>>36966That really was tons of gaslighting from her, the entire episode. Hopefully Jogoro has learned not to stick it in the crazy.
Also, most likely when it gets to court, they will throw out the case against the girls based on the text message that the psychopath sent. They won't be able to prove that it was her all along, but they won't be able to prove that it wasn't her either.
>>36968>That really was tons of gaslighting from her, the entire episode.And to think when this season started, I was under the impression they weren't abnormal enough to justify the show's title and aspiration.
>they will throw out the caseNever underestimate Osanai.
>>36972>Never underestimate Osanai.I shudder to think what will happen to the judge.
>>36977While I am at it: wish she had more screentime.
>>36977>"racism is the big bad" animePerpetually waiting for the "race realism" anime in the mold of "C".
>>36972>And to think when this season started, I was under the impression they weren't abnormal enough to justify the show's title and aspiration.This. You've spared me a post I didn't know how to put together. This was our flaw, we thought this show was about a couple of nerds that played detective, when in fact it really was about two damaged people who exerted a completely destructive influence on each other. In retrospect, it's not surprising at all that speculating about cocoa naturally evolved into playing deadly games with drug traffic bands.
And now the vigilante, the middle-class Rorschach, is teaming up with the wannabe investigative journalist who's watched All the President's Men one or two times too many, neither knowing that one of them is after the other.
>>36980Meh, I wouldn't call either of them damaged at all. The narrative seemed to state that there wasn't any influence happening either, she was just using our guy to escape her old infamy. I guess the idea was that Jogoro himself was also pretty much just indifferent about it? I can't quite tell what conclusions am I supposed to draw and what is just me extrapolating too much from something that isn't thought out that much.
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>>36985This really was the best new anime this season. I wonder if I should check the source material. It just wouldn't be the same without Misao.
Unfortunately I am employed again. Bright side is I don't have to watch weekly. But /blog.
>Tensei no Sakuna-hime
>Nige Jouzu no Wakagimi
>Suufunkan no Yell wo
>Yamato yo Towa no: Rebel 3199
>Rising Impact
Look interesting. Hopefully at least one or two are good.
>>36987My condolences. Not the worst time to start at least since Fall looks weak from a cursory glance.
>>36986>I wonder if I should check the source materialI think you should. I found it rather solid as a romcom even beside the harem gimmick (but the gimmick is still its main selling point).
>It just wouldn't be the same without Misao.What do you mean, without her? You don't read manga in your favorite VA's voices in your head? Why?
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>>369973fu pls let me post
I loved this part.
Next episode looks to be a good one.
>>36955>Sugita even took the crown from her in being untrustworthy-looking.Turns out you can judge a book by its cover!
>>37018Thanks, that was indeed pretty much it.
Bonus round: one frame earlier
>>37030I was so shocked that this was the end of the anime. In the middle of an arc. There seems to be no plan for a second cour. Fucking hell. That said, it is kinda of a boring anime, so not such a big lost.
>>37037>That said, it is kinda of a boring animeThis is true, but when it cranks shit to 11, it's very enjoyable.
>>37043I hated the 11th episode, so at this point I'm kinda disappointed by it. But on the other hand that thing is hella cute so it's all fine.
I wasn't quite fair to this anime. While
>>36978 is still the high point of the series, they obviously saved enough budget for the last episode to make it a proper spectacle too. Very chuuni, I approve.
>>37037Long story short, "fuck you, go read the manga". Fine, I will do so.
It was enjoyable throughout for me, and certainly used its own setting more than practically any other such series.