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After the second episode it finally looks like it will be entertaining.


OP of the season.


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Yeah, now we're talking. Gotta love them glowing eyes.


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After two episodes I still can't tell if the elves are speaking some made-up language or not. In either case the acting they're delivering like that is pretty weak.


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Yeah, this made-up language is becoming annoying. Hopefully the characters learn it soon, so that the series stops feeling forced to use it, and instead just use Japanese.

Also, villain's fucking cute.


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Is it weird to complain about magical powers when it is a story about people being send in a different dimension? At least the Drifters so far haven't shown any signs of magic, only of being overpowered compared to normal people. There seems to be a lot of going on, which is good. The Ends versus the Octobrists and their Drifters; the main characters doing whatever they want - conquering; the natives and their own systems and struggles, plus how they are being effected by the outsiders. The bad thing is that it has been three episodes and I still don't feel like the meat of the story has started. It is only one cour so they better get around it.


I feel like they're spending too much time on the combat and violence compared to the story and worldbuilding, but when I think back to Hellsing that's what most of the OVAs were focused on too. I figure just watch it for the crazy grins and stylish single glowing eyes; the plot is just an afterthought to Kouta's war boner.


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True, true. At least the faces are awesome.


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Uniting the fantasy land.


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this show is pretty cool.


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Three and a half episodes was too much, but at least it's finally over.


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Well, there's the worldbuilding we were waiting on. I wonder what'll happen with plane dude though. They'll have to either find some way to repair and restock his plane or he'll end up riding dragons or something.

Funnily enough, it seemed like the actors were actually getting used to the fantasy language and did a much better job of emoting with it this episode. But it's certainly better off this way.


> They'll have to either find some way to repair and restock his plane or he'll end up riding dragons or something.



>I want to do unspeakable things to this magician
Like… holding hands?

But yeah, the VAs indeed got more fluent with the made-up language.


The only question I have is, are they commies?


What, you can't rape Tittienu if she's Comrade Tittienu?


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The new episode felt very satisfying.


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Usually I hate it when shows go from brutal violence to deformed characters and humor within seconds, but I don't mind it too much here. Helps that I quite like the characters I guess.


The dynamic of the Ends having such overpowered abilities just feels off. If Hellsing was monsters vs monsters, this is human monsters vs humans turned into monsters. The thing that it ruins the most is that it runs the grand battles into one on one shounen matches.


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Took long enough for this episode to come out. This is the worst Joan ever.

I was wondering about the good music for this show, and it turns out it is indeed the same composer as Hellsing TV. Shame he's barely worked on anything else.


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I feel like the bit with Nobunaga taking on the cavalry could have been cool as fuck, was pretty let down when it was just a few guys getting shot before we got back to the shounen shit. At least the way they used the walls was pretty cool, though that was just a few seconds of cool in a mostly anticlimatic episode.


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I hope after this second introduction of the Ends the story is going to focus more on bigger scale battles and characters. I really don't see the point of the Ends having magic. It just handicaps the Drifters and not in a way that can be responded to strategically in some meaningful way. It is just throwing boss mobs in the middle of battle fields.
Also I don't understand how Abe no Seimei decided to create an organization named The Octobrists. Then again Hitler seems to have been around half a century ago, so maybe Lenin or something was somewhere around too. The Octobrists seem to work within the kingdom, which would put a commie and a natsoc close to each other so I have my doubts how that would have worked out. Maybe Lenin was called before Hitler, did an Octobrist revolution, then Hitler came around and did his own NatSoc revolution. And then later after Hitler died at some point Abe no Seimei came and heard the legends of the Octobrists and decided to use that name to inspire people in some way.
Or alternatively the name was picked just because.


You're thinking much too hard about a story written by Kouta "Warboner" Hirano.


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Oh boy. The first arc is about taking over from inside the remains of pseudo NatSocs remains and the last arc will be about taking the heads of pseudo commies.


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For the first time in a few weeks they released the new episode on time.


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This anime was about Boobienu's spells finding simply evil uses. The rest was okay, but Boobienu being subjected to such horrors was over the line. I mean, using Stone Wall to create a closed space as to maximize the effect of the explosions? Evil. Pure evil.

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