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 No.21544[Last 50 Posts]






Still around on /h/, but the threads aren't very good, so I figured I'd try making one here.


They're not very good because they're probably slow as fucking molasses.


File: 1509316146512.png (416.44 KB, 1102x1600, 8.png)

/r Futa on girl.






Have you considered threads aren't very good, because they are shit at their core? The fuck do you think you are doing dumping tons of links? Do you call this contributing? The bots put more effort in their posts. And you already have some guy making a "/r"equest. You fags realize this is not 4chan? If I want to find a theme specific hentai I will use the damn tags and not some autist's list. By bringing your circlejerk here you are not going to get anything better than what you have there.


Now that's just rude. I spent a lot of time putting together links of one release from each artist there.
>By bringing your circlejerk here you are not going to get anything better than what you have there.
There hasn't been a hundred posts begging for the source of >>21552 instead of searching for it themselves, so I'd say it's already a significant improvement.


I dislike the fact that As109's latest work, which was released on C92, still hasn't been ripped.
He even released the uncensor patch now https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=65719850
Has everyone forgotten about As109?


They are not good because /h/ doesn't have the moderation /a/ has, 1/3-1/2 of the threads are always faggots complaining about loli stuff and furry shit.


That's the other big problem, putting them on /h/ or /d/ divides them by content. /h/ is too puritan while /d/ is too deviant. /a/ threads were good because people could post and talk about whatever.

I stopped caring about As109 when everything they did started being bloody.


New fakku batch out.


AS109 started with blood, his earliest works were guro.


Well the mods being retards isn't anything new, I don't even know why they moved them off to begin with.

Dude, chill. It's not as if panda isn't filled with tons of garbage, untagged or improperly tagged shit, or just plain obscure things that are hard to find if you're just browsing normally.

I think his popularity has been dropping lately, but that's just the impression I got. Didn't look at sales or ratings or anything.


>I think his popularity has been dropping lately, but that's just the impression I got. Didn't look at sales or ratings or anything.
It's fine because it has been uploaded now. https://exhentai.org/g/1140617/05ed58d05a/


I created a tiny script that scrapes sad panda galleries and generates links such that you can use downthemall or other download managers to harvest them. I've been running it for galleries that either have dead torrents or none at all. If any of you are interested in it, let me know. You simply need greasemonkey or similar browser extensions to run it.

>/d/ is too deviant
Is it really? Nothing on there is off-putting. The real issue with it is westernshit and blogfagging. (Pregnancy threads are especially bad with the latter.)


I thought westernshit got blown the fuck out and relegated to /aco/? And as far as blogfagging honestly I don't mind that too much, something like /d/ is a board both for sharing actual /d/ porn and acts as a fetish board that some other imageboards have.

>let me know

Gib it here mate, it sounds great.


Is there a way to make Exlinks work here?


Can't you just use credits to download the archive?


Just add https://fufufu.moe/* to the included pages for it


They still don't work, but now fufufu pages are shown as loading for ages.


But that costs credits.


>Gib it here mate, it sounds great.

I personally have very little. I only seed and create torrents.


You also have to allow cookies for fufufu, since the script uses localstorage, and localstorage doesn't have it's own permission it just uses the same as cookies.
I think that's all I did to make it work


I do have fufufu cookies.


I would like to eat fufufu cookies.


Let's actually have some discussion in this thread.
The Monogatari series has its share of doujins, but why most of them suck? There are like two or three arguably good ones with the lolis and that's about it.


I don't think anyone has an answer to that. There's no telling what causes good artists to pick up some franchises and not pick up others.


I don't know what the fuck this gallery was, but I do know that I opened it days ago intending to read it later, then had it disappear when I decided to get on it today.


File: 1512423266883.jpg (109.73 KB, 1050x1492, 001.jpg)

But it opens for me?


Well that's completely fucked, I got no idea what's happening. Maybe my cookies expired or some shit?


Doesn't open for me as well.


File: 1512682678525.png (1.01 MB, 1365x942, Untitled.png)


Now it did. Are you a wizard?


Are these titles in the bottom panel from actual clips or is he just making these up? https://exhentai.org/s/51e4aab25a/1148519-32


File: 1512822385636.png (8.1 KB, 300x100, fufuspeedbanner5.png)

I should probably say this, so you guys can be properly aware of it. This thread is sticked to the bottom of the front page.
What does that mean? If the thread is on page 2 or higher and it gets bumped then it goes to the front page, but it gets automatically sticked to the bottom. This doesn't mean only one page 2 or higher thread needs to be bumped for this one to go to page two. It will require the same amount of bumped threads to be pushed to page 2 as any other thread.
This decision was made so it would prevent this thread from taking the top place all the time, because of random link dumps or whatever. So the more "anime" threads would be on the top instead. Thankfully the thread didn't turn into mindless link dumps and it is as slow as the rest of fufufu, so it wouldn't have been that big of a problem to begin with, but it still a countermeasure we find useful.
Now don't shoot the slavish messenger.


Given that the ACLR ones are aping JAV codes, I imagine they're made up. But frankly if anyone did tell us that they're real I'd have to question how they know.


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Ponkotsu's art has come a long way over the years. It isn't often that I get to enjoy ero manga with such great composition, but this has some amazing pages in it, like pic related.


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Have you played with your loli lately?


Wasn't HS suspected of visiting real sites of those things? Or it was another author?


Huh, good to know.

It's probably one of those stealth-removal things where your account needs to be old enough or there's a chance that you can't see it or whatever


No, I keep her in my duffel bag.


Found this one today. I really, really like this. ShindoL needs to do more sweet works like this. A bit of heartwarming goes a long way to making a doujin / hmanga enjoyable.


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It's always quite stunning how far NTR fetish artists will go to push their shit.


How does one NTR a skeleton?


Dress up in their skin.


Hello, Buffalo Bill.


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I can say without a doubt that kakkuu draws the best handjobs I've ever seen. And the rest isn't bad either.



One would have to be of the homosexual persuasion to not like tomboys.


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Someone ripped the CGs for this, although it is still a work in progress so there will have to be more soon enough.


From that facial expression she looks bored and slightly annoyed. Seems like those tentacles aren't doing a very good job.


File: 1515334908081.png (295.5 KB, 800x600, title 背景.png)

That's not even a rip, this is a rip.


I want to smell ZNZN witchgirl's rips.



What are you doing?


File: 1517608071179.jpg (59.08 KB, 720x480, [SakuraCircle] Youkoso! Su….jpg)

For how much I was looking forward to this it sure ended up being boring. That goes for most OVAs, I guess.



This is nice, the first chapter got translated too at some point.


I recently bought a copy of this Maruta tankoubon https://exhentai.org/g/643258/63f1190407/ (Unfortunately there is only this low quality non-raw scan.)
It actually came with a DVD which had the entire tankoubon as audio drama it. Pretty amazing.


How do I get credits? The only way I know how is to play their game, and I don't have time for that.



Upload galleries, surely you have some rare hentai lying around? Most anything from before the turn of the century would be a safe bet, the copies would have mostly deteriorated by now.


File: 1535259939975.gif (483.21 KB, 500x292, JAV.gif)


Wait for that special event that comes around once a year, enter and get free hath which you can trade for credits. Also if you're buying galleries using credits you're retarded, convert credits to gp then buy galleries with that instead, it's much cheaper.


In all the years I've been using Ex this is the first I've heard of such an event. When is it?


Last week of the year. You need to go to their shitty forums and post in the event thread once during that week to participate.




I ordered this, Abby is cute.
Hope I don't get fucked by the customs.


File: 1559312805955.png (4.46 MB, 1968x3067, 69620690_p0.png)

Oh shit it's out.
Post a pic when you get it, m8.


How does he do it? Won't Abe get angry?


I think it ships from Thailand.


Whom should I attribute the source of this quote?


How many artists does physical english releases of their own doujinshi?


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I had to crop a bit of the sides, wish I could scan it correctly.
Unfortunately I didn't get the tapestry I also requested.

I have no idea, but I'll get any doujin from this guy though.


So he censored the dick but not the pussy?
That's almost funny.


I guess he didn't even draw in the dick. Who needs dicks anyway


The loli. It's what they crave.


Dick is a loli's favorite food.


File: 1564110851990.png (2.11 MB, 1920x1080, 4124a24fc064edace443cd1c2d….png)

Hell on Earth, 2019!
I'm glad I bought those extra HDDs a few months ago.


File: 1564129970383.jpg (141.45 KB, 1920x1080, kokomade.jpg)


Fuck, I just can't believe it.


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All too soon. There wasn't even enough time to figure out what to download.


I give it a month or two until somebody takes it over.


I saved around 100 gigs of loli, including all of COMIC LO, off of sadpanda if anyone wants some. I wouldn't know the best site to upload it now, though.


There's 1.1TB free on 3fu here I'll open when I get home for uploads I think.
I might buy more soon for this disaster.


We'll pull through. Some will be lost, but we'll pull through.

Beautiful, anon. I hope you have some loli scat and piss, because I couldn't grab much of it due to a combination of scraping speed and bandwidth limitations.


File: 1564152765478.jpg (165.34 KB, 1240x1754, 1562360264813.jpg)

This is what I get for slacking off on buying new HDDs, fucking hell. I usually save anyway but I could have gotten more.


I need your COMIC LO archive.

That's important.


https://nhentai.net is a nice site. Has Comic Lo stuff for you guys too.
Not sure if there something else better.


You do know that nhentai scrubbed sad panda for content. It won't go far without it.


It also has no toddlercon, and is a fucking nightmare to look at or use.


Someone used a script to save the html from 28k pages of exhentai search results, which contain the tags.



This has it reformatted in .tsv with URL, upload date, category, rating, pages, title, tags, thumb, uploader:

There's also an attempt to collect reuploads of everything at http://alexandria.exhentai.moe/


Over the years I forgot why I didn't use that site but trying it out again yesterday reminded me.
All they have is shitty downscaled JPG rips of sad panda galleries. It's like it's 2009 again.
For all I care, that site can go down as well.


True, however, the use of torrents and web seeding as the sole transmission method was/is interesting. I say this as layman, of course.


Now available as a torrent including 15GB of thumbnail images: https://sukebei.nyaa.si/view/2770267

And a torrent with just the metadata: https://sukebei.nyaa.si/view/2769141 which requested seeds for https://sukebei.nyaa.si/view/2769125 which is 40k .torrent files for loli and shota galleries, also https://sukebei.nyaa.si/view/2769775 in archive format.

There's a github for metadata too: https://github.com/dc-koromo/e-archive/tree/master/exhentai%20index%20archive


File: 1564387167851.png (2.04 MB, 2586x1840, ふたけっと_2018_001.png)

I was planning to upload the stuff I'd bought at some point, but it seems I've put it off too long. So here it is for you guys instead.
Everything except for the JON works and two of the three Atelier Dew works is futa on futa/female (the one with VOCALOID in the name is the futa one). Feel free to upload them anywhere that doesn't add watermarks.


File: 1564615379157.png (1.28 MB, 1280x720, 1517686459845.png)

I just realized how dependant I became of the panda for CGs these past couple days. Hopefully they manage to make it through, particularly old sets.


It's back, for some reason. Although I'm getting bad gateway errors if I try to access it outside of Firefox.


Servers are in Moldova now, afaik.


File: 1564762632104.png (747.49 KB, 1170x1171, 1556835767921.png)

Everybody get your shit while you can.


File: 1564764851326.png (2.9 MB, 1920x1320, 435bb96dd61da6112fcf69866e….png)

Very nice, but I hope something is learned from this.

Not with everybody and their mom gangraping it.


Hail Moldova, savior of loli.


File: 1564824969214.jpg (914.46 KB, 1920x1080, [Erai-raws] Araburu Kisets….jpg)

The only thing worse than a paedophile is a footfag, and this guy is both.


Can't tell if you are criticising the people on this thread or if you just posted in the wrong thread.


The latter. I'm not sure how I managed that.


I disagree. Every part of a loli should be worshiped (and then deliciously destroyed.)


Seems like a pretty based individual to me.


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New dam labo futa work, this time featuring blindfold trickery and thigh sex. I love this artist.


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Wut happened now??? WHY is it down? Was working fine in the morning but, now it's dead.


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It's because of reading Blowfly Girl on the Lurkmoar wiki 15 years ago that I am into things like this. And it's because of also reading the Jenny Jones story that I love loli.


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File: 1585758424062.jpg (1017.83 KB, 2220x3106, vol.1_91.jpg)

Just read the first volume of this. One of those occurrences where after fapping I felt the urge to go hide in a dark corner and try to forget. Makes me question if I have grown soft while reading borderline vanilla stuff like mindbreak NTR or what? Hold me ふふふ.


File: 1586127720367.jpg (647.03 KB, 900x3982, 08.jpg)

This was a cute story.


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Oneeloli is the best, and violent oneeloli is the best of that.


File: 1587223898289.jpg (659.98 KB, 1280x1835, WantsexFur_041.jpg)

This was one of the best Lovecraft tributes I've read.


File: 1595461195877.jpg (1.93 MB, 1704x2500, 096.jpg)

I wish we got more out from this author, I've fapped to this series one hundred billion times and never left empty-handed.

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