[ a / ロリ ] [ sama / bun ]

/a/ - anime/random

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File: 1576711094996.png (1.19 MB, 1280x720, 1576534995424.png)


In the distant future, breasts have gone extinct.


The test of becoming an assassin is to cut the breasts of teen girls. It is a day everybody looks back on with pride.


i'll watch it, what's it called?


File: 1576825626164.jpg (64.48 KB, 1280x720, Assassins Pride.jpg)

Assassins Pride


>breasts have gone extinct.
So it's every flat chest lovers paradise?
Where the hell is Truck-kun when you need him, his service is wanted right now.


File: 1628734877316.jpg (259.34 KB, 1920x1280, tyuytuty.jpg)

cosplay is amazing


Hi, yes, one ticket to this paradise please.

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[ a / ロリ ] [ sama / bun ]