>>37538The tsundere is a blight, even more so when we have several good tsunderes this season. The senpai isn't much better. The SFX guy really is the only interesting character.
On the other hand, this seems to be by the author of Hibike, so MC might end up with him after all.
>>37587>this seems to be by the author of HibikeOh, so THAT's why they were shilling so hard a novelette by the author of Hibike! Silly me, I hunted it down and backlogged it without questioning why they were pushing it over safer choices, like some public-domain classic.
As for your main point, I wish to refute it, but I really can't. I'm enjoying this anime, but I must concede the criticisms raised here. The tsundere at least has been upgraded to a usable mentor/rival character by recent developments, but that was at the cost of MC playing the kind of character that breaks AT fields through sheer cheerfulness and persistence. Like she were, say, Miyafuji trying to earn Perrine's respect - not the image I'd gotten of her so far.
Ditto for the sports theme not fitting the characters, although MC seems to be waking up to some sort of competitive spirit. If the message of it all is to learn to see your hobbies through other people's points of view, and to dare to become the person you need to be at each moment, then it'll all work out yet. But it does give off a feeling of not quite knowing what it wants to be. Possibly because MC doesn't know what she wants to be after all.
>>37588At the same time MC basically gives off the feeling that she is just following what her senpai wants from her, and it seems like the series doesn't actually have the self-realization that it's doing that.
But, more than that, I am wondering what the SFX guy is even doing in the club. He isn't interested at all in competing, so what does he spend his time doing? Just sitting there and chatting with the other guys? If they were doing the radio dramas he seems to be interested in, surely MC would notice and we would see it through her eyes, right? Like, if the message of it all really was to learn to see your hobbies through other people's points of view, and to dare to become the person you need to be at each moment, surely it would be most productive to also let the MC see her hobby through SFX guy's point of view and compare and contrast that to the sports anime shit of senpai and tsun. But he and his point of view on the hobby have been completely ignored ever since his own introduction. He is redelegated to being the one sensible character.
>>37606>I'm going to stop being a NEET.SOMEONE STOP HER
I really like the way this series is adapted. It's certainly going better than I expected.
>>37608I am sure somebody will save her from that frightening fate.
>>37631I want dragon loli.
Gaku ;_;
>>37635Great episode, but man, fucking women.
Love the Engrish phrases too. Very charming!
>>37643It's absolutely wonderful how straightforward it is, and Red is just dense enough for it to be funny but not frustrating.
>>37453whats the anime anon?
>>37657As it turns out, a cat is indeed fine too.
>>37660I am pretty sure that if our guy ever gets a human form, the leaf-licker will immediately demand he turns back to a cat.
>>37676Satelight focusing their limited time and budget on what matters, and God bless them for it.
Orb was such a disappointment. Even though the first episode was edge and silly, it picked up fast after that, become one of my weekly highlights. The 3rd and 4rd arcs were such garbage. I guess I should have sticked with my initial impressions. The OP is amazing, though. First ED is very good too.
>>37712You didn't find the last arc to be a bit dull?
>>37713Nope, Flower Hat by herself was already great. I am kinda miffed that it stopped right where it stopped, but I guess they wouldn't have anything better as a stopping point any time soon anyway.
The Arafo guy has been way more dull though. I blame the lack of the innkeeper girl.
>>37712The red girl looks cute!
>>37714But where was Ayla!
>>37727Red's wife's hat should be bigger.
File: 1743367679942.png (Spoiler Image, 1.27 MB, 1280x720, [SubsPlease] Sentai Red Is….png)

>>37742That being said, they really laid it thick with the sequel hooks, didn't they? I really should check the manga… mostly to see how brazen they get with the RedxChaika relationship.
My hero!
The best thing about this anime is the central cast: they're a likable and amusing bunch. Lowji especially grew on me.
>>37743You weren't kidding about the sequel-baiting, my Lord.
c p n e w2025
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