Never watched this show because it seemed like chuuni trash
>>16602It is very cheap and it is indeed not very good, but it does have some nice scenes and it is worth it for Houhou.
>>16654I think for once he acted properly. It is not like anyone was particularly nice to him, but she completely degraded him by getting two fat prostitutes and telling him to get over his virginity.
>>23037It certainly looks like at least some money is going into this. After the utter shit we've had for the past few seasons it's giving me some hope for chinese animation again.
Quite an enjoyable episode too, even with minimal Houhou I didn't mind all the exposition and introducing the new characters. The fuck is the ED though? It's utterly bizzare.
>>23040It is an online stream of her digging a graveyard with some silly Chinese music in the background? The Japanese in your picture translates something close to "For the sake of my everyday life, I am burying a person." I get the feeling you knew that, though.
It is probably a joke related to how the series started.
Are we getting a new season of this? The hell?
Has the animation levelled up?
I can't tell. It was weird and wonky the first season but it feels…slightly less wonky this season? Maybe?
>>23170The crowd made me torn between confused and amused, I wasn't even sure how I was supposed to react.
>>23607Not much of anything really. Overall it is worse than the previous season. Way less Houhou and a lot of battles. And the battles are just stupid-ass talking. Last season's basics of how outsider powers work are useless, because we now get all sorts of out of the ass abilities that we will never see again anyway. It just goes to show how badly developed storytelling is in China.
>>23607you're waifu got fat as heck man