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(For file deletion.)

File: 1456692754640.png (150.82 KB, 560x600, Mikan.png)

 No.15000[Last 50 Posts]

I love you ふふふ.


File: 1456697302252.jpg (99.88 KB, 1280x720, 1337152229288.jpg)

It's been such a long time, ふふふ~ I missed you as fuck.


File: 1456698470247.jpg (101.51 KB, 1280x720, [Commie] Owarimonogatari -….jpg)


File: 1456698671641.png (271.73 KB, 555x555, 37065786_p2.png)

It's been too long.

Why is there a name field?
Why can't I upload .mp4 files?
I'm scared.


Glad I decided to randomly check today. I was starting to get lonely without you.


File: 1456734587650.png (130.78 KB, 560x600, bmik_c14.png)



Oh wow we're actually back. Anybody want to tell me how okawus ruined everything this time?


File: 1456799740590.jpg (97.62 KB, 1280x720, 1428678676306.jpg)

>Suddenly, fufufu exists again


It was probably the Knight's Templar or one of the witch's covens that hunted him down or something along those lines.


you have to stop doing this to me fufufu
How was I supposed to know were back


Have you not been refreshing the page constantly since it last went down.


Is it worth trying to bring this place back though? We've been gone for so long that a lot have probably permanently moved. If we weren't dead before we'll be deader than ever now.


It's always worth it, more will come as they realize.


It's silly to give up just because some people might have left. I wasn't as happy anywhere else so as long as we're up I'll try to make it work.

Also we're still linked on madokami, so it's not like we're completly cut off from the world. I imagine we'll get a few new members every now and again.


I don't really mind if it doesn't get too popular right now. It's just nice enough to have a place to check up on that doesn't make you want to puke in disgust because there's so many normalfags posting.


Hey, it's back.


I actually missed you guys. I thought you were gone forever.


Oh. Finally its back. I thanks you whichever god or goddes that made my mind to try access this holy palace


File: 1457035368924.png (580.49 KB, 1680x1050, shinobu.png)

>I wasn't as happy anywhere else so as long as we're up I'll try to make it work.
Exactly my point of view too.


File: 1457113372701.png (24.33 KB, 720x550, firefox_2016-03-05_01-42-3….png)

Still broken on my furry fox but whatever. I missed you ふふふ.


Click advanced.


Yeah that's what appears in advanced. See the line about not being able to add an exception.


Go to http rather than https. Works for me in Chrome, at least.


The SSL cert is still fucked, maybe it will be fixed one day, maybe we'll get on the lets encrypt bandwagon.


File: 1457130770785.jpg (10.01 KB, 200x200, 1456061503608.jpg)

Oh shit, we're live.
Website still broken on my main browser Chrome, luckily I decided to open Firefox today and this happened to be my homepage.
It's great having the site back, but please work toward making it actually function properly.


File: 1457139778541.png (394.32 KB, 640x480, [DmonHiro] Maze TV 21 - An….png)

This is somewhat surreal. For you it's broken on Chrome and works on FF, for some others it's vice versa, for me it's broken on nightly ff, works on dev edition and again broken on the stable release… But, either way, the best time of the year has finally come!


File: 1457169640543.jpg (15.44 KB, 400x299, 1435806774901.jpg)

I decided to give the tab one last try before closing it and moving on, and it worked. It fucking worked.

I missed this place so much.


I've got it working in Opera, but if I use http in Firefox it just goes back to https and I still can't add an exception.


It redirects to https for some reason. Might have something to do with the HSTS shit in the error message.


The old site used a perminent redirect for HTTP -> HTTPS, which browsers cache quite aggressively.

If you clear your browser cache it should be fine.


I've tried that, but it just goes right back to https anyway, even if I manually type http instead.
It's a mystery.


I've found that changing https to http doesn't work, but typing www.fufufu.moe/a/ does work. If I don't include "www" it defaults to https.

Fucking browsers, man.


This worked.


File: 1457195283918.jpg (28.81 KB, 323x720, 1411677333885.jpg)

Oh, it worked for me too. Well, time to change the about:config line for the pinned sites in the new tab page.


This was working but now it's not working anymore.
I guess I'll just stick to Opera for fufufu.


Still working for me. It's how I got here just a minute ago. Condolences, anon.


I have hardly watched anime for weeks now but I think now that the board is back I might be motivated to catch up.


File: 1457363848774.png (888.82 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Nijiiro Day….png)

Right? I also started catching up my ongoings ever since fufufu came back.


Is the catalog going to return as well?


I just want spoilers and gif/webm support back already.


Apparently you can clear HSTS settings for a page in Firefox by following these steps: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/919498

But why not just use HTTPS, Admin-kun? Certificates are free and effortless these days.


And it looks like Tinyboard still fails occasionally to rebuild the pages and/or board index when someone adds a new post. Please fix this. You had some cronjob to force a manual rebuild at regular intervals or something the last time around.


File: 1458343554039.jpg (18.35 KB, 562x170, post.php.jpg)

I've just been trying to make a new thread, but keep getting this error message. I've tried on firefox and chromium and on different machines, any idea what's up?


I can post new threads.


I had such a problem under firefox dev edition, but it complained something about http and I don't remember what anymore. Maybe it's still redirecting in a weird way for you? I managed to post a thread under Internet Explorer, for the record. Then later on I managed using firefox too. I haven't made more testing of this, tho, so iunno what I did right the second time around.




I've messed around with it a little more now. I was getting the error while trying to post the spring anime chart from neregate.com (neither the LQ or HQ version worked, or did any cropped down version I made), and they'd just disappear when if I tried posting them in a thread. I can post other pictures though, so I guess fu just doesn't like something about them for some reason.


Same thing keeps happening to me trying to post a screenshot from Military!
Inhope that config backup happens soon.


I've made other threads fine but I'm getting that error trying to post the v3 chart too. I was thinking maybe it was the dimensions but that wouldn't make sense for this anon >>15209
It won't eat my image in a thread though, it'll just give me the same error and the post won't go through.


I couldn't get here through firefox anymore.
Which is really bothersome since I kinda like this place.


Have you deleted your cookies and all the jazz? The newest official firefox works just fine for me.


Tried that, still doesn't allow me to connect.
I hate this, I can still access this place through other means though.


If I can still be of assistance.
Clear the site preferences and it will work. (On Clear Recent History)


Fufufu is what it's like to live in a word with no government.

Nothing works and there's nobody to fix it.


File: 1462757419175.jpg (85.65 KB, 1280x720, 1381106232368.jpg)

And yet, or maybe exactly because of that, the citizens enjoy their lives fully.


Nah, I'd enjoy having the spoiler functions back.


When is the free market kicking in?


I guess it will kick in when the first extension is written.


we do have spoilers back!


File: 1462843458299.png (243.07 KB, 512x512, AvataprNeka.png)


File: 1462843626033.webm (2.93 MB, 854x480, I will teach you that.webm)



File: 1462843747997.png (328.01 KB, 1000x1000, 1462307545528.png)


File: 1462843819415.webm (3.89 MB, 640x360, gpcnrp.webm)


File: 1462843829591.png (1.32 MB, 472x1418, 1406863990438.png)



File: 1462843988209.jpg (761.88 KB, 1524x747, 56538311_p0.jpg)


File: 1462844727409.mp4 (500.24 KB, 500x500, HATE.mp4)

Mp4 work yet?


File: 1462853866550.webm (2.05 MB, 1280x720, kaka.webm)



File: 1462914872566.webm (1.35 MB, 1280x720, 1441381055897.webm)

Is everything fixed?


File: 1462916834560.gif (2.58 MB, 441x250, nobunagun.gif)

Couldn't do this image before, lets see if it works now.


File: 1462917467136.webm (3.97 MB, 640x362, giving yourself head.webm)

Finally everything works again.


Oh god, poor girl. I want to gently pet her, making sure it doesn't hurt anymore.


Would anyone mind telling me what anime this is from?


Charlotte. It was terrible, don't bother.


I really wanted to like it. I feel like it could've been less of a mess if it had more episodes or was in a VN instead.


Precisely. Jun Maeda comes up with a 50 hour VN story and tries to cram it into a 5 and half hour TV anime. This is the same downfall that Angel Beats had, though that ended up a lot better since the characters were actually interesting and the story was a lot less ambitious in general. Charlotte didn't have anything to make up for its awkwardly paced clusterfuck of a story. I'm OK with him writing visual novels, but I would appreciate it if Maeda would stay away from anime.


File: 1463177168783.jpg (90.97 KB, 983x1112, 0e62c6ae3c3b4888bebb672268….jpg)

>Charlotte didn't have anything to make up for its awkwardly paced clusterfuck of a story.
There was one.


File: 1471545835750.png (194.65 KB, 763x745, I love you fufufu.png)

Over ONE YEAR AGO, this happened.


good times.


It looks shopped.


Never happened.


Yeah right, we all know fufufu was dead back then.


File: 1471566063216.png (Spoiler Image, 442.47 KB, 845x488, 1451635263811.png)

The Fufufucaust never happened. You can tell by the two guys that did not sage.


File: 1471575406209.png (790.59 KB, 1920x1010, OHGODTHEBEES.png)

Nothing bad has ever happened.


I don't remember this.


File: 1471967928087.png (139.31 KB, 658x752, 1310037304449.png)

Eye'm the strongest!


File: 1472194017443.png (1.18 KB, 115x18, wrongfield.png)

Only the real fufufu OGs will remember this.


This site sucks now that there are regular norms and females. This is how every single site dies. Goodbye, fufufu.


No idea how you know this, but okay.


I've no fucking idea what you're talking about. Maybe it's about how the average age of the users seems to be somewhat higher than usual for an anime image board?


Well we seem to be back and hopefully stable. We lost just a little less than a 100 posts, but we will survive, as long as people didn't left us.

For the ones not following the irc channel (#fufufu @ Rizon) the downtime was caused because of a misunderstanding between the old admin and the new one about a certain VPS. Anyway fufufu is hopefully now faster and stronger than before and there are some plans about making it tougher (not going offline as easy or for as long) too.

All Hail Fufufu!


File: 1473109132951.png (543.71 KB, 800x950, 36376419_p10.png)


File: 1473133246347.jpg (1.13 MB, 1037x1500, 1459739933309.jpg)

Please stop dying, I missed you.


File: 1473134416925.jpg (58.57 KB, 332x332, 1394083497730.jpg)

Yes! Finally it's again the best time of the day!


File: 1473743374466.png (8.08 KB, 512x512, icon.png)

First the VPS problem and after that a router problem, but the admin got us a new router so we are up again. Something else could always happen or it could go down just so we can do something to make fufufu stronger. Hopefully nothing bad.

We probably lost our August gains, but fufufu will not give up! It can't die even if you kill it!


File: 1473750611174.png (1.07 MB, 1280x720, [Commie] Cross Ange - Tens….png)

Yes! Fufufu is back!


File: 1473757875433.jpg (139.32 KB, 1280x720, [Commie] Owarimonogatari -….jpg)


File: 1473864665740.png (111 KB, 300x300, okawus.png)

The site actually wasn't suppose to be up back then, but it is officially back up now! Rejoice once again!


File: 1473865267915.jpg (759.93 KB, 960x1200, IT'S ME AUSTIN.jpg)

Woooooooo we are back!


File: 1473887896399.png (144.63 KB, 661x402, 1392173697484.png)

Surely this will be the last time we die.


It should be for a long while! But if it happens again, we will have to punish the admin by taking his lolis away.


File: 1473942458029.png (445.43 KB, 540x788, 4WHV8SZ.png)

I think that's considered cruel and unusual punishment.


File: 1474299774253.png (221.77 KB, 1110x1600, img000002.png)

I found the best description ever of fufufu. Always ascending and descending, a phantom land that you can't get to unless you take a special route.


A cruel and unusual punishment for a cruel and unusual crime.


My first and probably last post on fufufu
Not bad, not bad at all.


File: 1475606841084.png (94.64 KB, 470x742, 1468988789110.png)

A-Are you leaving us anon?


File: 1475608961942.jpg (89.67 KB, 802x798, 1475594482879.jpg)

Don't leave anon, you have a special place in my heart.


File: 1475643618018.png (269.71 KB, 1067x1067, 169e5ae8cb9e1b20bdf1644b2e….png)

Heh, you really want your last post to be something so lame?


Neither begging nor taunting brings back the dead.


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This is really sublime.




File: 1478732540182.gif (816.98 KB, 352x200, 1394636348639.gif)

When it's just one bee, it's cute. Like a pet or something.


It's probably a diploid male and everything.


File: 1479723478161.gif (399.47 KB, 288x216, 1319372236357.gif)

Don't let this season kill the fufufu.


File: 1479765023597.jpg (583.47 KB, 1530x1141, 1479522724237.jpg)

The fufufu will never die.


File: 1487728360373.jpg (91.43 KB, 666x830, 1487548497815.jpg)

Nothing bad happened today either.


File: 1487898457066.jpg (49.52 KB, 600x555, IMG_0059.JPG)

Time to think about redoing the mobile interface.


Bullying is bad.


There is no need for any mobile interface.


File: 1490394650407.png (1.35 MB, 1000x1100, 41701018_p16.png)

It's us or them when it comes to bullying lolis anon!


There is already a mobile interface, it's just broken.


It can stay that way. Mobile posters are the last thing we need.


I can't really think of any reason for there to be a mobile interface. I doubt people have gotten to the point where they literally don't have a computer.
what the hell is this bee and how the hell do I get rid of it?


Oh god the bees!


Calm down. We don't get new users anyway and we are like 10 people with only 2-3 probably bothering to post more regularly. A mobile interface is not some sort of advertising, which we probably need on a mouth to mouth level at least. And it is good to have a way to enter in case you can't through the normal methods for various reasons.


File: 1490577538200.gif (3.64 KB, 71x57, kraftbee_left.gif)

There is no bee.


>we are like 10 peole with only 2-3 probably bothering to post more regularly
Samachan has like 4 people period, including the admins. It's terrible.


Don't forget the bots!


>the bots
What bots? If there were bots the place wouldn't be so dead.
pls help us


You are not dedicated enough if you haven't been seen the bots. For the past week there have been a lot of bot posts. There was one even less than an hour ago, but it got deleted. Russian bots are the main reason behind threads with no new posts being bumped.


On Samachan though? I'm on there right now and I'm not seeing any obvious bot posts. Are we talking about the same website?


He's talking about ふふふ I think, there's a weird infestation of bots here that don't seem to do anything malicious besides randomly bump threads.


File: 1490811824370.jpg (27.47 KB, 600x655, slowpoke_pokemon.jpg)

>samachan is still alive


File: 1499383339028.jpg (454.96 KB, 999x999, 1310340542799.jpg)


File: 1499418821821.jpg (102.53 KB, 500x500, 1208360838555.jpg)

I appreciate the consistency of Cirno GETs around here.


File: 1499446284521.jpg (199.24 KB, 1000x706, 1468342906301.jpg)





File: 1499482189977.gif (1.14 MB, 4857x4003, 1376809685209.gif)


File: 1500221412995.png (45.13 KB, 306x220, 1315234660546.png)

Not sure if anyone noticed, but welcome to the 15s.


File: 1507121606601.jpg (192.46 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Aho Girl - ….jpg)

I love you ふふふ!


I think I meant the 20s. But I am not sure.


15 as the leading epoch/demiepoch in UNIX time I think you meant.


Oh, right, right. That makes sense.


Is it safe to post now?



Well I'm going to make a post anyway


File: 1528941160709.png (1.29 MB, 1957x1400, slashaslashmeetup.png)



File: 1528941444347.png (1.07 MB, 1000x1750, 1444419763884.png)

How do I get into fufufu? I'm sick of the bigger imageboards.


File: 1528941830102.png (411.84 KB, 700x525, No homo.png)

Fufufu has to get into you first.


1. Be interested in anime.
2. Watch anime.
3. Read posts.
4. Make posts.
This doesn't seem like something that would have needed instructions, but here you go anyway.


File: 1528947466035.png (49.78 KB, 1700x1239, [Hachimitsu_Scans]_Bokura_….png)

Very carefully, in a manner not in accordance with your filthy life unto this point. So as to be invisible to those wary and well worn to your stench, them lurking beasts not gun shy.


File: 1528951871962.png (311.04 KB, 851x1200, Hinamatsuri - c054 (mag) -….png)

5. Don't mind that it dies every now and then.
6. Don't mind the bees.


File: 1528951977663.jpg (307.98 KB, 1200x850, 1387_20150419154232_0.jpg)

There be lolis here, and shitposting.


The bee should be an anthropomorphic bee and a loli too.


File: 1529205830394.png (451.82 KB, 1920x1080, 2018-06-16-232330_1920x108….png)

This is the best.


It's so best that merely staring at the webpage significantly improves my mood.


Is she suppose to turn into a bee though?


The bee turned into her. Who knows what will happen in the future.


Oh god, Mikan is even cuter in the catalogue. 9001/10


File: 1529408008989.png (407.69 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-06-19-14-3….png)


File: 1529627051130.jpg (245.36 KB, 1257x891, HELP.jpg)



Which one is the queen bee?


File: 1530577277190.jpg (84.54 KB, 1571x485, mikan is missing.jpg)

Is she ok?


Wait, why are there unidentified bees on the front page?


I'm jealous.


When you rightclick on them and view image it shows mikan, who can say why they don't embed.


The fact that I bumped Mikan to the front page fixed it for me, before I had two images that didn't want to embed as you say.
By the way, I hadn't realized how much I missed her.


So that's why my image was broken. Good work.


Make this flying creature go away.


Bump other threads until it is gone.




File: 1539389185817.jpg (55.9 KB, 358x429, 1418537781971.jpg)



File: 1543251907189.png (224.29 KB, 632x602, mikan2.png)


File: 1543263867685.jpg (143.34 KB, 638x680, wide gun.jpg)

Put it down.


File: 1543270779789.jpg (93.39 KB, 313x382, 1434504400597.jpg)

You had your chance.


File: 1543338920148.gif (431.51 KB, 400x402, 1538066565025.gif)

It's the little things like this that make me wanna stay on this board


File: 1543352517448.png (319.71 KB, 502x1125, slim mikkens.png)


File: 1549577752980.webm (9.83 MB, 1080x1920, Shiro2-10mb.webm)

Kind of unrelated to anything here, but here is a short webm of one of my two hamsters. This is the female one, Shiro. Don't worry, they lived separately. Shiro died earlier today. May my little pal rest in peace. ;_;


File: 1549593917818.jpg (100.32 KB, 1080x1080, 43914984_351249745443740_4….jpg)

She's in a better place now anon.


It's going to be daijoubu anon.


Shiro was murdered by Mikan. It's not going to be daijoubu.


File: 1555307269936.webm (9.76 MB, 1920x1080, Tanuki.webm)

Today, the male hamster, Tanuki, died too. We took them on April 28th 2017 and by then they were already probably well over a month older, so he for sure lived just a bit over 2 years. May my little rascal rest in peace. ;_;
They both lived about the normal life-span of a hamster, though both died because of different, yet similar, illnesses that we weren't able to be cure. I can only hope they had fun living with us. I did.


File: 1568680935877.gif (74.61 KB, 395x322, sad-madokami-in-the-snow.gif)

We keep forgetting to celibate the creation of this site. The domain was acquired on 22.07.2014. But it was linked on 4chan for first time, in other words the official opening, on 02.09.2014. It has been over 5 years.


>5 years
So fufufu is a cute JY now.


File: 1568687021958.jpg (50.96 KB, 495x323, 1454272758477.jpg)

>It has been over 5 years.
What have I been doing with my life.


Old enough to dismember and fuck the corpse of.


No wonder; there's nothing celibate about fufufu.

She's died so many times that I don't know her legal status.


File: 1568725744067.gif (Spoiler Image, 6.29 MB, 1280x720, DEB6B744-1D4E-4071-ABFF-ED….gif)

Sometimes dead is better.


You reminded that I still need to watch the latest adaption of Pet Sematary.
Sucks that my dick would be too small to properly throatfuck a detached head.


File: 1568773790308.png (Spoiler Image, 699.3 KB, 1024x724, 54707874_p1.png)

It's a real curse for sure.


File: 1568850754176.png (62.8 KB, 446x184, 1444353502898.png)

It sure has been awhile.


File: 1569530168083.jpeg (661.67 KB, 1021x1500, B133B292-FF91-4E26-B147-4….jpeg)


File: 1569530232683.jpeg (706.23 KB, 1021x1500, 5F6A1D87-25D1-42B5-BF80-E….jpeg)


File: 1569530284252.jpeg (761.07 KB, 1021x1500, 189A5166-F22B-460E-B9B7-A….jpeg)

This is the only newhalf on loli stuff I have seen, at least it's good.


Why in this thread and not the panda thread?


Newhalves fucking loli 3fus in their asses!


File: 1572822664997.png (779.86 KB, 1003x714, fu.PNG)

I love you too.


File: 1572839511585.gif (2.77 MB, 498x498, hug.gif)




Lots of chocolate!


Why would you want that?


Anon, does love scare you?


File: 1574504216414.gif (2.87 MB, 480x270, Hug.gif)

Bit late for a hug, but whatever. You too because why not >>28997


You're all spoiled hug-sluts!


File: 1575010333175.jpg (396.48 KB, 1920x1080, b23bf587009f7342d43cb9cc0f….jpg)

A bit late, but I'd like to give thanks to ふふふ for being one of the few places left on the internet that I genuinely enjoy. I only wish I was a good poster.


File: 1575087726836.png (98.32 KB, 392x267, 1573497369262.png)

Slow we may be, but it's still enjoyable.


File: 1575545561075.gif (20.29 KB, 220x230, Hug 1.gif)

That's a weird way of asking for one, but there you have it

>I only wish I was a good poster.
What is a good poster exactly?


>What is a good poster exactly?
In this instance, someone who helps keep 3fu active by contributing regularly with the intent to spark quality posting.


File: 1577251116459.png (641.2 KB, 860x1214, saitou!!!.png)

Merry Christmas!


File: 1577254919801.png (6.65 KB, 220x220, DtkJdtvWoAIzK6m.png)

Merry Christmas everyone.


Merry Christmas fufufu~ Have some R-Note, it's good for your soul



File: 1577295445348.webm (2.74 MB, 1920x1080, 1565868798851.webm)

Merry Christmas. Have a Yoruba.


File: 1577333628128.png (272.19 KB, 550x723, 1576353993093.png)

Melli kurisumasu fufufu! (way late but it's still the 25 for me so you get to have some good wishes going your way whether you want it or not)
Hope you had a good one!


Pure bliss, thanks.

You too!


File: 1577795851483.gif (652.98 KB, 498x280, 1576814454575.gif)

Happy New Year 3fu! Here's hoping everyone has the best decade start one could hope for.
I know I've been slacking on posts but will try my best this year!


Happy new year!


Happy New Year!


No you won't, you dirtbag whore.
Happy New Year.
Three months left until I move to Japan.


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Happy New Year


Happy New Year everyone! Cheers to another year of fufufu.


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Happy New Year from my shitty timezone!

Please bring me with you. I can't pay, but I'll protect you from the yakuza.


I am not that rich anon. And they have to give you a visa too. I don't think they will accept us as a gay couple, so that they give you one as well.


Should be pretty easy if you're from a first world country.


Sorry, I am a yuropoor.
I guess I will be in a first world country once there, but why risk it by importing illegals?


I want the bee back.


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Who outsourced the 3fu hotline to KanoKari? I demand answers!


I am sorry. I couldn't declare their offer.


What did we get in return?


damn i can't believe this place is still alive


But are you alive?


Such is the existence of a board that lies behind a now-forgotten Goddess. Not quite alive, but not quite dead either.


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Tomboy on front page


>not even that good selection of tomboys


Who are you quoting?


The content of the video of course.


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Now for New Years!


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Happy new year, fufufu!


i love you too, mikan!


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One year closer to death!


Happy New Year!


Another year ふふふ


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Not on my watch, anon.


D'awww, two more spawned!


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Happy Thanksgiving~ ふふふ~


Greetings fufu from a wandering and lost bernd.

Even though it was rather queer, I was hooked by the cliffhanger mystery in "Land of the Lustrous". But Erai Raws became unwelcoming to freeloaders so I stopped watching. Is there now a simple way for a technophobe to get stuff?

That is not the only series lost to me: I was foolishly hoping to find the truth about Fake Serval and why it's OK for me to root for her.
I hope they will stop making zoo animals die of unatainability. A but cruel if you ask me.


Dunno how technophobic you are, but animetosho.org indexes ddls as well as torrents/magnets. If you can't find a working ddl and don't want to torrent you could use a free cloud torrent service like seedr.cc or sonicbit.net


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Merry Christmas!


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Have a happy new year, 3fu.


Do you live in the middle of the ocean??


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Happy New Year, faggots


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Another year, another chance to die~


No, that's just when I stopped drinking and remembered to wish the fufufu hivemind a happy new year.


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(Late) Happy New Year ふふふ, remember to watch Hyouka episode 20 again~


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Cunny new year!


It's the exact same facial expression, but one image is shit while the other is good.


Happy New Year!


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Trick or treat, 3fu!


But it's the 30th.


I am a 13 year old loli now, anon, I gotta work on Mondays.


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Today, I hesitantly offer these young maidens as a celebratory sacrifice to our most esteemed fufufu. Though their ripeness is not optimal, their hearts' collective purity is nonetheless befitting.
Happy Halloween~

>13 year old loli
I smell something afoul.


>I smell something afoul.
It's the transitionary stage towards being a lolihag. By 14 you are already a fully fledged lolibaba.


Or a veteran of the Waifu Wars.


Good song.


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And a ching chong nip nong New Years to you too, fufufu


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And how did you spent the last moments of the year? I finally started playing Yakin Byoutou but ended up rewatching the anime version until midnight like I have done for many years before.


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It isn't New Years in Burgerland yet but, I'm going to drink and finish reading Keyman.


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Bit early for me, but Happy New Years, fufufu!

Cute nurses are one of God's gifts.

>And how did you spent the last moments of the year?

With the BD release of Chiaki's anime, Ariadne, and Java. Sealed interfaces and records are nice additions.
I also tried Go because I wanted to give generics a shot, but I quickly removed it after discovering that one can't specify generic interface methods, and thus ruining the fun I had planned.


Happy new year!


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I finally rewatched this after more than 12 years.


I know it's late, but Happy Halloween, fufufu!


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Merry Christmas from Japan, schmucks!


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Merry Grismas :DDDD


But it's not January 7th yet.


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It can be any date you wish if you disable NTP!


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I hope I can reconnect or I'll be in some hot water.


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Happy New Year!


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Happy New Year, fux3!
Putting aside this year being the one of CoffeeScript's comeback, any resolutions, things you're looking forward to?


I'm thinking of going to Touhou Kouroumu this year.


Neat! And surely you'll obtain souvenirs for us all.


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Put the Mikan bee back on the first page.


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Now I'm feeling too loved!


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Merry Christmas!


Sorry, fufufu, I am late.
Merry Christmas!


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明けましておめでとう! Happy New Year!


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Happy new year 3fu.


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Happy New Year, fufufu!


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