Mitsuboshi Colors has gone big!
Yama no Susume with camping looks good.
I'm a little surprised to see more Dagashi Kashi. From what I saw I thought it as a pretty mediocre adaption.
Also surprised to see more Hitori no Shita. At first I was pretty happy that I'd be able to see Baobao again, but now I'm thinking about it I'm not sure if I finished the first season.
Kaiju girls sleeper hit of the season.
>>22600>>22601I hope you guys are joking. S1 was shit, just like every Flash short there's been.
>>22602Kaiju Girls may have been shit, but Flash shorts in general are pretty good.
I really hope this new Card Captor Sakura is good; please, Madhouse. It'll also be interesting to see how Trigger and A1 go with their new project and I'm very excited for some more Girls Und Panzer.
>Ito Junji: Collection
My body is ready.
>>22598Are you trying to claim that because the characters are little girls it must be some kind of ecchi anime?
>>22772I am not ready. Good thing I am on fufufu. Maybe I will be able to ignore the rest of the world and actually enjoy it for what it is.
>>22772I'm sure it'll be alright, but the immense amount of faggotry that will be unleashed by the majority of people watching it is going to kill me.
>>22775It was a weird choice of a first episode, that's for sure. I don't really know if Junji's type of horror lends itself to a good anime adaptation, but I guess we'll see.
>>22778The author seems to have mostly done some old school fantasies during the end of the century. So maybe this indeed has chance of being interesting.
I just woke up and had a dream where I was watching the new Pop Team Epic anime. It was mixed up with Skyrim and a French guy showed up and sometimes it looked like it was done in MSPaint. Weird shit. I've been feeling a little feverish today so maybe that's why.
>>22792A shitload. I'm glad I dropped the manga and I'm not gonna bother with the show.
>>22792Have you ever read any Takako Shimura or Kimi Koi Limit? The characters in those look like rational and deliriously happy people compared to the amount of angst and shitty drama in Citrus.
>>22802I thought it was very true to the spirit of the manga.
>>22811I fucking love Umetsu's designs.
>>22813My dream is that it completely veers from the manga and becomes a drama about brutal bullying. I want to watch Hana become depressed and have an existential crisis.
>>22760Yuru camp was nice, SOL that have small infodumps are fun to watch.
Tama-chan is a miracle of the season.
>>22814This was also really nice. Feels like watching Ichigo Marshmallow again, if a little wackier.
Can't wait for the next episode. Also the OP and ED are quite nice.
>>22816That didn't go far enough. Hana would need to experience at least 5x as much suffering as Machi did to appease me.
The casting of Nishikata and Takagi here has ruined any enjoyment I might have gotten out of this anime. What a mess. Well, Mina and co are still cute, but I always thought Mina had white hair, so this is kind of jarring.
>>22721What the fuck is up with the secondary heroine being unwilling to trust the MC unless the MC straight up goes to Antarctica with her? That's fucked up.
>>22761I thought it was fucking awful, the characters are totally one note, Koizumi's eating habits are disgusting and the food looks horrible, and the MC is ugly.
>>22760This was nice and relaxing. Beautiful scenery, and the sleepy girl eating her ramen was actually really cute, unlike with Koizumi.
>>22844>and the MC is ugly.Which one? The tomboy is cute.
>>22853I will fucking fight you.
>>22855Not sure how I feel about this one yet. Seems a bit lame so far.
To those who didn't wait for the 1080p version of Violet Evergarden, how are asenshi/vivid's subs? I've been trying to find the answer, but it's been constant shitposting (not to my surprise).
>>22882Surprisingly not meme-filled. I'm hardly an authority, but I didn't notice any egregious translations at all.
On the subject of subs, good job, whichever company is handling this.
>>22884>Surprisingly not meme-filled. I'm hardly an authority, but I didn't notice any egregious translations at all.That's good to hear. Asenshi wasn't too awful (except for one episode) when they did Children of the Whales last season.
>On the subject of subs, good job, whichever company is handling this.Jesus. They must be big fans of the hockey player.
Ameagari looks and sounds good, but I can't understand what she sees in the manager. At all.
The ED is also really good and I'll be surprised if I'll like anything better this season: No.22922
Why'd they have to change his apperance and voice? What he looks/sounds like in the real world is far less annoying.
>>22921I was so bored I stoped watching just before this scene happened. At least after watching the final little bit of the episode I have the slight hope that enough lewd stuff will happen to make the show bearable.
>>22924>Tourism boards really like to think if they make an anime about their town, [] otaku will come in hordes.I assume it works. Anime pilgrimages are a real thing. I doubt that every anime would be able to provoke a big reaction, but then it's just a matter of calculating the anime's cost against the expected boost to tourism.
>no matter how half-assed,Probably not.
>>22925>it's just a matter of calculating the anime's cost against the expected boost to tourismOf course. Or, if you want to be more cynical, a matter of telling the board you can make the next Hanasaku Iroha or GuP, taking their tax money an then shitting out a low-budget, bottom-of-the-barrel production. Brave little anime that fights for some space among blockbusters, or embezzlement scheme? With town promotion anime, you never know.
>>22921>Death March was just trash.Not fun trash like Smartphone?
>>22927Pretty boring trash. He doesn't actually meet any other characters until the last few seconds of the episode, so perhaps it'll be more interesting from here, but this first episode was mostly just him going round on his own testing out the game mechanics.
How many shows are you watching this season, anons? I've got 18.
>>22928>this first episode was mostly just him going round on his own testing out the game mechanics.I felt my soul die as I read this.
>>22926>taking their tax money an then shitting out a low-budget, bottom-of-the-barrel productionSounds like a good way of getting blacklisted in the industry.
>>22931I started watching a bunch of stuff, but I don't I'll stick to anything other than mitsuboshi colors and hakumei to mikochi. I tend to get a burnout if I try to keep up with too much.
>>22927Smartphone was also just trash.
But the only remotely interesting part of Death March was all the game mechanics notices popping up throughout the episode, and of course not one of them was translated.
I don't know if Citrus is worth continuing. Mei is an asshole and almost certainly a psychopath.
I haven't addressed a single anime this week, so I guess I should.
I would totally continue watching Koi wa Ameagari no You ni even if it just to take eye screenshots.
>>22945 Yet another old manga being adapted. But this time it can't pass for a fast-paced comedy like Guru Guru. It was a very bad first episode. Hopefully now that the initial setting is ready it gets better. I haven't read the original, so I don't know what to expect. But it seems to be a combination of goofy characters in a world of suffering and death.
I don't get the hate boner for Death March. Is it another Isekai video game? It is. Did you expect it to be super good or something? It was okay for an average "5/10" kill your brain isekai shit.
Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens is not too bad, but the fact that they though it would be a good idea to not be just a story about hitmen, but a world were the hitmen business is mainstream is upsetting me. At that point the Hakata city wouldn't even exist.
Sanrio Danshi was surprisingly enjoyable. I still can't decide if it is suppose to be targeted at girls only or does it really target men too.
Death March has potential to be a breezy wish fulfillment fantasy like Smartphone. The music and ED theme are also good. The ED on the whole seems like it's trying to channel Konosuba.
>>22956Smartphone was so incredibly straight wish fulfillment I actually expected it to be some sort of parody two or three episodes in.
>>22952To me Sanrio Danshi seems clearly aimed at girls, what with all the BL teasing in the first episode alone.
I had a great laugh when I realized that each guy represents a Sanrio mascot, and that they straight up said "This mascot's most popular feature is his anus" which I am sure will make for some amazing fanart.
>>22959>BL teasingThis is not 4chan, my friend. Cute girls anime doesn't equal yuri. Cute boys anime doesn't equal yaoi.
>and that they straight up said "This mascot's most popular feature is his anus"The Japs love weird-ass mascots and dirty jokes.
>>22960>This is not 4chan, my friend. Cute girls anime doesn't equal yuri. Cute boys anime doesn't equal yaoi.Sure, but given the shower scene aand staight up kabedon, I feel its pretty clear the show is aimed at the type of people who enjoys fantasizing about romatic relationships between males, be they canon or not.
Basically me, really.
>>22952> It was okay for an average "5/10" kill your brain isekai shit.That already makes it not worth watching. The introduction dragged on far too long, and the MC spent far too long grasping that he was in a game. The animation sucks, especially the CGI, and the art style in general along with the character designs aren't appealing at all. The MC's age getting wound back was just annoying, since his teenager voice is wholly unpleasant. What is there to like about it at all? What about it makes it worth watching at all?
>>22973It is just an average run-of-the-mill anime, mate. Do you hate anime?
>>22972I didn't expect much from it before, and I feel the same after watching it. With that said, the girls and especially the mech are delicious. And the manga art is even better from what I've seen.
>>22974I asked you what about it even makes it worth watching at all. Don't respond by saying I just hate anime, explain yourself.
>>22975Where's the pencil skirt? The ideal OL must have a pencil skirt.
This was better than I expected. Even if it doesn't end up doing anything particuarly interesting with the themes of resposibility and AI and ends up being more of just a straight shounen action/romance, as far as that sort of thing goes it seems at least above average right now.
>>22972This was gay. It won't be terrible but it's going to have the same problems that kill la kill had. The whole episode was just too much of the same annoying clichés and themes. Solid animations, nice designs, but no substance to get me interested. Not yet at least.
>>23018I can't think of a single piece of media about androids that hasn't explored the exact same issue of treating them humanely. I'm so tired of seeing the same thing over and over again.
>>23009The animation wasn't even that good; there was one scene of Hiro running away from the Kyouryuu that looked really bad. But at least it didn't have any of Trigger's drag and drop Flash-tier shit yet.
>>22978Basically this. Right now the only reason I have to care about FranXX is because I'm a pervert who wants to fuck a giant robot.
>>23050This new trend of (fake) social media screenshots bothers me, and I'm not sure if I'm just a grumpy old asshole who can't move with the times or if it's actually unnecessary and ugly.
>>23051>>23052Both are equally stupid from my point of view. At best they're inane; at worst their use of normalfag lingo encourages cretins to come out of the woodwork.
I'm an irascible faggot though.
>>23052I think it's compareable sure, but then again I thought those were retarded when they were a trend too.
For a stupid-and-aware-of-it anime, Märchen Mädchen may be trying a bit too hard but it shows some promise. The MC's genre awareness and lesbianism stand out as the most forced aspects.
The music in this scene reminds me of the main theme from Vividred Operation. Here it is for comparison: I want to rewatch that again. They don't make anime like that anymore. Ah, no, wait, they do and life is awesome.
>>23097Is it bad that I thought for a moment that this was Arslan Senki from the thumbnails
>>23106The ED hurts my groin in all the right ways.
>>23221He has very bad control of his powers. Chances are they will just hurt themselves even more. Though from that point of view it is a surprise he is not teleporting himself into something else than air.
>>23223Immediately before that screenshot he warps them both up to a narrow catwalk, which if they had missed they would have ended up badly injured. He has poor control of his power in distance and repeatability, not accuracy.
>>23224>in distance and repeatability, not accuracy.>distance and repeatability>not accuracyOkay.
>>23222she's so sexy goddamn
>>23225I'm not sure what about that is confusing to you. It's pretty simple.
>>23239You know, I guess we can just settle for his power being inconsistent, and working accurately only when the writer decides it should.
But the thing about warping on top of a house still stands; if he can warp into the air to land on this catwalk there's no reason he couldn't do the same with a house's roof.
>>23245But she's terrified of Tokyoites!
>>23353Who are you quoting?
>>23357Go back to /jp/ and never come back.
>>23358Go back to /v/ with your stupid twitter memes.
>>23359Fuck off you fucking retard.
>>23362Reported for what, you fucking dumbshit? For telling a shitposting creting like you to fuck off back to /jp/?
The way netflix released this really annoys me, it's one of the shows I've enjoyed the most this season and might have made for a good thread and weekly discussion. Hell, I almost skipped past it while browsing nyaa which would have been a real shame. The plot was mostly good, it managed to avoid or explain a lot of stuff that I was worried about from the first few episodes. Sure a lot of the bad guys are just cartoony insane, but at least there's some reason behind that. The superpowered shit, while it does bring some cool action is mostly a sideshow and even though Keith is a genius detective or whatever he's not the only competent cop on the force at all. I guess my main problem with it is from the final episode, why didn't keith just go to grapple him? they were right next to each other, there was no reason he had to shoot him. I suppose he might not have thought that he would have won a manfight, and it wasn't worth the risk letting him get the shot off, but considering how there was just a massive speech about how averse to murder he was it still does seem a little silly. Still I can forgive that since I enjoyed it so much. I'd consider the direction all round to be pretty good, but episodes 9-10 stood out quite a bit as some of the tensest shit I've seen in a long while.
I'm not sure I liked that sequel bait at the end, I thought it felt pretty complete, but I'll certainly watch it if it does happen.
Who's excited for A.I.C.O.?
>>23782It looks like they want the Guilty Crown audience
>>23782The first episode didn't impress me too much. Roller skating is always cool, but everything else seemed pretty formulaic.
It is not perfect, because of generic director and standard budget, but actually the setting and story have been cool. Just not Symphogear Season 1 cool. But then again it is going to continue for another season, even though they just rocket launched themselves into the bad guy's HQ.
>>23782Fuck Netflix. They haven't released anything worthwhile yet and releasing all episodes at once hurts discussions ans speculations. Not that we have much of them any more.
>>23787>It is not perfect, because of generic director and standard budget, but actually the setting and story have been cool. Just not Symphogear Season 1 cool. But then again it is going to continue for another season, even though they just rocket launched themselves into the bad guy's HQ.I wansn't too sure about the show until episode three. You're right that it's not as good as Symphogear's debut, but god damn how can someone not be excited to see what the old guy is going to do and how this upcoming battle is going to turn out.
Ellen-chan a best!
>They haven't released anything worthwhile yet and releasing all episodes at once hurts discussions ans speculations.This is my biggest problem with them. It diminishes a nice part of the enjoyment of watching currently airing shit.
>>23787>anything worthwhileDevilman was pretty good.
B: The Beginning and AICO looked like hot garbage from the moment they were revealed though (what did you expect from fucking BONES)
To blame Netflix alone would be ignorant but they are definitely not doing well so far
>>23797Yuasa should remove himself from the industry. As it is going to remain the only successful Netflix production their next project will end up being something with more blood, tits and "artsy" animation.
And of course Netflix are to blame for. Someone there, probably more than one person honestly, decided to sponsor the creation of the anime series they are making. They made the final choice for them to exist.
>>23800You are just a bitter motherfucker, aren't you?
>>23802If you mean I don't like blob animated "adult" entertainment, then sure. I don't. Before Crybaby people were at least honest that Devilman is pantsu on the head retarded. That was the fun of it. Now many are suddenly taking it super serious. Though it is almost ironic how this shitty lol deep director was in charge of the anime.
>>24019>>24021>>24022You can't save the unbelievers.
File: 1521804847718.jpg (Spoiler Image, 120.02 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Hakumei to ….jpg)

I finally got around to watching past the first episode of Hakumei to Mikochi and I was thoroughly enjoying it. And then this happened. For fuck's sake.
File: 1521830997085.jpg (Spoiler Image, 234.6 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Toji no Mik….jpg)

Damn, second episode in a row they are implying she is died. Also some last minute double deus ex machina for the boss battle and no explanation what happened. Next episode is a fucking recap.
>>24093Shit, it has been a few weeks since I watched it so I could be talking out of my ass here, but wasn't
Gilbert already in charge by the time of the raid? The compound could well have been a goverment funded problem but Market Makers didn't seem like the type of orginization to give a fuck about that, especially when it'd allow him to both off Keith's dad as well as gather all the demihumans under his power.
>>24101I guess I'm confused because Market Makers was created to collaborate with the king and the government to further the project investigating the recreation of the "gods." So if the Dr. heath's compound was under government control, there would be no reason to commit a raid.
>>24121Disregard this post. I'm retarded. I'm awful at following any story.