I hope revive-chan gets more screen time.
>>15466She is the main heroine after all.
I don't know yet if I like this show, after watching the first two episodes.
It was really fucking good for the first 11 minutes or so of episode 1. The premise is strong and the characters are interesting, and the style is handled well.
But then the plot took off WAY to quickly. That totally killed the atmosphere. The Stands were stupid (I would have preferred if Orders just functioned like normal powers without this Jojo ripoff bullshit) and the scene composition went to shit for some reason (weird cuts, action out of frame, etc.). It didn't help that MC turned from a reasonable, intelligent person into a madman as soon as shit hit the fan. I think that maybe episode 1 should have been 2 separate episodes.
Episode 2 progressed more logically and the reveal made me feel a lot better about how jarring the tone switch was. But now the one guy is pretending to be loyal and there's apparently all sorts of shit going on.
If they can at least keep it consistent and logical from here on, I'll have no problem continuing this. But if it takes a few more steps in the wrong direction it's over.
Episode 4 was pretty dumb but for some reason I'm still enjoying this a lot.
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Okay, time to drop this piece of shit.
And wait till the BD's come out
>>15616You can also read the manga. The anime is 10 episodes long so they are changing things and rushing it. Not that it makes any more sense in the manga.
>>15667You are probably not paying attention if you think this wasn't full on retarded.
>>15668Compared to the other episodes I don't think it was full retard. The plot was pretty straightforward and it was a logical progression with them overcoming challenges, coming closer and obtaining new powers from their experiences. Watching the other episodes I'm pretty much constantly baffled by something a character does or some retarded plot twist, I only felt like that a couple of times this episode.
I mean, it's still not great writing, but I found it to be somewhat of an improvement. Half retard perhaps.
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I just got around to episode 8. This scene was great.
Episode 9 is another instance of BUY THE BDs.
>>15793But the villain is retarded.
>>15794How? He's come up with a system where every person can have the world they desire, with no repercussions or adverse effects. And the protag rejects it because he thinks it's too easy.
>>15797Actually they can't. Someone extremely similar to them will.
>>15798That'd be if you assume the wish creates a new universe that the wisher isn't part of, rather than the wisher's universe becoming their own, while everyone else is left behind.
>>15799That is exactly what his father said happens and this is exactly why the MC denied it. Did you miss the whole "That won't be me!" and "But it is you down your memories!"?
I love how the Eiji's main argument against his dad's plan was that 'happiness is something that must be worked for' or whatever then just uses his power to grant his wish anyway.
>>15802I dunno anon, no matter how many episodes you threw at this it wouldn't change the fact that the guy who writes this shit is an utterly talentless hack.
Still though, I enjoyed this far more than I should have at points.
It was entertaining although the ending and some parts were terrible.