We've been planning to do this for a while since tinyboard has a lot of problems with UTF-8 like ロリ . The roadmap is to get new HTML templates, a new backend for data storage, new CSS, and a new mod interface. Making an inline extension like that isn't a bad idea but will be difficult since it will need to be CGI with no javascript whatsoever.
My first thought is that when people say 'modern website' they usually mean 'website that won't even display a line of text unless you download and run javascript (most of which is hosted at google btw)'. We'll all be well advised not to accidentally use such vague words in lieu of specific criticism and suggestions.
Fancy user-facing features are just fine as long as they don't impact usability. One can question the usefulness of auto-refresh on threads that are lucky to get three posts a day, but an imageboard should be developed with both big and small sites in mind, so that's a moot point.
Personally, the more features an imageboard has, the more obvious it becomes to me that being a website is holding it down. For this reason I think the moment devs choose to go the features route they should include a public API so people can write dedicated clients. A browser can't compete with showing native desktop notifications or triggering events. No, let me rephrase that: it shouldn't try to.
>>23973This is another failing of tinyboard, it is very tied in to HTTP requiring headers and JS and other bullshit. Being compatible with telnet connections or lighter web browsers or dedicated client connections to the backend would be a great impetus for it.
>>23973That's why having a proper API would be great, both for lolweb3.5garbage and actual desktop clients.
get that russian browser add on. Dollchan or something.
Dollchan will fix up all the issues of the dated imageboard software that every site uses
Easier use with javascript is fine but it should always work without any javascript.