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 No.15001[View All]

215 posts and 148 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1575679705799.jpeg (3.57 MB, 2894x4093, 3B98C136-8AB6-4DA8-A8CD-E….jpeg)


normies, and the casualization of anime.


You are a part of the problem.


I totally agree with you. It should be normalfag. Normie is just the pussified version of normalfag, because some people are too scared of saying fag.
That issue aside, though, the gurofags on here are kind of obnoxious. Not only we have the rori board, but at the very least they can use the spoiler tag.
While it is not like I get sick by looking at it, it is not like I enjoy it either. Doesn't excite me and in fact it could bring a boner down.
Even among degenerates being a gurofag is worse than being a feetfag or even a scatfag, of which we too have plenty of. Well, it is really the same people.
At least 4chan X is usable enough on here that you can actually use the hide feature if you want to, but it is not something I actually have ever used even on 4chan.


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>it could bring a boner down.
I don't think doctors recommend using fufufu while sexually excited. The consequences can be quite dire.


Oh yeah, I forgot about that board. I don't really mind the guro though because I don't browse this website in public.


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>Hanako-kun is resting in peace now
>You must want to chase after him, right?


>Just leave it all to me


Year of the rat.


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Normies is superior because it is a diminutive which, when used hostilely, is far more insulting than 'fag' whose only merit is shock value that diminished long ago.


The point of "fag" is not shock value, you fucktard.


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Post more lol


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Stupid dead bitch


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Ryona King is pretty good.


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i really need to stop fapping to necro


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Dominance or affection?


Could be both.


File: 1621544402395.png (508.77 KB, 1165x1690, OkayuShop_FuckMe_Baby_Kill….png)

I'm about 90% sure that this is a real page of Kill Me Baby.


rip my lovely girl :(


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Good lord, why is this hot?


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It's the best, she really should do more loli yuri suicide stuff and I hope the other two get translated.


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The board is manila.


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