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 No.19064[Last 50 Posts]

Are you ready for Rinne S3 and Uchouten S2?


Glad to see Bahamut is getting two cours. Hopefully won't end up anywhere near as rushed as the first season. Seems kinda weird to me that Granblue is airing at the same time. Not really expecting much from that though, the two episodes released already weren't anything great.
Hyper Rescue Drive Head sounded pretty cool right up to Grade Schoolers.


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Best girl coming through


Looking forward to Bahamut too, though I wonder if it'll have the same level of quality as the first season, being two cours.

The spurs on the shoes ruin it.


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Dammit, still over a month till the next episode. I want my fill of despair already.


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Summer looks good.


Honestly this season looks pretty boring to me. Gonna tough it out with LWA and see if Atom is any good. Maybe work on my backlog.


>The spurs on the shoes ruin it.
I'm not sure but it feels almost like the characcter is deliberately overdesigned, there's so much random Imperial crap stuffed onto her. I mean what are those gauntlets even meant to be?


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Could they not have thought up a better name for this? I guess they wanted to keep the name as close to that of the figurine line as possible but still throwing 'sin' at the front doesn't stop that stupid shounen with the pig from being the first thing that into my head when I hear it.
Whatever though, looks like the sort of pandering trash that I'll eat right up.


I think Kabukibu!, Uchouten Kazoku 2, Atom, and Shinkegi no Bahamut, Natsume Yujinchou might be good


Sakura quest could be good if it's anything like Shirobako.


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Dammit, first show I watch this season and it's chinkshit. Wasn't Spiritpact bad at least.


I expected something completely different from Alice to Zouroku's cover picture. What I got was LN-tier setting with fucking JC Staff making it look even worse.


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I was expecting some SoL from the cover, should have checked the genres.
I hope this turns out good.


No Victorian SoLs allowed.


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Yeah not what I was expecting at all. I sure hope it's gonna take a more SoL route from now because that action was garbage.


V3 is out, but even though the jpg is only 6.8MB, the site is saying it's too big to post.

The PV I saw gave me the impression that it was a SoL too.


It probably means it is too big as in being 1920x10313.


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White Fox, what the hell are you trying to do here?


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Don't see myself watching too much more of this. A little cute at points and I appreciate the panty shots but storywise and characters I don't think it's got anything going for it. Perhaps I'm a little biased though seeing as I hate the way the models look. I'd have much rather had a show featuring the regular Frame Arms.


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Warau Salesman could be interesting, though I didn't found the first episodic that special. With every half-episode having a different theme we could get some entertaining stories.


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I guess I'll have to go watch the OVA, because I have no idea why half the scouts are restrained in some building in the middle of nowhere.

>Hero Academia

This is just going to be a glorified tournament arc, isn't it?


I expected better animation to make up for the cardboard cutout characters, but I didn't get it.

>Alice to Zouroku

Those action scenes sure were crappy, especially with those CGI environments from straight out of the 90s. The character designs are nice but the action just isn't well animated or directed. I like the character interactions though.

>Sekai no Yami Zukan

Yami Shibai: Budget Cuts Edition.

>Frame Arms Girl

It was super interesting, but not for the story, characters, or action.

>Perhaps I'm a little biased though seeing as I hate the way the models look.
I know man. They would've been much better with doll joints.


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Was kinda interested in this with the MC being a teacher, but whatever, it's just the same old LN shite. None of the characters seem particuarly likable to me so far.


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Why do I even bother watching these fujoshit shows each season? I've been doing it for years already and haven't liked a single one.

He's only 19 years old. The new ground in LNs really has to come in baby steps.


I have been watching them too and even enjoying some of them. But maybe I have just turned gay by this point? Not really enjoying Oushitsu for now, though.
Rokudenashi wasn't much better, but at least it gave me a chuckle, even if it is as generic as it gets for now.


The only part I found funny was when the frog crawled out of his mouth at the start. But at least that's one good moment, I guess.


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Busou Shoujo seems fun. It looks pretty cheap but I was enjoying it enough that it didn't bother me too much.
Sagrada Reset I'm very much undecided on. Both of the mains seem very dull to me right now but I've got a feeling they're going to open up over this arc so lets see how it goes.


I am barely keeping my eyes open, but I am here to remind you that you missed Sakura Quest, which is definitely the least generic (looking at Busou, but maybe even both?) and actually properly written (looking at Sakurada… Sagrada… Reset, Why did they change the name?, which is a complete fucking mess of writing).
PA is doing it again. Fun character and fun setting. This just might be fun.
I also forgot about Kobayashi, because I forgot it had one more episode and delete its RSS entry. I will have to watch it when I wake up. I am too fucking tired to watch it now.


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I've got a hard time beliving that he, with no prior experience in the field, manages to find an idea that can save the factory that they can afford to do and haven't already come up with. Also his both parties getting what they want speech fell short, considering that nobody seemed too upset about getting rid of the factory anyway. I guess what I'm saying is I don't think they did a very good job of showing what an amazing negotiator he is. On a side note all this bureaucracy reminded me I need to get round to watching Shin Godzilla now the BD's are finally out.
Tsuki ga Kirei bored the shit out of me.


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You will never, ever be a third-year in a Japanese middle-school.
But with this fucking anime you will get as close to it as it is possible.


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Clock joints.


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This sucks, they didn't include a load of Guri's cosplays.


From what I understood he found some government project and basically gave them the information and pushed the project forward. It is a little dubious if the government would really have a project like that, why would nothing be happening with it and how open the information was to begin with, but to say the least he didn't come up with it himself. He just found the documents about it and gave it to the factory.
That said many factories and other business can often be quite inept when it comes about how to cut cost, improve efficiency or even what to do with their current production base.
I don't understand why it suddenly decided to go fucking CG, though. God damn it.


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I thought you were joking.
This hurts.


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Two acting anime series in the same season and same day. You would think it was someone's mater plan.


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I keep waiting to finish everything before writing a post but I'm just falling behind instead.


Not even enough time to get erect.


Ah, the story of man fighting against his matriarchal oppressors. The character interactions were kind of entertaining and the music was good but the action scenes left a lot to be desired.


None of these characters act even remotely like real human beings, and it seemed to take a long time just to establish some pretty basic points. I don't even really have much of an opinion on it, just a vague disinterest.

>Sakura Quest

Sort of entertaining, but the MC is a little brat. I don't see this going anywhere other than "the country isn't so bad after all!", but I'll find out next week.

>Tsuki ga Kirei

It was simple, but cute. That diner scene was the funniest part of it though.

>Clockwork Planet

This was trash. Only redeeming part of it was the heroine being a soft-spoken-but-harshly-speaking robot.

>Renai Boukun

Reminds me of Teekyuu in how rapid-fire all the jokes are, but it's not as funny. I really don't like Guri's bald-headed simple form.

>Hinako Note

Blonde a best. That is all.


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I know this is LN advertisement but they got me bad, reading LN right now.


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Like the direction this series is going in so far. Just hope that Kaiser isn't going to spend too long working for the king. After all that happened last season I don't want to see him stuck working against all the other main characters for half the show again.


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Oh look, a girl that loses so he can fuck his non-blood related little sister!


no this shit again


It is different! We know they are non-blood related from the beginning and the parents are already dead. They could fuck all day at home and no one will know.


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Hinako Note wasn't really anything special, but it was cute enough. But man, what was up with that scene where they go to the lake and then suddenly everyone was staring at her? That was uncomfortable as fuck.
Also, Blonde is the best girl, naturally.

I had more than enough vibes of OreImo while watching this, and the staff confirmed my suspicions. I'm staying as far away from this show as possible.

I don't like this new MC much, and the tone already seems quite a bit more serious and less jovial than S1. Hopefully we'll get Favaro back before long and things will improve.


That scene was backwards. It would have made sense if she suddenly realized there are people around, got scared, became a scarecrow and only then people looked at her confused. It seems like a mistake, but who knows. Maybe the just didn't make a good job of portraying why people were staring, for example if she was being louder than she was for the viewers.


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Literal chinese cartoon. I like it.


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Shimakaze looks cute this season.


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If you didn't see it coming from a thousand miles your life must have gone horrible wrong.


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Atom might appeal to Astro Boy fans, but I found it pretty boring. And holy shit the anatomy was so bad whenever the MC had his clothes off.

I like this season. Shuumatsu-long-name was actually pretty good, too. Shame all the lolis are going to die, given the intro.


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I was just thinking that this probably has a mobile game too and then this happened. It looks kinds of shitty, though.


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The birds are flying from left to right. You can't imagine how triggered I am. Or maybe my mind is just trying to escape the boredom that is this anime.


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I dunno, I like it quite a bit, find it pretty charming.


I somewhat like it as well. Nothing unexpected would probably ever happen, but there is some charm to its purity.


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I am probably the only person here watching this, but I am enjoying myself and you can't stop me.


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I still can't tell if this is suppose to be for kids or not.


But is the show good.


It is okay. If you like dumb/silly mahou shoujo, but not too dumb, nor too silly, then it is okay.


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Damn, Haine is a Mary Sue in a male body. This discrepancy makes the anime quite enjoyable. Also, only one of these formulas is actually correct. I guess we can't be getting the Owarimonogatari treatment every time.


I'm catching up tonight. I've only watched the first pisode, and though I fucking hate kabuki, I love me some CLAMP designs. Hopefully the show will grow on me.

So if nothing else, note that at least another human being is watching too.


What reason do you have to hate kabuki? I mean, the average person would have not even seen a full minute of kabuki, even less be able to hate it.
It is definitely not about eating cakes, but aren't burying us with kabuki either as the characters have been mostly just figuring stuff out, which seems to be one of the main points of the series - how to make kabuki more appealing to the modern audience. It is also kind of interesting to see how something that was for common people is now consider high-art that plebs can't understand.
Generally the characters are likeable, so I would say I am enjoying it and learning a thing or two. It is basically Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu, but in high school and less tragic.


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>none of the princes want to lead an afternoon naps empire
shit goals.

To be fair, this guy's "anshin" is actually close in meaning, even if the translation completely fucks this line up.


I am actually counting on this show having the same effect that Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu had on me. I hated Rakugo too. I'm an oldfag long past the honeymoon phase with Japanese culture, during which I tried the full japanese experience of kabuki, rakugo, sumo, temples and so on. And holy fuck did I not feel japanese enough for Rakugo and kabuki.

But my love for Akira Ishida's voice was stronger than my disdain for extremely japanese stories, so I decided to "put up" with the show, only to end up crying bitch tears at the end of it, because goddamnit, I'm so glad Yakumo died a happy man.

I can now also pronounce the entirety of Jugemu's goddamn name.

In the case of kabuki, it's the pronounciation. You know what I mean. But I'm keeping my mind open, and hoping that the CLAMP designs will lead me to new frontiers the same way Ishida monologuing for an entire season did.

Am also watching this show. It's fucking cute!


>In the case of kabuki, it's the pronounciation.

After watching the first episode of Kabukibu I tried looking up why kabuki has them speak in such a bizarre and exaggerated manner, particularly in regards to the tones and inflections of the voice, but I couldn't find a damn thing.
I certainly like rakugo a lot more as an art form since it doesn't do that, at least as far as I've seen.


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Most probably tradition.

>It's fucking cute!
Yep. However, it doesn't have extraordinarily good writing, you don't get too attached to the characters, and, most importantly, I'm still afraid of the edgy backstory of the Mary Sue teacher. He's tailor made to not be taken seriously, and that works perfectly (see pic related). Then why did the author feel the need to hint at srsbsns drama?


>Most probably tradition.
Well that's obviously why they still do it now, but how did it even come about in the first place? It's not like all Japanese people used to speak like that all the time.


Exaggeration, like everything else in kabuki. I doubt that there is any special reason beyond that. I would be more interest to hear if it started with the woman that created it or it was added by the male-only performers later. If anything the woman might have used it to not sound meek if she did ever male roles herself.
Also the fact that they have a very popular female actor in the club is kind of ironic, because as I have heard one of the main reasons for the prohibitions of women actors was that they were gathering a lot of violent fans. Though later the same happened with the young man that were playing the female roles.


So idolfags and trapfags have been around since forever?


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I am not sure what to think of this anime. Every story only has half the episode so it is always very rushed and with no time for a better set up with more suspense. It ends up feeling very barebone, lacking in both originality and execution. Even so I still somewhat enjoy watching it. The concept itself is not bad, but it it is just lacking. I guess by giving me a half meal I feel hungry and what more expecting I just might get full next time.


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I didn't think anyone was actually watching that this season..


I watched One Room so I have no excuse to not watch this one too.


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This is a triple distillation of the harem genre.
1) Every episode could have used enough fluffing to make at least two episodes out of it.
2) Who needs a huge harem? You want to go through the checklist of harem archetypes, not something else
- tsundere
- yandere
- genki
- baka
- meddlesome
- ojou-sama
- imouto
- yuri
- fujoshi
- "don't understand love"
- incest
- sports girl
- tomboy
- flat
- big tits
and so on… why use 15 characters, one for each archetype? Make three characters, each combining as many cliches as possible!
3) What's this? Harems often have slapstick? But it's bothersome to explain away the bodily harm each and every time. Make all the characters immortal! Similar in implementation are also the other tangentially related cliches, like other couples happening actual romance.

It's quite the shitty adaptation anyway: the start especially could have used to be a lot smarter. The premise went from zero to awesome in the first twelve minutes, yeah, but it was quite the awful first episode, and I feel the blame is squarely on the director. That being said, I have the feeling the source material isn't significantly better. Though if we go by >>19227 , at least the source has more cosplay in it.


I'm watching it too, just too embarrassed to admit it most days.


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How is this even a question?


He's still a kid. He has much to learn about the superiority of DFC.


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This anime is totally missing the chance to do some serious polygamy. It just had to play up the baka's reaction towards the yandere's self-kidnapping. Now it doesn't seem like we'll get a proper "everybody wants to fuck everybody else" end. The only consolation is that the genki didn't really seem interested in fucking anybody anyway.

P.S. Pic related was the best scene in the episode.


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And there are people that question this kabuki man's character.


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Starmyu S2 really ramped up the gay.

I'm loving how every episode has a bit with the Ancients getting boozed up, eating snacks and crying over their love for Koyasu and/or Suwabe.


I don't even recognize most of the characters, but who needs anyone else than Miracle Hoshitani.


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Just watering my homo garden.


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This anime is confusing my boner. Can I expect more of this? Or is it gonna be heterosexual relationships with MC only? I honestly don't know.


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We suffering now.


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Turns out Tonbo was the real Casanova.


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I honestly enjoy this stupid fucking show and it's myriad of unstranslateable rice puns.


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I'm watching it for the recipes, but most require too many exotic ingredients to be of any use. I made these and they were pretty good, though.


Do you have more?
Looks good anon.


They do look tasty. Too bad I don't know what half the ingredients are for most of them. Maybe I have them near me or not, without subs, that random white powder could be anything from starch to cocaine.


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I didn't, but I made this one now. I haven't webm'd any recipe that I really didn't see myself making.

Well, aren't you the lucky guy then, because it just so happens I have a project that I want to procrastinate from so I went ahead and translated all the recipes so far.



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You beautiful procrastinating bastard.

May the deer God bless you with a plentiful harvest.>>19706


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Look at this retarded gun.

Look at it!


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I think I am not Japanese enough to find this funny. I mean, I'm sure it has lots of references to Japanese convenience stores, but the jokes I did get got old before the first episode ended.


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Two (probably) deaths followed by mindfuck plus torture. I guess it is indeed not for kids.


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Atom is pretty good.


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We fallen angel now.


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Been meaning to post about this anime for a while.

One thing you have to admit, it delivers on its promise. If you want to see a girl beating boys, well, yeah, you'll see that alright. I also must say that something about the writing or direction must be well done, because the episodes always draw me in and feel shorter than they are. I've watched some 4-minute anime that felt 8-minute long, and this is the opposite. I'm also reminded of Tantei Team KZ - I liked that one but every episode felt longer than it was, in the bad sense I mean.

Another thing: like any sane man, I enjoy my dose of shoujo romance once in a while. The more teenage/adult-oriented "smorgasbord of handsome boys" type of anime, like those recent idol shows, do nothing to me, however. I just can't be interested in any of the boys.

Well, this is an exception. This green male Koitus-kun does things to my heart.

All in all, not too bad. A moderate amount of dokidoki, oddly combined with small amounts of quite watchable action.


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Well it is not really a romance anime, even if it with the idea of girls liking the boys in it. Most of the interactions are on the level of bromance with (female) Hikaru feeling embarrassed on her own.

But while we are talking about shoujo series with male casts I should name a few.
Kimi to Boku is pretty good, though the characters are not nearly as manly as in Kenka Banchou, but probably not too far form the regular faggish Japanese boys either. It is a little slow in the beginning, but it gets to some very interesting stories and interactions (with girls). It has a very shoujo slow atmospheric animation and a great OST with it.
Then there is the Nijiiro Days. It has even more interactions between boys and girls with some very legit couples going on. It has a more comedic nature and the characters are more energetic than Kimi to Boku, so it is not as "comfy" perhaps.
And then there is Shounen Hollywood. Despite being about a male idol group and written by a woman it probably has the most realistic portrayal of teenage boys I have ever seen. It is a little slow with the character introduction episodes, but even they have their moments. It is very philosophic, in the sense it lets the characters question what they are doing a lot, without it coming as annoying drama, but proper character growth. In other words, young man finding their place in society. It is very unique in that sense. It also has some very nice and somewhat unique idol elements including some episodes where the whole episode is talk show, or a play or something without dealing with behind the scene events, but just letting us see them in action.


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Season over, here's the updated version with all recipes.


By the way, I ended up dropping that project.


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All things considered it was very fine. It was great we got to see a full play in the last episode. It was a little too open ended for an original with probably no chance of another season. I will miss the characters. ;_:


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This actually got to me. I thought they'd drop like Guri's mom or something just to make even more of a mess out of the last episode, but no.

Anyway, the girls' dedication towards each other is admirable, but this anime really misses on more sexual tension between them. We should have at least gotten some innocent playing around between Guri and Yuzu. If that issue was fixed, I'd have held this series in quite the high regard. Everything else was pretty nice, after all.


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That's fucking stupid. The correct answer is "as long as the guy who hired him knows about his criminal history, everything is okay". All in all, a really cringey last episode.

But the funniest part was how Heine actually introduced the princes to socialism. And the princes thought that by demonstrating how socialistic they became, they'd convince the nobles to keep Heine. In real life the nobles would just make sure to see Heine's cold body by the time the clock strikes midnight.

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