboard with your image dump threads, greentexting, third world English, /pol9k/ normalfaggotry and any other forms of mindless general shitposting and/or memeing that 4chan, Reddit, MAL and Crunchyroll forums have gotten you used to; you've already driven out most of the board's native users with your shitposting anyway, so fufufu is all yours now, make yourself at home!


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5 million ranks since / ロリ / was made public, it must be true all men are lolicons.


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So what the other users have been saying was true. Posting more lolis 'does' save fufufu.

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I don't know how you can post on this site without watching this.
The main girl is a loli magician and she is either cute or being sexualized like any second she is on the screen.
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I really want more anime like this and SSR but we'll get shitty self-insert stuff and haremshit instead
At least we'll get overlord next season so one of the self insert slots are at least decent


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I'm selling my soul for S2. Christ, I love this show.

I enjoy my seasonal haremshit.


S2 when?


Next year hopefully. Its selling well contrary to salefag expectations.

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So no more backstories this episode, just jumping around between characters and showing what everyone is up too. Nowhere near as hype as the first episode got, but it kept things moving along nicely.
RIP boar, even though she clearly wasn't supposed to be a sympathetic character I still really liked her. I was holding onto some hope she'd turn out to be fine somehow but I guess she's gone. Then again, knowing nisio and considering the setting is full of magic I don't want to completly write her off.
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Go on, what happened?
How lame was it?


Rabbit turned into a zombie monstrosity, Monkey's corpse pinned down Ox and then Rat nuked the three of them with Sheep's bomb. And I am probably making it sound more interesting that it is. And then we got a reveal about what Rat's power is and it is being able to decide from different possible futures. Next episode we get the wish fulfilment.


It was garbage. I don't know what they were trying to accomplish, but it didn't work. It was actually, ACTUALLY worse than Apocrypha. I didn't think that would be possible but at least Apocrypha had a beautiful fight or two.


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I wonder if by any chance the novel was written from his perspective and we actually got to see many different situations and learn a lot more about the warriors. Might have been more interesting.


>Might have been more interesting.
I think so too. This last episode is my favorite.

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Will you, Fufufu?
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Hell no, babies are disgusting.


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What a twist.


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And I ended up fucking up the image.


What a good guy.

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Tear down the wall!


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I can take or leave it if I want.

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Hello, /a/.
Have you read Botan's manga yet? You should. She's really, really cute and her manga is pretty good.
You might not believe she's as cute as I say, so I will post some proofs to convince you.
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Every manga has cute girls. What makes hers so special?


It's ugly. The story would be more believable if they just brushed over minor details that don't make much sense instead of spending several pages trying to justify them(like when his sister helps him crossdress). The MC should not like the main girl at all, the only thing good about her is she is a cute 2D girl. Unless he likes androphobia, she has no character at all. And how does being afraid of men make you come up with lines like, "your very existence is out of the question"?

I get that it's comedy, but jokes that are basically just knee-jerk "d'oh" style jokes don't have any impact if the lead up to them was just as incomprehensible, only unintentionally, as we try to decipher what the hell is going on in ANY of the character's heads. Trying to justify every gag as normal, rational, behavior doesn't make sense, and moreover, it's annoying and tiresome.

To put it simply, both the comedy and drama are just weak. Too weak to be entertaining.

The only redeeming feature of this entire manga is fluffy wigglers.


This mango just ended right?


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She captures your heart.
I see. I always interpreted MC's love for the main girl as a result of his own foolishness. She was the first girl to look at his eyes fearlessly, and, since he also kept seeing her alone in the library, he built a whole ideal of what she was like inside his head, and then he just went with it. It was his first love, he was as inexperienced as they come, and he had no one else to aim for, so he just tried to finish what he started. I'm as much of a sucker for these kind of stories as his sister, so it's needless to say I enjoyed it immensely.

And about the explanation thing, I sincerely loved it, too. There are way too many of these gimmicky and silly situations that go completely unexplained in other stories, so explaining why his sister had the idea to crossdress him and why the main girl acts the way she does was quite refreshing. It makes the whole situation almost believable. Keyword is "almost".

The jokes are nothing out of the usual indeed, so I guess they just weren't able to tickle your funny bone. Can't be helped.
At least we both can agree on the value of these excellent fluffy wigglers.

Yes. It's quite short too, only 32 chapters. The ending is pretty nice. By the final chapter all the plot points are finished and there's nothing to complain, really.


I see, I'll probably read it over the weekend.
Short and sweet manga are often in my opinion better than the ones that just drag on and on and on, and it's actually especially noticeable with romance or SoL types which I imagine this one is. With shonen or whatever you can really just add a new thing to take care of but with romance you can only add unwanted and unneeeded drama, and that's really gross.

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None of this is very kuso at all.


Kuso manga bukuro is such a masterpiece.


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Oh yes.

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haha a ni me!!!!!


its 1am retards not 5pm


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But that is gay.

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